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Everything posted by Hector

  1. My J's Mooney Service Manual specifies a MIL-L-3545 (High Temperature) grease for the wheel bearings which is satisfied by the use of AeroShell 5. Aeroshell 6 on the other hand is an appropriate airframe grease in some applications. While AeroShell 22 appears to be an excellent wheel bearing grease it's not what's specified for my J. I doubt anyone would care if you used it though. Here are the specs for AS-5 directly from Shell: AeroShell Grease 5 is particularly effective for use as a wheel bearing grease, especially when landing speeds are high, and is suitable for the lubrication of aircraft and engine accessories operating at high speeds and at relatively high temperatures, e.g. magnetos, generators and starters. For the lubrication of rolling bearings which are required to start at temperatures as low as –23°C an adequate period should be allowed for the grease to channel. SPECIFICATIONS PROPERTIES MIL-G-3545C TYPICAL Oil type - Mineral Thickener type - Microgel Base oil viscosity mm²/s @ 40°C - 500 to 525 @ 100°C - 32 Useful operating temperature range °C - –23°C to +177 Drop point °C 177 min 260+ Worked penetration @ 25°C 250 to 300 284 Unworked penetration @ 25°C - 281 Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99°C 100 hrs lb/in² 10 max 6 500 hrs lb/in² 25 max 15 Oil separation @ 100°C, in 30 hrs %m 5 max 0.5 Water resistance test loss @ 41°C %m 20 max 0.5 Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 149°C %m - 1.0 Mean Hertz Load kg - 37 Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100°C Must pass Passes Bearing protection 2 days @ 51°C Must pass Passes Anti-friction bearing performance @ 149°C hrs - 600+ Colour - Amber AEROSHELL GREASE 5 U.S. Meets MIL-G-3545C (Obsolete) Agree, AeroShell grease 5 is the correct grease for wheel bearings. After reading the specs and talking with my IA this is what I have used since I bought the airplane. I went through this effort years ago when I tried to put together a good list of consumables for my annual inspection.
  2. I may be able to help you. I have an Accutrack with the BI-805 Servo control valve. I was keeping them as spares but that seems foolish. The BI-805 servo control valve needs an overhaul. Before I removed it to replace it with another I was having an intermittent issue. Brittain will overhaul it cheap. I'm at Oshkosh at the moment but when I get back home I can look for the stuff. I know where the Accutrack is but can't recall now where I put the BI-805. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I would by lying if the first words out of my mouth were not 'oh shit', but I was just as quickly relived when the engine immediately started as soon as I switched to both. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Congrats!! Very nice bird. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed my C. Writing this as I drink a beer next to my C camping at Oshkosh. That's what I'm talking about!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. There is going to be a spot open in row 507 in the morning. Met a couple of ATC folks who are leaving 6am Wednesday.
  6. Indeed. He asked me to go by his booth in building C I think to look at a book of Mooney paint schemes. I already had something very specific in mind but he quickly suggested some changes that may look better. I think he said he charges $900 to produce a complete custom paint layout that you are happy with an all the associated paint drawings the paint shop will need.
  7. I had a p-lead go bad in flight resulting in the loss of the left mag. I noticed something was wrong when my engine started running a little rough. A quick mag check in flight revealed the problem when the engine quit when I switched to the left mag. Switch back to 'both' and the engine immediately came back although still running a little rough as expected. It was no big deal. Landed at a nearby airport and got the p-lead fixed and it was all good.
  8. Looking for a G502A directional gyro in working condition to complement an Accuflite unit. Thought I had one but it fell through. I'm in Oshkosh and have seen a couple with yellow tags reasonably priced but thought I give anyone here that has one available a chance to unloaded it. PM me if interested
  9. Top one definitely. Aft leaning flows better. In fact, sat on a paint scheme forum today here in Oshkosh and the expert briefly discussed precisely this topic. The guy was very knowledgeable and the owner of "Scheme Designers" a company that designs paint schemes for lots of clients. He was not a friend of forward leaning tail numbers.
  10. This is good. More and better choices Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 999JW is back on all three gear and being towed. Hopefully damaged will not be too bad. They are doing a FOD check on the runway now so I expect 27 will be open momentarily. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. N999JW, looks like an Ovation Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Mooney incident on runway 27 Oshkosh. Looks like right main folded on roll out. Everyone looks ok. Rwy27 closed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Photos and videos are all saved to a micro-SD card Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Rained a bunch last night and just had another cell go through 8:41 am, but radar does not show anything behind this cell so hopefully it will stay that way. I'll be sitting by the runway with my GoPro to film your arrival. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Went by a couple of times today but you must have been out. I'm in row 506 at the south end of the row like you. I'll swing by tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Wait until very close or at RIPON before turning on that radio. You want to make sure you can hear the controllers at FISKE and then tower. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. That could work. They have emergency A&P here for breakdowns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Sent you a PM with my cell number. You got a couple of choices. Text me a shipping address and I'll get my wife to ship you the generator fastest possible way. Looks like you have another option to have a generator waiting for you here at Oshkosh too. That would mean flying the rest of the way here without radios but a portable might be enough to get here since you basically need to listen only. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. My apologies for hijacking the thread, but does anyone know of an angle mount for the JPI 730/830? Mine is too far to the right and I have to lean over to see it well. I would prefer an angle mount rather than moving it which would result in having to rearrange a bunch of stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Crap, I have one I took out of my C in perfect working condition (I put in the alternator conversion). I would let you have it for free but I'm at Oshkosh right now. I could probably get my wife to ship it overnight but Sunday would be the earliest you'll get it. PM me if you have not found a solution. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Lee, saw you departing. Was working on my plane in my hangar and saw you taxing out. Will have to meet some time. Im in Oshkosh now so let me know if you are here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Made it!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Tag for me too
  25. I have to get all this in my C. I might have to deflate the air mattress.
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