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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2013 in all areas

  1. It is amazing how the uniformed left of this country idealizes murderers and thugs like chavez and kim jong make me ill. The free market/capitalism system has made our country the most successful nation in the history of the world and increased the living standards of more people than their dictators. We own and fly airplanes because of this success.
    2 points
  2. This is our virtual hangar and like our physical hangars, politics does raise it's ugly head. So folks that want to go at it, feel free. So I don't see the harm of giving those folks a corner of our virtual hangar to talk politics should be allowed. At least that way when it comes up in other threads, we can point them to their corner of the hangar.
    1 point
  3. Prism: http://www.gami.com/prism/prism.php
    1 point
  4. Not a Lopresti. Front intakes are round. Looks like one that was not certified that a plane had a while back. Tons of mods, but no paperwork. It is very nice looking. The cowl top closure does look like SWTA.
    1 point
  5. because.........Let me guess-the truth hurts?
    1 point
  6. Hugo Chavez, a great leader and a man of the people. One who recognized the plight of the poor and did everything he could to level the playing field for all of his countrymen. He was selfless and giving during the 14 years he was able to publicly serve. It is too bad that he had to go so soon leaving so much of his great vision unfinished. He was able to make oil account for a little over 95% of the economy while managing to get rid of almost all other industry. He seized control nearly of everything that mattered, the military, congress, banking system and the media; hard to imagine why his well informed citizenry would ever consider voting against him. He inherited many problems from the previous administration, including a debt of 34 billion dollars, but thanks to his mighty leadership he was able to turn that debt into $150 billion showing that a determined and steady progress was being made. His out of the box thinking would have put this US congress to shame (if he would only get a fair coverage with our media). He had the courage tackle problems in a way that helped cut energy costs for those who needed relief, he brought rolling blackouts, shortages of basic goods and water rationing. Sadly he is now gone and the redistribution of wealth that he believed in and so wanted to bring about will now have to be put on hold. He rightfully believed (like some on this board) that capitalism was the way of the devil and exploitation.... Unfortunately, his death came so sudden and without warning that he had no chance to give away the fortune he acquired during his presidency, a net worth of over 1 billion dollars. There is no doubt that he had the best interest of his fellow Venezuelans in mind and it is a shame to see him go. May he now enjoy the warmth and the smell of sulfur he once mentioned while speaking to the united nations!
    1 point
  7. Its a TSO converter, so whatever the MTBF is the FAA has accepted it as being good enough. I generally don't place any value on my labor when working on my aircraft. I actually find it enjoyable and stress relieving afer a day at work. What's the MTBF on a Bendix mag after it shows problems on a mag check on runup and the CFII/ATP in the right seat tells his wife to take off on a long cross country anyway?
    1 point
  8. That's a decent plan, but he wouldn't be adding any capability really- he'd just have a glass display of the current instruments. If the OP wants to get ready for his Instrument ticket, he's going to want an HSI. Better to buy the 1000 pfd pro, or if money is tight, a cheaper HSI, rather than the cheaper but far less capable pfd 1000 (JMHO on this one as a CFII).
    1 point
  9. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
    1 point
  10. If the ads are USEFUL to the audience then they will be accepted and both will benefit, if not the site will cease to exist and something else will take your place. When I'm drivin' in my car and a man comes on the radio he's tellin' me more and more about some useless information supposed to fire my imagination. When I'm watchin' my TV and a man comes on to tell me how white my shirts can be. Well he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarrettes as me. I can't get no, oh no no no. Hey hey hey, that's what I say. I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction. 'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try. I can't get no, I can't get no.
    1 point
  11. None of us have a crystal ball - but I would guess from the rumblings both in the general market and from noises coming out of the Mooney factory that eventually there will be a turbo diesel option for M20K. how soon? Soon enough for your needs? I would guess 5 years at least. How do I get that number? I just made a number up out of my head that sounds like longer than pretty soon but not too long to sound like never. So - my guess is that you will need some kind of next TSIO360 before a turbo diesel will be available. But why not wait as long as you can? Erik
    1 point
  12. Yes, sometimes pilots are faced with in flight scenarios that they have no option but to "address". There are a multitude of reasons for a crosswind component, and if you ignore it long enough, you will probably become an "incident". With a landing gear that has almost no shock absorbing movement compared to the the spring gear of a Cessna or the hydraulic action of a Beech, I can only shudder at the thought of the side loads imposed on the Mooney gear and wing connection points in a severe cross wing landing. Mooney must consider that a weak point as they actually have a landing weight on the heavier Ovations, Bravos, and I assume, Acclaims where they specifically caution in the POH about side loads generated from "heavy" landings. I have no doubt that many leaking wing issues can be traced directly to hard landings and strong crosswind landings. All this being said, the most disturbing point is the cavalier attitude that I see from low time, barely experienced pilots who think themselves to be such a rare cross between Bob Hoover and Sky King that just because they don't "understand" why the manufacturer and FAA put limitations on the flight parameters of their airplanes that they should just disregard those limitations. A similar thread and attitude cropped up here several months ago over VNE's and gross weight limitations. I would also point out that most members of this blog are flying airplanes 30, 40, and 50 years old that have been owned by multiple persons of questionable flying skills and usually subjected to the minimum of maintenance that can be had. I am not trying to embarrass or insult anyone. I am pointing out that complacency kills and this site is absolutely full of complacency. That's all. Sorry if I offend. Jgreen
    1 point
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