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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Scotty, Daver,


I have a great idea for you. Don't be an airline pilot. Works for me. Done for the week. Sipping on some Duckhorn here in JH.


You both seem to posses so much clairvoyance. Being that forecasting the future appears to be such gift the Lord equipped both of you with, I'm sure, the Lord has also equipped you all with a knowledge of 'puts' and 'going short'. Combine those two market tools with your clairvoyance and soon enough, you will have no worries and it will be your pilots here on Mooneyspace bitching about the minimum wage they get paid to fly Scott around Kansas attending all the tea party fund raisers. But until then, until such time when you actually put whatever few miserable dollars you managed to acquire during your life where your mouth is, just shut the fuck up.

You first.

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Where is tattle tale Rob to report this guy? Oh that's right as long as he agrees with his party I suspect he is not offended by his use of words that rhyme with Duck and Truck...as long as it's directed towards the opposition.

Hey did any one see Sarah Palin shot a hog in TX.....she is my hero. Hopefully our next commander in Chief.

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Kids of today want (expect) instant gratification. They're not going to get it working on the PPL at $150/hour. Besides, you can get all the flying fun most kids want with MS Flight Sim.  :rolleyes:


It would also be nice if kids could see airplanes up close. The observation decks and areas that we as kids were privy to made the whole airport experience an exciting event. I'd be hard pressed to find any such area anywhere. Another overreaction to 9/11.


The absolute best spot I could remember was the parking deck on top of the old (now demolished) Pan Am Worldport terminal at JFK. It overlooked most of the airport and was an absolutely great vantagepoint. It was closed off to the public after 9/11.


The second best vantagepoint was at SFO. There was a parking lot right at the foot of runway 1R, Again, another casualty of 9/11. Grrr.


But nothing beats the the Princess Juliana airport in St Martin, where one can still put their face right up to the fence and get blown onto the beach by the jet blast.


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Just got done with my favorite past time, Fox during lunch. The subject was airline baggage fees and the billions airlines took in from them. A graphic was overlayed which displayed how much each airline made on baggage fees for the year. Delta was displayed at 654,708 and the pretty blonde turned to Start Varney and said "look at that, Delta made six hundred and fifty four thousand dollars on baggage fees alone". Gretchen darling, that's 654 million dollars.


Um... I don't get it. If the screen displayed $654,708 that is six hundred fifty four thousand and seven hundred eight dollars. It's not 654 million dollars. The woman was right. If it were millions, it should have read $654,708,000.

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Um... I don't get it. If the screen displayed $654,708 that is six hundred fifty four thousand and seven hundred eight dollars. It's not 654 million dollars. The woman was right. If it were millions, it should have read $654,708,000.


But in the breath before she said that, she also mentioned that the airlines took in billions from these fees during 2014 and there was a on overlay with that figure as well. I guess she didn't put one and one together.

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Besides, you can get all the flying fun most kids want with MS Flight Sim.  :rolleyes:


You know, the previous generations in the 50s, 60s, etc, may have also got all the fun they needed if they had good flight sims and now drones to play with. We'll never know, because they didn't. I seriously don't think there is a thing wrong with the kids of today that wasn't also wrong yesterday. The kids of today are better informed than ever. Let's face it, being an airline captain isn't a great career choice anymore. Lots of student debt, lots of paying dues, lots of studying and testing, lots of personal responsibility and liability, lots of ass kissing and lots of strange hours and schedules for what? The opportunity to drive a bus full of people through the sky for crappy wages and be damned all to hell if anything ever goes wrong.


Seriously, fewer airline captain applicants is a good thing maybe. It means maybe wages will actually go up to match the demands put on pilots. Those that really truly want to fly for a living will persevere and I suspect will result in a higher quality pilot. Then again, I suppose if there is an actual shortage of pilots, the airlines will just import them from third world countries rather than raise wages. When China gets it's pilot training factories up and running, it will be easy to do. I think today's kids are wise to avoid this industry as a career.

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North Korea. Congrats on winnign the Cyber War. Good job! Way to go Sony...Way to go.


I'm with you on that one, what a bunch of pussies. They caved in so quick that Angelina Jolie didn't have time to respond with a telethon for the poor actors who won't see any money from the box office receipts.

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I'm with you on that one, what a bunch of pussies. They caved in so quick that Angelina Jolie didn't have time to respond with a telethon for the poor actors who won't see any money from the box office receipts.

The "death" scene has been leaked. His copter takes a missile hit. Pretty cool. Kind of Raider's of The Lost Ark Nazi meltingish....

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Why normalize relations with a Dictatorship that tortures and subverts it's people. Just a head-scratcher to me. Maybe he wants to save money and vacation closer?


My point obviously was that we have normalized relations and don't impose sanctions on regimes that are a lot worse than Cuba. 

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O.K. Torture lite. Got it. If you have nukes...and torture, or are trying to get nukes='s Baddy.

If you torture your people and wanted nukes, but never got them='s "normalize relations-Not a Baddy".

If you use enhanced techniques to get information that saves your people....REALLY BADDY.

Perfectly clear to me now. Thanks

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O.K. Torture lite. Got it. If you have nukes...and torture, or are trying to get nukes='s Baddy.

If you torture your people and wanted nukes, but never got them='s "normalize relations-Not a Baddy".

If you use enhanced techniques to get information that saves your people....REALLY BADDY.

Perfectly clear to me now. Thanks


Sorry Scott, you lost me on this one.

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O.K. Torture lite. Got it. If you have nukes...and torture, or are trying to get nukes='s Baddy.

If you torture your people and wanted nukes, but never got them='s "normalize relations-Not a Baddy".

If you use enhanced techniques to get information that saves your people....REALLY BADDY.

Perfectly clear to me now. Thanks


You left out, If you have nukes... and torture, but will build all our stuff for us really, really cheaply so that we can massively profit from your poor people's labor = normalize relations- not a Baddy.

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