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Everything posted by PMcClure

  1. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you. PS - I did find the original stowed away in the seat back pocket behind the pilot seat. I wonder how it got there!??
  2. Well, I took off the inspection panels but didn't see any water. I am going to head back down to the shop next week just to have them check it out again. Thanks again for the help. I'll let you know if we find anything.
  3. There is a question about water in the static system in AOPA magazine today (Quiz section). Sounds exactly like what I am experiencing, but they mention in a climb. PS - the Pitot/Static check was done at the same time as the Altimeter and AI.
  4. Thank you for all the info. I will check the plumbing this weekend then head back to the shop if needed. Some more comments: I just picked the plane up about 2 weeks ago from the Altimeter checks. Also an AI replaced. In the past three weeks, I have had several (maybe 3-4 in 25 hours XC) reminders of altitude from ATC, even though I was dead on. Finally, I checked the pressure altitude by setting the Altimeter to 29.92 and comparing to the transponder. They matched but not sure where the transponder gets it's altitude info. Also cross checked TAS with Garmin calculations and they are within 1-2 knots in level flight. A/P is a KFC 225. The problem is only noticed on descent. Other than that, I cannot detect any problems.
  5. I learned to fly in a DA40 (along with an old C172). It was very enjoyable to fly and a very fine airplane. But, it was not so great of a cross country plane. I found it slow and the big canopy let in a lot of sun shine and glare. My Ovation is an excellent cross country flyer and I still have fun flying around locally. But I would say it is at home on long and far flights. Sight seeing from 2000' is exactly the best mission for my Ovation. But hey, give me a sunny day and some Avgas, you won't hear me complain. I also had a Bo which was a great XC plane and hauler. Easier to load than a Mooney but used a lot more gas and more expensive to maintain. I sold it and came back to a Mooney, so that should tell you what I think.
  6. Air speed was normal. Difference between alt and regular static air was initially very great then settled out to 200' to 400'. Only on descent makes it seem like it is moving with gravity.
  7. Found the drains this morning and tried to drain the system Thank you!. But, there was no water. The problem started on descent yesterday after a 3.5 hour flight. The VSI and Altimeter were jumpy (200-400 feet) and the A/P was oscillating pitch. I switched to Alternate Static source and the Altimeter read 200ft lower and the VSI about -200 fpm more (after a big jump). The A/P continued to pitch. I turned off the A/P and flew the approach no problem. Left VFR this morning and system worked well. But then again in descent after 3.5 hours, the same issue. Sure seems like water or some obstruction. Any thoughts?
  8. Glad I know exactly where the pouts will be and when. Does that really make him safer?
  9. Where are the drains in an ovation? In New York today leaving this afternoon.
  10. Thank you. I think that is it!
  11. The little button cover that goes on the pilot mic button is missing on the pilot side. After a long flight, it gets uncomfortable pushing the mic. Anyone know where I can get a replacement?
  12. I know, but the 301 didn't look like it would cost 2 million!
  13. Hey, where can I buy one of those 301's? That looks nice!!
  14. Good advice above. take your time and get good experience in imc with your instructor. If I have to be somewhere I book a refundable flight on Southwest Airlines. You can cancel up to departure time without fees. This takes pressure of my launch decision. I can usually make a decision 12 to 24 hours in advance. But I have canceled sw from the hanger too! Bottom line for me is that no meeting or trip is more important than my life.
  15. 2500 rpm for my O2.
  16. Just got back from Disney's Planes with my kids. I went into it and expected the worst. The story was very predictable and the characters were not nearly as developed as they could have been. I lost count of the number of FAR's violated but really enjoyed the movie. I especially liked the flying scenes and aviation theme and the scenery around the world. My favorite scene is when Dusty is flying into NYC airspace. ATC gives him a SID and vectors rapid fire. The farm boy obviously never has talked to ATC and just heads for the runway, almost getting run over by a commercial jet! Classic!! I would recommend it to all pilots. Just don't expect too much and it will be fun. I looked as closely as I could and didn't see one Mooney. That was the biggest disappointment.
  17. I agree that I enter the pattern at 17" and carry some power to just above the pavement in wind and 85knots will use more runway than 75kts on final.
  18. For me, the recipe is: abeam the numbers, gear down, 13"mp, 1st flaps, 500 fpm decent, full flaps on base, reduce throttle to maintain 13", turn to final, pitch for 85 knots, throttle to meet glideslope (usually no adjustment). Kill throttle over the fence and head for the numbers, shooting for 75knots at the threshold. Works for me most of the time (my field is 500' above sea level). The Mooney is far cleaner than the 172 so you need to make sure you have your speeds right. I shoot for 120 on downwind, 100 in base and 85 on final.
  19. I have the same issue. It showed up after an oil change. After tweaking the baffles, it reduced, but still a problem. Switched probes and confirmed the CHT was actually hot, a pixie showed up and added the hole which lowered the CHT 20F but still at limits. Borescope shows no problem, compressions are normal. With Pixie hole, 50LOP 75% at cruise puts me right at 385 on #5 CHT. 50 ROP puts me at 395-397. I have had the cowling off a few times since I first noticed it. This seems to have the most affect on CHT. For example, after coming back from the aviation shop, where the cowling was removed. The CHT was magically 10F cooler than the day I flew in (and it was a hotter day leaving). Now, for the life of me, I can't find any difference in how the baffles are seated but it is obvious that very small differences in the baffles causes a significant impact on CHT.
  20. Been there on my f headed toward rising terrain. I checked the friction lock thereafter and manually held the throttle in and confirmed mp pressure. Glad you are safe!
  21. All that does is to identify high profile targets to the nearest mile. And the FAA sends me an email every day and tells me where the VIPS are going to be and when. All in the name of safety. Totally stupid!
  22. Why do we need tfr's anyway? Stupid exercise in my opinion. Regardless of who the president is.
  23. Fast talking NYC controllers - my flight instructor gave me some good advice on my first trip to the area. At the time I was flying 62TC. When the controller was hitting me rapid fire, I came back with a six-Taaaango-Chaaaaarlie in my strongest southern drawl and as slow as possible. I could almost hear him sigh as he gave me the instructions again but a bit slower. On that same trip I talked to Boston controllers the same way. They had a good laugh.
  24. Another option - I did the written with a weekend crash course. That was a lot of water to drink in 3 days but I passed the test. With the written out of the way, I hired an instructor to travel with me as I went over the next 6-9 months. This way, I got real world experience, and got to use my plane for travel. When it came time for a check ride, it was a breeze!
  25. Chris, I think our point is that you are ignoring the PILOT risk. For real world information, a new pilot with no time in type without a IR will be 2-4 times the cost of a pilot with 500 hours and an IR rating in the same plane with the same hull value. Hull value is linear, according to my insurance guy. a $90k mooney would cost half as much as a $180k mooney when comparing the hull value portions. But the pilot experience in type and IR rating mean a lot. Another example, I just got more life insurance. As a 500 hour plus IR pilot, the aviation risk was barely a factor in the cost. But as a 100 hr VFR pilot in the very same plane, I was uninsurable for many companies and 2-3x higher on others. That said, if it were me, I would take the time in my M20F club plane, purchase the plane you want and get my IR in that plane with a lot of dual time. Just don't discount the low time, hot airplane risk. That is all I am trying to say.
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