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The family has been picking my brain for my Christmas list. They all usually pool together and typically I supplement to get whatever my next project is for the plane. While a upgrade from my current JPI-830 to a JPI 9 series for a primary is what my real next "to do" plans, but that will be way out of holiday Christmas gift giving budget.

My next upgrade on the list was to take a look at the "Boom Beam" landing light. I know there are a few threads about landing lights, but regarding the Boom Beams...pricey, but are they worth it?. Right now I have a LED and it seems adequate. I have a hanger mate who has a Boom Beam on his Aztec and he loves it. I have not called to get a current price, but I have it on my radar. Those who have them..is it worth the $ and what did you pay or if you have shopped them what were you quoted? Are there any other good alternatives that I don't know about that will give you the same high output. I would like to have it wired as a solid on or wig-wag option as well. I also have the clear lexan Lasar light cover over my landing light now..will the Boom Beam be too hot and damage the cover? 




The higher end LED like the Teledyne Alphabeam or the Aero LED are super bright, run cool and take almost no power. (I had the original Whelen Parmetheus and they weren't as bright as my GE incandescent.) 

They drop in as replacements and require no additional wiring. Aircraft Spruce has a promo code all most of their stuff of "Thanks15" through December 1.

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The xe is 50w and 750k candlepower.  I think the boom beam is similar. However for 1000$ price tag, I'd be happy  to live with the LED offerings.  

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I have a LoPresti Boom Beam in my LoPresti cowl. No problems with the plastic cover. Light is quite bright, and I leave it on for flights in marginal conditions, and always in airport environments.



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