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Hay all,

My EDM 730 is showing fuel required to next waypoint instead of destination.

How do I change this is it a setting in the gps or edm.

Ive looked through the manual it states it is a pilot configurable option but does not state how to configure.


My Jpi fuel meter does the same. I’ve learned to deal with it. I’m not sure one can change it. It’s wired to my 530 and is accurate to .2 gal. 


If your JPI is connected to a 430/530, you can go to the trip menus in the Garmin and see fuel estimates for the entire trip, if you like.  I agree that total fuel would be more useful than next WPT on the JPI display.    



The JPI website explains how to do this. It requires changing the protocol used by the GNS on that port going out as well as changing a setting in the JPI. 


Programming the Garmin 430/530 and EDM/FS-450:

#1) Garmin program to: RS-232 Input Shadin FF and RS-232 Output Aviation Data formant. Since this Garmin input is now Shadin FF, then on both the EDM and FS-450 you must choose GPS-C=1. (Waypoint) You can not use GPS-C= 6 or 7. If you did you would get a ‘No RS-232 Data’ message on the Garmin.

#2) If you program the Garmin Input to Shadin FADC, (same Output –Aviation) then you will need to program the EDM and FS-450 to GPS-C= 6(waypoint) or 7 (destination). You can not use GPS-C=1 anymore. If you did you would get the ‘No RS-232 Data’ message on the Garmin.

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