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Fly By Night

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Everything posted by Fly By Night

  1. Foley, 5r4, just sold our J and the tools need a home.
  2. One set of gear rigging tools for sale $230, I ship.
  3. The fuse was located exactly as jcovington said, directly above the FO's right knee, thanks for the help!
  4. The light I am referring to is the light on the annunciator panel that indicates power is being supplied to the starter. The light should be off when the starter is disengaged during the start sequence. If the start power light is still on after the starter is released, the start must be terminated to prevent damage to the starter.
  5. I am attempting to find/replace the fuse that is in the starter power circuit. My schematic shows a 1 amp fuse, but I do not see it located near the starter solenoid. The light has never worked for me so it obviously is not a major issue, but I want to finally fix it.
  6. From my receipt, the part is . RECT ND 8 DIODE 60-80A IR/ IF 118mm OD Stator. I don't see an actual part number nor do I know where it was obtained, but it seems to me that any electrical shop worth its salt should be able to find one. By the way, I called Hartzell and told them about my experience and asked if they were interested in receiving the defective Rectifier, but they weren't very interested, so I tossed it.
  7. I just finished a troubleshoot and repair of a Plane Power AL 12-P70 alternator on our Mooney. I spent alot of time troubleshooting a whine which was coming from the alternator which was 2 1/2 years old. I removed the unit, took it to a local Alternator shop, they put it on an Oscilliscope and noted the AC waveform, ordered and replaced the rectifier which was an 8 diode unit, I installed the unit and it now works fine with no whine, total cost, 20 dollars for the rectifier and 60 dollars for the labor. It was a denso unit. A pretty abysmal MTBF in my opinion.
  8. After discovering a hole in my #1 Cylinder exhaust riser during a leak check following annual inspection activities, I am now searching for a replacement. What are the best sources for exhaust components?
  9. I'm still learning, after forty two years, military, airline, general aviation....i've still got alot to learn.
  10. I installed one on my aircraft about 5 months ago, it has cured my start problems, expensive but I am glad I did it. It was a very easy install.
  11. Interesting, no mention of ADSB, maybe I missed it.
  12. Try Boomersintheknow.com for an assortment of Bifocal readers clear and tinted. Inexpensive, various styles and expendable.
  13. +1 for Blackstone, they do a nice job. Regular oil analysis is a very good idea, cheap insurance.
  14. Garmin put out a service advisory yesterday, #1455 Rev A. You might want to check it out before you buy a card.
  15. If you like airplanes, you will love Lake Hood during the summer! The video was taken from wife and my favorite lunch spot in Anchorage.
  16. The proposed policy has been getting some coverage lately, the latest issue of the EAA magazine, Sport Aviation, covered it pretty well. The FAA is simply trying to consolidate rules at Federal funded airports to protect those of us who are actually involved in aviation and use hangars for their intended purposes.
  17. There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots.
  18. I've never heard of "breaking in" a Mag, but there is a lot I've never heard of.
  19. There are screensavers available that will take care of the glare problem. I use a mini with a ram mount on the left yoke, and an IPAD on the right yoke for the FO to follow along with the navigation and assist as required, I have both because I have gone paperless with Foreflight, fly IFR when out of the local area and like the comfort level associated with redundancy. The IPAD will shut down when it gets hot and will not maintain a charged state when plugged in to a 2.1 amp cigarette lighter charger.
  20. I consider a Hangar to be a minimum requirement of aircraft ownership.
  21. Very well put, I also drive a VW TDI and fly a LONGEZ which are efficient machines as is the M20J. I will also note that Collins description of how to execute a crosswind landing is the best I have read on the subject, spot on.
  22. I see no attempt to actually make a landing out of this approach, the one at Birmingham, no wing low, no attempt to kick it out during the flare. It looks like a low approach to check the actual conditions at the runway prior to attempting a landing for real, albeit, lower than I would go. In the BUFF, that I flew many years ago ( more than I wish to admit) this would have been a non event. I seem to recall that the xwind capability of the B-52 was on the order of 45 kts.
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