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About acdc

  • Birthday 09/22/1957

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  • Model
    M20 G

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  1. Hello Alan, I was searching on the web site and came across a request from another member that need to modify his Stec ST-109, well so do I but I need the resistor matrix for a  Mitchell 52D54 DG. Can you help me I do avionic installations on the side but this is for my aircraft, and as you know getting the drawing from Stec wont happen unless your a dealer an pay lots of AMU units.... Thanks


    1. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      I don't have the drawings , but if you throw up a request on Beechtalk , someone will have it , Regards    ( post it in panel talk)

  2. Thanks Yetti, I will send Cody my info right now.
  3. Carusoam you are absolutely correct I did not pay attention to the decals on the prop, good eye sir.
  4. I might have a Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF "B" hub With less than 300 hours since new for sale If I can't find good blades. Thinking on Top Prop STC/Mod as alternative. Man this is going to be expensive .
  5. Albatros; Is that a top prop I have been hearing about ? Have you flown it yet ? I am thinking on installing one on my aircraft after my recent experience, I believe the weight is slightly more than the OEM prop. I do not think it will drop your clearance that much, but I would check for diameter difference if any from your old one as Carusoam says.
  6. Thank you CARUSOAM, I will send a text to these gentlemen to see how my luck is doing can't get any worst. I will let you know what failed, if anything shows up after the inspection. By the way I do have the LASAR block installed for 3 years by now, beats me...
  7. Hey Guys, my 1968 G model gear collapsed on rollout in slow motion (Manual gear down-lock "J" bar came out of socket). Does anyone know where I can find a pair of nose gear doors. And yes, I am feeling pretty sick at the moment.. Thanks.
  8. Hello Bob, Yes I had them powder coated after stripping down sand blasted and hand sanded smooth. Reassembled with next size taper pin and reinforced control shaft with internal brass busing epoxied in place and assembled wet. It will take another 49 years or so for the yokes to loosen again. There is a Mooney service bulletin on the subject I just went an extra bit. I signed it off in my maintenance logs I am an A&P, IA, Avionics person. ( Now if I can quit working on the aircraft maybe I can fly more often)...
  9. Here you go Turtle as promised finished installation and how to cut. 1 Score outline with razor knife. 2 Snap on scored edge and file smooth with jewelers file. 3 Tape logo to any convenient place and pour jewelry casting epoxy sold at Hobby Lobby or similar craft outlet, let set for a couple of days. 4 install on yoke wit clear RTV sealant and gloat... Thanks Turtle great engravings.
  10. They look awesome Turtle, they will look great on the yoke. I will PM you my contact info. Great artwork.
  11. Wow that looks great ! I have a 68 G model in restoration with original paint . I powder coated the Yokes but my emblems were not salvageable,and no discernible logo on them. I could surely use a pair, please let me know what's required to obtain two if you can make them. I have been looking for these for a while now.
  12. Great looking bird Super-Cop, hook line and sinker ,that's how it was for me when I when I purchased my G model. Now if you can sleep at night without thinking about the next trip in her (Will not happen soon) you will spend your days thinking on mods and neat gadgets. Resist the temptation... fly her for a while, Congratulations on a fine purchase, now you will discover the privileges of owning a great aircraft.

  13. acdc


    Paint it red and it will look official, great idea. I like it.
  14. interested in purchasing sent you a PM also
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