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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. I know pretty much every aspect of buying has been covered (and covered and covered and...) but this one didn't turn up much on a quick search. Anyone have a checklist of items to look at when taking an airplane on a demo flight as part of the pre purchase inspection? I have some time in Warriors, and a few hours of Arrow time, so low wing is not entirely foreign to me, but none in moonys. From what I've read so far, it's basically: Make sure everything works. All the little gizmos work, flight controls "free and correct", plane flies "hands off", trim works, etc. But does anyone know if there's a check list somewhere? Or maybe something I should look at that's not usually considered? I obviously won't be taking it off or landing it, so I'd just have to pay attention while the owner does that. I think I'm getting close. I've found one I'm interested in enough to go look at it. And I just started the process for getting hangar space (have the hangar, waiting on the security badge).
  2. Thanks. I'll give 'em a call. Though I'm not looking forward to actually going: METAR KBDH 140255Z AUTO 27005KT 10SM SCT110 M16/M18 A3018 Brrrr. Maybe that'll keep the competition away.
  3. Anyone have any experience with Strategic Aircraft? They have a plane I'm interested in and since they're located on the field at Willmar, it seems like a no brainer to at least talk to them. http://strategicaircraft.com/
  4. I need to get a list of recommended MSCs / A&Ps together and plot 'em on a map for reference when shopping. Has anyone done that yet?
  5. M20J, as recent as I can afford. I don't much care if it has the latest and greatest GPS in it (though that would be nice). Even after I get my instrument rating I'm unlikely to actually fly in IMC. Other than that, I want what everyone wants I guess... great paint / interior, modern panel, fresh factory overhaul. In blue or red. I have a couple of mission profiles. A mooney gets me to my parents in 1:30. Orlando FL is a little over 3:00. Destin is 2:00ish, etc. Those I'd fly multiple times a year. Other than that, well.... several people on here have mentioned cool places to go east of the Rockies. I have the money saved up. Won't be financing, so I'm ready to pounce when the right plane comes along. But I'm in no particular hurry, if that makes sense. End of january, I'm going to go ahead and rent a hangar so I'll have a place to put it. I've wanted my own plane for almost 30 years. It's time. Some nights, it's hard to get to sleep just thinking about what I'll do when I have it. Anyone else ever get like that?
  6. Thanks! This is just what I was looking for. I've incorporated bits from everyone into the PPI checklist. I hadn't considered the extra 10-20%, but will add that to the budget. I'm beginning to wonder if I should start looking for a plane with an engine at or very near TBO and have it done myself right after purchase. At least I start with a known quantity. Again, y'all are great. I've been lurking here for months after the decision to go "mooney" was made. I've learned a lot just by listening. But now I'm on "final" for getting a plane. The Hunt begins. I hope to have something by next spring or thereabouts. Which means I'll probably have more n00b questions.
  7. Where I learned to fly (20 years ago), we had a picnic table out in front of the hangar, a soda machine, a loaner bicycle and an airport dog. I was in grad school and didn't have a lot of money. What little I did have was sloooooowly paying for my flying time. A lot of time was spent at the table, riding the bike and playing with the dog. I don't remember the conversations, but I remember that scene like it was yesterday.
  8. I've been doing a lot of reading to prepare for my first airplane purchase. I have all the usual stuff either figured out or in place (training, hangar, budget, etc.) One thing, more than any other, continues to bother me. What are the odds that a pre purchase inspection will miss something major? I know there will be a (probably negotiable) list of things to fix found during the pre-buy, and the conventional wisdom seems to be that more stuff will become apparent after getting the airplane home and during the first annual. But I'm talking about the Big Surprises (>10 AMU or even Huge Surprises (like, something is found which essentially loses your entire investment due to the amount required to make the plane air worthy again.) I found a web site (I forget where) that listed several buyer horror stories. The one that stands out was where the push rods had holes rusted through which had been "repaired" (hidden) using bondo and then painted over. How do you find that in a day or half a day inspection?? Yikes. I know there are less than honest people selling less than perfect aircraft. Can a competent mechanic and a reasonable pre-buy effectively detect these? -- jamie
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