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Everything posted by PMcClure

  1. I expected some challenge. My statement is based on review of the market. Almost every ovation with more than 1000 hrs had a recent top. This is not personal experience but my comment was supported by two shops. I bought mine with 1100 hours and plan a top overhaul soon.
  2. Make sure the rigging is correct - but....if you wait too long, it is difficult to close at higher speeds. I don't remember the exact speed, but if I didn't have it secure by the end of the runway, it was almost impossible. Done at the right time, it should swing down and secure without much force or thought.
  3. I can't help you on the rocket, but here is a repeat post on my O2. I have had my Ovation for about 6 months. I haven't had it above 12,000' because I don't have much need on the east coast. Below is a link for good write up on the 280hp Ovation 2. (Just happens to be mine!!). This was before the 3 blade prop was added. http://www.mooneypil...uation/M20R.htm The service ceiling on the Ovation is 20,000 ft. I can't give you a personal account on the performance at 20,000ft but have heard from several pilots that the Ovation performs well all the way up to the service ceiling. As for climb, I am really impressed on the climb rate all the way up to 12,000. I stepped out of a Turbo Bonanza because i was tired of the excess maintenance and fuel to run the thing when I rarely run above 12,000 anyway. That was the 520UB motor which is not nearly as good as the 550G. The TBO on the 550 is 2,000 hours with an expected top half way. I don't know the TBO on the turbo models, but on the Bonanza it was only 1600 hours with cylinders every 400 hours. For what it is worth, the link I gave you is almost exactly the real world performance of N1051K (2002 Ovation 2) with the exception of climb and take off which is much improved with the 3 blade prop. I plan on $45/hour for engine replacement and major maintenance plus fuel for operating costs. At 16 gph at $5.50/gallon = $133/hour fuel and maintenance. At 180knots, its less than $0.75/nm. My Bonanza B36TC was $200 hour with fuel and maintenance with just a little less speed. I regularly see 187KTAS and 15-16gph. I don't mean to discourage you from a turbo model. I can see a reason to have one. But I think the Ovation is as good as it can get for a normally aspirated engine. The performance is at least as good as many Turbo models.
  4. For what it is worth, the link I gave you is almost exactly the real world performance of N1051K (2002 Ovation 2) with the exception of climb and take off which is much improved with the 3 blade prop. I plan on $45/hour for engine replacement and major maintenance plus fuel for operating costs. At 16 gph at $5.50/gallon = $133/hour fuel and maintenance. At 180knots, its less than $0.75/nm. My Bonanza B36TC was $200 hour with fuel and maintenance with just a little less speed. I don't mean to discourage you from a turbo model. I can see a reason to have one. But I think the Ovation is as good as it can get for a normally aspirated engine. The performance is at least as good as many Turbo models.
  5. I have had my Ovation for about 6 months. I haven't had it above 12,000 because I don't have much need on the east coast. Below is a link for good write up on the 280hp Ovation 2. (Just happens to be mine!!). This was before the 3 blade prop was added. http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/M20R%20Evaluation/M20R.htm The service ceiling on the Ovation is 20,000 ft. I can't give you a personal account on the performance at 20,000ft but have heard from several pilots that the Ovation performs well all the way up to the service ceiling. Mine doesn't have TKS. For an Alabama boy, that usually means flying 2-4,000' AGL and below the icing level when (rarely) it is a threat. I understand that is not an option for you. As for climb, I am really impressed on the climb rate all the way up to 12,000. I stepped out of a Turbo Bonanza because i was tired of the excess maintenance and fuel to run the thing when I rarely run above 12,000 anyway. That was the 520UB motor which is not nearly as good as the 550G. PS - the TBO on the 550 is 2,000 hours with an expected top half way. I don't know the TBO on the turbo models, but on the Bonanza it was only 1600 hours with cylinders every 400 hours. Good luck!
  6. Where are you located - maybe someone can let you climb in and try it on. Heck, if your close, it could be another good reason to go flying! We had a 4" matching cushion made up for our F-Model. I am 6-2" and my partner was 5'7". We all wound up using it at various times.
  7. Congratulations - the F model is a solid plane and 7753M looks like an excellent example!
  8. Our F model did have a gear alarm when the MP is below 13" and the gear is not down. My partner said he heard it and it registered as the stall warning. It was his 7th and last approach on an IFR practice day. TT of 700 hours with no issue then......
  9. Our partner did the same thing in our F model. He said the float was so long and the flare just kept going. He went around and after landing found he had ground off a the tips of the antennas and a couple of other pieces. Unfortunately, we also just nicked the prop, the tips were bent just a bit (but enough to require the full inspection).
  10. Kplr and Keet in Alabama usually have the best rates in Alabama but that may be too far north.
  11. How about a GDL 39 and Ipad. About $1500 and useful for weather, traffic, charts, etc... I don't have one (I have the active TCAS) but if I didn't have one, this is where I would go first.
