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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm curious about the data/subscription requirements for Aspens... can one of you clue me in for the following configurations? (A) Aspen PFD Pro (1 tube only) coupled to a Garmin GNS/GTN/whatever... any data subscription required, or optional? ( B ) Aspen PFD Pro + MFD 1000 (2 tube, reversionary capability) coupled to same GPS stack... what data subscriptions are required, or optional? Assuming I keep the Jepp/NAV data current on the Garmin GPS boxes, will the waypoints "port" over to the Aspen suite, or must an identical subscription be purchased that feeds the Aspen(s) directly? I'm just beginning to seriously consider a PFD upgrade, but I hate the recurring costs and want to figure out if/what/how much is needed. I'm not really interested in having charts or plates on the MFD, but would like to know how much they cost just in case I change my mind. I'm already paying for two GNS subscriptions and XM WX. Thanks!
    1 point
  2. Earl, What are you considering upgrading to? The ecomics of upgrading are better now than ever... A one for one swap is a balancing act. Both planes are undergoing similar decreases in value equally on a percentage scale, but the higher valued upgrade has decreased on a larger dollar value. Price of fuel is what sucks. Buying planes is good, upgrading planes is fine... Selling a plane and not replacing it with something that has decreased similarly is difficult. Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  3. He was Clarence's copilot.
    1 point
  4. I may be different than most people, but damage history isnt the issue to me, when you are looking at 40 or 50 year old machines if it doesnt have some kind of damage history it has been a setter and that isnt a good thing. IMHO what would concern me is improper repair methods not made in accordance to AC 43.13-1B or damage/repairs NOT documented. As they say here at work, " DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT" A well documented repair out in the open doesnt concern me, the hidden things are the nightmares. Mice damage, hidden tubing rust, spar corrosion, propstrike with no PSI, flood history, equipment with no 337 filled, repairs made using improper parts or materials, these are things I worry about when I am considering an aquisition. Something else that is amusing is how I hear "oh this guy" or "this company is hones"t or "this guy" or "this company is crooked", well its no different than a used car market and if you dont do you homework, do lots of digging and put the pieces together you are very likely to get screwed thats just the way it is. Take NOTHING for granted and take nobodys word for anything. If its a great price there is a trade off somewhere, maybe a major accident, maybe bad logs or something but it is there, otherwise it would have a premium price. You have to be certified to work on aircraft and fly them but you dont have to be certified to get educated so if you are in the market for a particular model/make learn about them and educate yourself, then you have the knowledge to make your own decisions. Take your mechanic sure but put YOUR eyes on it KNOW what you are looking at. That's how I feel about it.
    1 point
  5. I find two of your comments interesting. What you are saying is that instead of Medicare, senior should pay for their own health insurance premiums, at least that's what I think you are saying. It was just yesterday that I was speaking to a friend that retired last year and up to now she's been on COBRA. She's 64 years old and has been shopping around for a policy to hold her over until she's 65 in four months. The best quote she got was for $5,500 a month from Blue Cross for a catastrophic policy. Mind you it's a catastrophic policy, not major medical. So what I hear you saying is that seniors should shell out approximately that much each month to take care of their own needs. Hell, I'm a little over 10 years younger and pay a little over $2k a month for my own individual policy. As for SS, I'm divided on that one. Without it there would be abject poverty of seniors (fact, not fiction) because saving enough for retirement is extremely difficult when left to the individual, simply wouldn't get done. And no, if the 7% SS tax was suddenly taken away, American's would not take the equivalent funds from their paycheck and place the money into a retirement account.
    1 point
  6. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I wish it would have addressed what Bush's deficit would have been had the wars been on the books. Interesting that Clinton ranks number one and Reagan just under Obama. I guess this would be a good time for me to whip this cartoon out.
    1 point
  7. Obviously I meant Bush ran up the national debt to $10t, not the deficit and I stand corrected. However, it is still a fact that the wars were not counted in the deficit numbers between 2001 and 2010 and it would have exploded had they been included. As for smaller government, your statement is correct, but doesn't explain why during those same Bush years the size of government grew - at a time that Bush enjoyed having the GOP control of both houses. Let's face it, whomever is in power will spend like there's no tomorrow.
    1 point
  8. I don't have a love fest for Obama, but as I've said elsewhere on this board, I'm all about fairness. To me that means that I remind people of facts that are left out of an argument. While the debt is most certainly troublesome, I need to inform some here that one of the reasons that it has soared under Obama is because he actually fulfilled (much to his detriment) a campaign promise in 2008 to place the two wars into the general budget. G.W. Bush had it placed into an supplemental spending bill each year which did not find it's way into the general budget. Of course the deficit is going to soar when a few hundred billion suddenly finds its way into the mainstream numbers each year. Don't believe me? Google it. Now then, I wasn't on this board during the Bush years, but were you just as vocal about the deficit when Bush took the national debt from $3t in 2001 to $10t when he left office in January 2009, for a total of approximately $7t (give or take)? This country was founded on liberal ideas. A country with a constitution which gives it citizens the power to rule? A republic where a president is elected by the citizenry every few years and not governed by a monarch for a lifetime? Courts where the average citizen can take their claim? Due process? No state sponsored religion? Blasphemy! If you think it's liberals that are ruining the country, I suggest a good look in the mirror. And just for my own edification, MSNBC, NPR, Fox, et al, have been mentioned as outlets that have too much sway. What should I be listening to in order to become a more informed citizen?
    1 point
  9. It is a condo for mud daubers.
    1 point
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