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About Mooneymuscle56m

  • Birthday 07/14/1982

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  1. Call Greg at Troutdale, he did mine. Never any complaints about Advanced Aircraft Services, MSC.
  2. I did the 310STC on my Acclaim. Honestly it’s incredible at 280hp. It burns more gas and doesn’t give you anything at cruise. I have had the plane into 1800’ one time and glad I had the extra power. I wouldn’t spend the money again. I don’t have the second tach and thanks to a savvy IA I have 2700RPM loaded. Andrew
  3. That’s exactly how mine was setup originally. But lost the TIT in the Ovation software. My current guy was able to change the parameters in the Acclaim software to give me 2700RPM. Andrew
  4. Jose sold to Kellen. I have been on Jose’s list for about a year and the price was $3k. Jose tells me the STC was sold to Kellen Kester. Last conversation with Kellen is the STC is now $5k and is waiting for FAA to process the paperwork. Andrew
  5. It went up to $5k. I’m on the list, still waiting. Not Maxwell either.
  6. I have a 2007 Acclaim that is on its third set of cylinders in 1600 hours. I purchased at 1020 hours and had the last top at 865 hours. I am still looking good, burns a qtr every 7-8 hours and lowest compression is 68. I will do one more top before Lycon gets it.
  7. 8S2 Cashmere Dryden 1,800x50’ has a decent slope, land west, leave east. M20TN It will never happen again.
  8. I’m sure if it had the wastegate and the intercooler he’d be bragging about those mods. I have flown a GB 231 and I’ll say this, what a piece of crap, it’s either hot or cold, it was never happy. Then it blew up on my buddy with his family on board over Ely, NV in December. He got it on the ground thankful. He hung a factory reman LB with the intercooler and wow what a difference. Thing is a nice machine now. Aircraft brokers are one step above realtors. Usually didn’t drive a city bus in a previous career.
  9. You’ll be fine, one thing I noticed with my E model that you’d start to round out for the flare and the horn would come on way earlier, like someone else said, add some speed. The Acclaim, has a weak useful load, but flys faster with a heavy tail.
  10. A M20J is bulletproof, good for rentals and training.
  11. M20K 252, but get some turbo training and enjoy.
  12. You are absolutely correct. I consider myself a fairly handy guy, but have no formal aviation maintenance training, I usually look for obvious things. I will be adding a turbo wiggle to my checklist when the cowl is removed.
  13. I am very fortunate to have access to a good shop. My TIT runs in the 1550 ballpark in cruise. I usually do 4-6 hour legs with stock fuel tanks. Also never has any abnormal oil consumption.
  14. I have a CO2 monitor, it has never given an elevated reading.
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