  12. No prop damage, no fire; no fuel???
  13. While I have dreamed about ground operations and take off, I don't recall any landings (regular or otherwise)!
  14. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20R-OVATION2-GX/2005-MOONEY-M20R-OVATION2-GX/1267263.htm
  15. I guess we all have this disease to some degree. Seriously, for the last week, every dream has been a of a recent flight. All IFR and just about as it happened, with details. Always alone though, even though I had some of my favorite pax with me. I save the dreams with the hot wife for other situations that don't require as much concentration!!
  16. whenever I sleep I dream of flying 1051K and relive all my past flights.
  17. We went for the sling shot maneuver around the southwest side of a low. Settings was 75% power 22" 2400 100 ROP 16gph. I would have loved to go higher for another 30 knots but had my baby girl on board. But I'll take 254 knots any day!
  18. 254knots at 9,000' level today south of Atlanta. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N1051K
  19. There are so many towers which are not needed. But some that are. ORL is just an example. It has been on and off the list and at last check, it was undetermined. I am not advocating for ORL, but just saying that closing a tower like ORL is not the same as closing a tower at Tuscaloosa, AL. And closing some towers like ORL will not only affect GA but the busy airports around. a few near misses with GA and what happens to ORL and traffic at MCO??? I am all for government spending cuts, but some towers are useful. Landing fee's are a terrible idea.
  20. I think some of the closures make perfect sense. All of the ones in Alabama aren't needed anyway. But some others I fly to like Orlando Executive are dumbfounding. Look at the airspace in Orlando and it is insane to have flights coming into ORL with out a control tower. It is right under the approach path to MCO. I think the impact will be on air carriers as there will certainly be issues in and around this air space. I see the same thing around Miami. These are congested air spaces and the coordination of the towers can save lives. I also wonder how much support will be cut from center and approach controllers. These are valuable services for everyone flying cross country flights.
  21. Partnerships can be great. My approach is to keep it simple. If you can afford the plane on your own, then the partnership should be simple to manage. Where I see trouble is if someone cannot carry the weight and the other partners can't either. I had a F model in partnership and we flew it about 300-400 hours per year. Never had a scheduling problem that we couldn't work out. We split fixed expenses evenly and each partner had to put these in an operating account. We also put in $20 per hour for maintenance and the engine replacement. Mostly, the program was self funded and there was rarely assessments outside of these payments. We handled people needing to leave, selling shares etc... on a case by case basis. No written agreements and no problems. But again, the key for me was that the partnership was a convenience, not a necessity. This takes a lot of pressure off.
  22. I had the same question. For the localizer, it was a VFR day. I had visual references, the localizer, the G530 and the G430 all showing my exact position on the localizer. But my little ship on the Ipad was way east of the localizer. So I am certain the Ipad was in error. The other was in hard IFR and I was cross checking the 530 to the geo referenced charts. The chart showed me just past the IAF but the 530 showed 1:xx till next. But 100's of other times, it has been dead on. I still use my Ipad as it is a great tool, but I have stopped relying on it for exact location.
  23. On the question of accuracy, I have observed on 2 occasions now where the GPS location shown on my Ipad, using Garmin Pilot App and an external Bluetooth GPS has been inaccurate. in one case, it showed me 3 nmiles east of a localizer when the on board GPS and CDI showed me on path. Another, the Ipad showed me at the IAF while the on board showed me 1 minute to the IAF. Different airports, different data cycles. Since then, I rely a lot less on the Ipad location. Neither case would have killed me because of the terrain but i don't trust the apps as much as before. I called Garmin and made a report. They were quite interested but offered no resolution.
  24. My 2002 Ovation has them. Evidently someone still thought they were necessary on the modern models which never had Loran?? Are you sure getting rid of them is wise? Just a question......
  25. Noticed the 1st PP was deleted from my post. I had a nice B36TC before the decision to by my current Mooney Ovation 2. The cost of ownership was higher on the B26TC but it was more comfortable and more substantial feeling. Also, it had a rear passenger door and 6 seats. But even my lightweight family of 5 would push the limit on the B36TC. As my family was growing, we were outgrowing the plane. Moving up got complicated (See comments about Pilatus and TBM), so I decided on the Mooney. $250-$300k buys a really nice, late model Mooney compared to an older B36TC. In either one, I can't really take my family together, so faster and cheaper (Mooney) wins. I find the operating costs of the Mooney slightly less than hte B36. I save about 10% on fuel at 5% more speed, but maintenance seems like it is going to be less on the Mooney too. The difference is not enough to matter, though. If the B36 could carry what and go where I want, I would probably move back. I have searched around and insurance on turbines or twins is very high for me. I follow the rule that insurance underwriters are smarter than me and if a policy is prohibitively expensive, I am at risk.
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