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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Almost there!! We'll have to meet up somewhere to celebrate!
  2. This! I replaced my gear donuts this annual and left the spacer out intentionally thinking would not need it with the new donuts. Bad idea! Spacer back in.
  3. Wow! Stopped at Greenwood County Airport today on my way back from Tennessee. Saw a sign at the FBO that said Race Registration. I was wondering what that was all about. Now I know.
  4. Home Depot paint stick. The original I made I keep as a master and have made several copies (with more paint sticks). I keep one in the plane at all times and a couple in the hangar. When they wear out a bit I make a replacement from the original master. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Need a little more info. What specifically are you having trouble with? Is it the Accutrack?
  6. Very cool! I'm leaning heavily towards this solution. Would you mind sharing rough installation cost?
  7. Yes you need the BI-805 for accuflite too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I have a C with 180hp and JPI with fuel flow. At my typical cruise setting of 22/2400 I can comfortably fly for 4 hours and still have a little over one hour of fuel on reserve. I work the tanks such that most of the one hour reserve is on one of the tanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks, appreciate the offer. Hopefully I'll learn this week when I can move in.
  10. Yes have IFR GPS but non-WASS. If I needed lower minimums I can always shoot the ILS at Cecil. The two airports are right next to each other. Should not be a problem.
  11. Tremendous BBQ is good! I have tried it and will be doing more so in the future once I move there.
  12. Looking for anyone that can give me the skinny on Herlong airport (KHEG). Since I have owned my Mooney I've been based out of Craig airport in Jacksonville (KCRG). I have a small T-Hangar and hurricane Matthew did minor damage to the hangar. Coincidentally, last December I had put my name on a waiting list at HEG for a hangar. They called me last week to let me know one had become available. I went to see it today and it is MUCH nicer and larger that my current hangar at CRG for the same price. It is also a much newer hangar and seems to be better built. Additionally, It is 11 miles closer to my home and about 15-20 minutes less driving time. HEG is also 20 miles more inland than CRG which can be a benefit with hurricanes. Avgas is also cheaper at HEG. The only cons is that HEG is a non-towered airport with a single GPS approach while CRG is a towered airport offering multiple GPS/VOR/ILS approaches. Regardless the pros outweigh the cons so It looks like I'm moving. The airspace around HEG is a bit more complicated as the airport seems to be boxed in between Cecil Airport, NAS Jacksonville, and Whitehouse. I'm sure this is a minor inconvenience but I'll have to figure out what the local procedures are. Anyway, if anyone is familiar with HEG or any anyone here is based out of there I would like to hear from you.
  13. Pledge!! Does as good a job as any of the acrylic cleaners at a fraction of the cost. I have used all of them and now only use Pledge. Pledge has a long track record as an acrylic cleaner with no harmful effects. Lemon Pledge is my favorite Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. That particular row of hangars is very old and perhaps the code was different then. To make things worse they are tall hangars so even more susceptible to wind force. My Mooney is in three rows of T-hangars that are all metal construction and not tall at all. Their metal construction and low profile served them well. They all did very well with very little damage.
  15. Not bad. Got lucky! Mine did ok with some minor damage to an aluminum panel on the roof but nothing got inside the hangar and the plane is fine. Others did not do so well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Too late for me. We have a Northeaster now ahead of the storm (Jacksonville FL) and the weather is really bad. Went to the Hagar this afternoon with some 2x4's to try to brace the hangar doors a little better. I hope it is enough. Got to take care of the house in the morning.
  17. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Maybe headed that way if it gets too close to Jacksonville. Hopefully not! I have little confidence in my Hangar specially the doors.
  20. Another great summit. Had a good time and made some new friends. The weather was absolutely perfect. When I checked in with Tindall approach on my way out the controller said "sure, another one, what did we do to deserve all these Mooneys" I think he was having a little fun with it but I heard Mooney after Mooney checking in for a while. Music to my ears.
  21. The weather could not have been better. Us Florida folks get a little excited when we first see a little cooler weather.
  22. I converted the overhead torpedo lights to LED's. the knob used to get so hot you could hardly touch it.
  23. The spacer is part of Mooney service bulletin M20-202. I tried it without the spacer first and did not pass the SB so the spacer went back in. Landing gear doughnuts are all in and with any luck my plane will be done with annual Wednesday 9/29, just in time to take me to the Mooney Summit.
  24. Yes. I bought the plane close to 5 years ago and this is the first time I have taken the struts apart for inspection and replacement of the doughnuts. Probably should have done this sooner. I called LASAR today and they are FEDEXING a new part to me. Found out the small spacer is part of a SB to improve alignment and controllability on landing rollout. Should have it all together this weekend. I'm in a race to get the annual done and make the Mooney Summit in Panama City or I'll have to drive there.
  25. Bird is in annual and decided it was a good time to replace the landing gear doughnuts. Long overdue. Main gear went pretty well although I had to fight to separate the collar from the shaft. Lots of kroil and a heat gun. The nose landing gear actually came apart easier but then found a lot of wear on the shaft as shown in the pictures. Also, the collar was actually two separate collars. One that looks like the one shown in the Mooney parts manual and a smaller collar maybe about 1/4 inch tall that was positioned below the larger collar. My NLG strut is actually a Lasar strut that a previous owner installed so maybe the Lasar collar allows for two separate pieces (I will be calling them in the morning). Regardless, I now I need to replace the link or shaft that holds the doughnuts because of excessive wear. I hope Lasar has a spare or maybe Don Maxwell. If neither of them can help I will post an update here and hopefully someone has a spare they can sell me.
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