As I just came out of Annual needing to fix a 400 fpm leak in my static system, I attempt to attach the Circor/Circle Seal cut sheet for the alternate static source valve on my 1975 M20C.
As previously noted, the valve does not appear in the M20C parts manual. My M20C was equipped with the blue-handled 9959B-1PP, signifying that is body is brass and its o-rings are Buna-N rated to 250 degrees F. My shop replaced the o-rings and resolved the static leak.
Marauder's photo of his red-handled valve shows that it is probably a 9532B-1PP, with Viton o-rings rated to 450 degrees F.
A green-handled valve would be a 9533B-1PP, with Neoprene o-rings rated to 300 degrees F.
My valve, which I presume to be original to the ship, is stamped with a 2000 psi rating. Seems strange that a 2000 psi rated valve would be used on an aircraft static system.
I hope this may be of value to those of us with pre-201 Mooneys; they switched to a different push-pull valve (Shaw Aero A1390) for the M20Js as described in a previous post.