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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. My poh has a service ceiling listed. See attached.
  2. Ok, that sort of makes sense. I assumed they needed my route but really, they probably just need to know the direction so they know who to coordinate with (guessing here). I do know that sometimes (not always) I'll give the above info and they'll still want to know the depature heading (which, again, makes sense because they can't be expected to know where every airport is.) I'd like to go into Orlando Executive (KORL). It's a few miles from where I'd like to be once on the ground.
  3. Anyone have any hard numbers on things like paint choice (colors, brands), number of colors, complexity, etc. and their effect on total price? I -assume- the more colors you use, and the more complex the design, the more expensive, but I'm curious if how quickly the price goes up. White + something else seems to be the overwhelming choice, but do you think a base color other than white is a negative resale item?
  4. What's the diff? I've heard of "VFR traffic advisories" but frustratingly, the recommended phraseology changes depending on who you ask. I'm following (heh) a pattern I saw recommened on (at least) pilotsofamerica.com and (iirc) an AOPA article. I'll change if "radar advisories" is more standard, of course. I very much want to NOT sound like the sunday fliers I hear enroute.
  5. My first though was "pull the breaker", but I knew when I thunk it that finding the correct breaker would be nigh impossible. I assume (hope?) shutting off the master would stop the trim motor? What is the correct procedure for that?
  6. What the hell... just Georgia? Alabama folk too intimidating with our fancy horse drawn carriages and indoor plumbing?
  7. n00b question. I'm not instrument rated yet. I get flight following when I go somewhere, and so far that has been "direct". Like: "Huntsville Clearance, Mooney 1138J, VFR direct FOO Foxtrot Oscar Oscar at 8500, request flight following." The trip to Orlando will not be direct. I'd like to insert a few waypoints to take me around and between some of the airspace along the way. What's the best way to handle this and still get flight following?
  8. Neverwet grafitti: http://boingboing.net/2013/09/20/howto-make-hydrophobic-rain-on.html
  9. My google-fu doesn't turn up much specific to this, but Edgar Allan Poe is buried in Baltimore...
  10. After seeing the price of mine, I stopped using it. And, I'm surprised to find that I'd much rather use the trim wheel anyway. $800 for a switch ('81 J) is just stupid.
  11. who?
  12. I'm waiting for my one year anniversary for this to all seem real. I bought the plane, learned to fly it and started doing the trip(s) I'd listed as the reason for buying it. And so far.... it's working as designed. My life is surreal now. It's in the "naaaa, this is too good to be true" phase. I suspect that will change once I get an annual, pay the insurance and the property tax again. Hopefully the annual will be a non-event (proving the airplane is in as good a condition as the pre-buy seemed to indicate), and I can relax, a little.
  13. That's not bad advice, actually, depending on your budget. This place comes up often in these discussions: http://schemedesigners.com/ But wow... expensive. And since I don't really need a custom job (just adapt something the shop has probably already done), I can probably get what I want with a picture. You might go at it backwards.. find a paint shop (the really hard part, apparently) and ask them if they can recommend a designer. The designer isn't nearly as critical as the people who will be disassembling, stripping and painting your plane.
  14. Just in case (and it's not in Alabama, but close enough), there's the airshow at Rome, GA: http://wingsovernorthgeorgia.com/ middle of october (a couple of weeks).
  15. Or, apparently, even fill the tank for you. Last flight, I had the right tank topped off. I noticed on the way home the right tank was idicating half full, even though I'd visually verified it was full. I'm going to try burning that tank down and see what happened. It was fine before the line boy topped it off.
  16. It's at least as intuitive as anything else about French.
  17. I haven't been diving in a while. It's entirely possible I'd need *ahem* somewhat more weight to get neutral than a decade ago.
  18. Here's my approach to calculating airplane expenses. It's fairly straightforward...
  19. I think where it would start to get interesting is if you wanted to go somewhere, take something and the math has you leaving fuel behind to do it. Then there's a much clearer relationship to every extra pound you carry and the cost. Especially if the fuel is even more expensive at the destination (like, say, a dive trip to an island off the coast).
  20. Interesting question. But I'm guessing there's not much difference based on the poh performance tables. (See attached). For example, at "Economy Cruise" (just because that's what my reader opened up to in my scans), at 8000ft, 75% power, range at 2740 lbs is 835 nm. Range at 2300lbs is 850. That's only (850 - 835) / 850 = 0.0176, or ~ 1.76% difference. That's kind of surprising, but maybe gross weight is more about CG than induced drag. Dunno.
  21. Elitist? Sure. I'll own that. No problem. If only wishing made it so. But, I think we're heading there anyway whether or not I'm thought of as "elitist". Official lies statistics still claim inflation is ~2%. Anyone actually experiencing 2% inflation? Heh. Ticket prices will have to go up. And since wages for the "common man" aren't keeping pace, they'll increasingly be priced out. This is (mostly) what our Federal Reserve wants. They -want- inflation. They're getting it. I have to do nothing but stand by and enjoy.
  22. Good. Economy class should -start- at $1000. (I only fly commercial for business, and would love to clear out the tourists.)
  23. Jamie


    Nice!! Makes me want to get my airplane painted even more. Though mine wouldn't match... The Other Color for vettes is black...
  24. Whatever model they pick, I seriously hope the funding is decoupled from the specific service provided. That is, once you're in it's all you can eat. Pay for what you use seems to be the slippery slope towards "maximizing shareholder value". ...and just because I read Snowcrash recently... "Bugsmasher 3141 Papa, thank you for using Lockheed Flight Following. You are now leaving our primary service area and are invited to contact one of our Cloud Service Partners as you continue to your destination. Please have your account number and SecureID token ready...."
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