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Everything posted by PMcClure

  1. I would opt to turn off the mags last in hopes that it was something else!
  2. I checked into the Pilatus and TBM850. Both are incredible A/C with the Pilatus certainly being a more capable and much more expensive plane. When I really analyzed the cost of ownership, the TBM would run about $750 an hour, which is not bad for 330-350kts. Where turbine ownership started breaking down was the complexity of owner flying. For the TBM, I needed a year and 250 hours with a mentor pilot to even consider being insured. Then regular recurrent training, etc... Just didn't sound like what I wanted. So I settled with the Mooney. 90% of my missions are 1-2 people and less than 1000 miles. So the Mooney is great. For longer or more seats, I take commercial and am also working on some charter options. For the few times I need 5 seats and 1000 miles, I can find better options than buying my own $2-4 million A/C. Still, I keep feeling if I had a 5th/6th seat, I would use it more. I am toying with the idea of finding a nice 36 in area and trading some time in the Mooney. Good luck!!
  3. I always asked myself why when I saw Turbos went for less. Faster and higher shouldn't be cheaper! But after owning a B36, I understand. The few people who need or understand the use of a turbo need one. But most everyone else just used more gas and buys more cylinders and parts. I have been watching the Ovation 2 and 3 prices for about a year now and find that they are holding steady. There was one 2005 on the market for about $50k less but when I called, there was a prop strike, missing entries on the repair and a pilot out of medical for Alzheimer's so he couldn't remember any of the details of the repair (sad story). I bought by O2 for 40k under Vref in 2012 and see the others that were on the market at or near Vref are still there some 4 months later and some have cut the price. There are a lot of headwinds for plane values, I don't expect to make much financial return on my direct investment. But the ability to stop in on a customer at a drop of a hat, have dinner with my Mom and still kiss the kids good night is worth every penny!
  4. In the r model, the pitch up effects of removing flaps is more dramatic than in my f model. I am pretty sure the Ovation POH says to establish positive climb rate AND correct trim before removing flaps. In IFR this could be a very serious issue. As for after landing, I don't touch a thing until after calling clear of runway.
  5. I wonder if you changed your flap settings? In my ovation2; if I remove flaps on the go around before trimming down it it very difficult and scary to hold the nose down in a normal attitude.
  6. I don't offer advice - just pointing out the facts. DA is lower and winds usually lighter in the morning and evening vs the afternoon. if I was thinking about doing this, I would be as light as possible and go as early as possible.
  7. WAR EAGLE!!! @ Hank. Jamie - what's our BBQ place in HSV?
  8. You got some good advice here. Not sure what time of year you are talking but consider arriving/departing early or late as cooler temps keep DA down and also usually the winds are lighter, too. Fly the numbers, don't let the usual visual cues of fool you. Ground speed will be faster at the same indicated airspeed.
  9. 222 kts in 2002 O2 at 9,000'
  10. Sorry - I never used the KFC 200 so I can't compare. One advantage of the G1000 would be the GFC700. Personally, I find the KFC225 with 530/430W as capable as the G1000/GFC700 on approach. But I understand the reliability of the GFC700 hardware is better.
  11. One more comment, mine has the KFC 225 A/P. This thing is incredible. I prefer it over the Stec 55 or the 150. Coupled with the 530/430W, it will do anything you can imagine.
  12. Hey Jeff, I stepped out of a B36TC into an Ovation 2 after owning a M20F. I loved the B36TC and have a family of 5. But the extra maintenance cost, fuel costs, etc...of the BT36TC could not be justified. in 2 years, we had 5 seats full exactly 2 times. I searched the Ovation 2 and 3 and decided on the 2002 O2 with a 530/430 WAAS. For me, the G1000 is a great system, but all the available examples were $50-100K more than the 2002 O2. Also, having about 50 hours in a G1000 system (172SP and DA40), I found that as nice as it is, there is always something going on and in both examples, the G1000 was the number one reason for not dispatching. The 530/430W gives me incredible capability and reliability and I have not found anything lacking over the G1000. I am still learning the O2 but am regularly getting 180-190kts at 17gph at 8-12,000'. I have not gone higher yet. The B36TC was good for 180kts at 18-20gph. I will say that I do miss the comfort and more solid feel of the Bonanza and the rear entry door for passengers. I don't know your budget, but I found an O2 was the sweet spot. You may be able to find one with the 310hp engine, making it an O3. You almost get turbo performance, even up high with less fuel and maintenance.
  13. Sounds like you need to find a partner or two. I have been in 2 partnerships, one with a Mooney. The cost of flying our F model was about as cheap as it can get. Plus we had fun, never had a scheduling problem. The plane flew about 300 hours a hear with 4 partners and my total cost of ownership was less than $500 a month.
  14. David/Marauder - Can you confirm your installation costs for the Aspen and who did it? This is probably my next move for my Ovation.
  15. Mike, I hope you enjoy your new Mooney. The F model is a great little plane and was my first too. You can get some good advice here, so you are starting in a good place. In my experience with the Johnson Bar, if I didn't have the gear up (bar down) before I was at 90mph, it was almost impossible to get the bar down. If your problem was just getting the bar the last few inches to the floor and your speed was already above 90mph and the bar traveled smoothly back up (gear down) then I would assume that the speed was the problem. If you had any trouble getting the bar moving up or down (except as described above) then I wouldn't fly again until you have it checked out. You said the ferry pilot had the same trouble, ask him too what speed he was attempting to put the bar down. That said, it is only my opinion, not any expert advice. One more suggestion from me is to find a CFI who is familiar with a Mooney. I can forgive the guy if he has never seen a Johnson bar (but it does make me wonder how much experience he has. A good CFI with Mooney experience will save you a lot of headache, time and perhaps more one day. Ask around and make sure you find someone who knows these machines and can help you become an expert. Have fun, be safe!
  16. Nice flight! My wife falls asleep every flight. As soon as we are above 5000' she is out. I had her try oxygen once and she stayed awake. But she didn't like the fuss so won't try it again.
  17. My guess is speed. If I ever forgot to retract on my F model it was impossible to get it down at higher speeds.
  18. For reference, I had the same problem on my B36. We went through 4 AI's in 2 years. Three times the original was sent out for overhaul and reinstalled. Once was a new unit. I thought it may be the avionics shop but asked around and found 2 other pilots having trouble with the same units, but using different shops. Could have been the same overhaul shop, though. These units must be poorly constructed. I am having the same trouble on my Ovation. Additionally, if you disrupt the pitch, by pushing hard on the yoke, it oscillates 300-400ft before recovery. It acts exactly like the problems in the B36. I plan on a little further investigation before taking it to the shop. If it is the AI, I will probably replace it with the Aspen system. PS - some days (seams when CG is a little more forward) it is solid as a rock. Anyone have good experience (or bad) with the Aspen? I have a 530w/430 with KFC 225 A/P.
  19. Thanks! I live in Birmingham and keep the Mooney at Pell City. Let me know if you want to get together some sunny day!
  20. After getting my instrument in a M20F and flying a B36, I am back in a M ooney. N1051K, a 2002 O2. Very fond of it so far. Regularly see 185 TAS and 200's over the ground.
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