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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Don't fear, Joni's here. If all had focus of Ernst and Chuck logical solutions would prevail. Fraud, waste and abuse control would be the norm. That is a unicorn fairytale I like to think about.

I hope she brings her castration sheers to every meeting in D.C.

That is my Hope and Change.

But I understand that stopping Obama is a worthwhile cause for the next two years.


Scott, I love you dearly, but you live in a dreamworld where flowers bloom year round, all babies are beautiful and a new congress can get things done.


But I did like the shears comment.

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6 Billion with a B for Ebola abroad and within the US....



The number of cases in West Africa are going down and there is only one person being treated here and is expected to recover, sustaining the 100% survival rate here in the U.S. Thus far nobody from the Frontier Airlines flight has come down with it nor the bowling alley.


Here is a story from a source that I know you can trust: Fox News. And I'm not betting (thankfully) that the hysteria that lead to a prediction of one million cases by January is not going to happen.



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I just listened to the whole clip and it was indeed a great speech. But the fact of the matter is, when he realized the dream that Goldwater yearned for, he didn't follow suit with with his words spoken here He mentioned runaway spending, the inability to balance the federal budget, farming subsidies that were out of control as well as out of control welfare spending. I got a chuckle when he mentioned that a proposed education program for "juvenile delinquents" would cost $4,700 a year per person, and came back with "we could send them to Harvard for only $2,700".  






My point here is that when he got his shot at it, even he couldn't do anything about these issues.


No rebuttal?

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Yup, that's the one. I loved how he says on this "LP" about what will happen if a program like Medicare is passed and how the entire American healthcare system will go down with it. Only problem is, it never materialized and Medicare actually increased the life expectancy of Americans. I guess he was a better actor than prognosticator (and that's not saying much).

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For your watching enjoyment:



There is so much truth in this Dave and I thank you for opening my eyes. Who would have thunk way back then that Obama would be the first president to see over a budget deficit, that he would be the first presiding president to have to raise the debt ceiling and that under his tenure foreigners would own a big chunk of our treasury notes? Not to speak of being the first president in the history of the republic to allow indefinite detention. 


What I did find interesting is his prediction that "if we allow it, the foreign elite in a far distant capital will plan our lives for us...". He actually predicted that corporations would become people too, just like the Supreme's proclaimed a couple of years ago!


But the best line was "those that would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course". I think another guy started us down that road however.



Did you bother to listen to the content before posting it here?

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Funny how you listen and conclude that Reagan was misguided,

... and I listen to it and think how correct he was in warning us ... and that the current "liberal establishment" wants SO badly to complete that American transition to socialism that was begun in those previous years ... if only those evil Republicans in Congress would quit blocking what they call "progress!"


My Lord, his administration was guilty of so many things that he said the country must avoid. He implored the need for balanced budgets (something about not spending more than you take in) yet he was the first president up until that time to increase the national debt by 300% (and the first to take it over a trillion) - fact not fiction Dave. 


I won't repeat my reply to Fantom from yesterday as the clip you posted was taken from the same one that he posted. In my response I pointed out areas that he talked about avoiding at all costs but as president, he perpetuated and continued down the same path. Why won't you respond that that?

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Romulous Maximus under attack by a closet liberal....Surprise!

Reality check. The Democratic party just suffered the most significant defeat in their history and there is discussion about RR?

Hardy Har Har.

Shillacking, Domination, Whomping. Liberalism was called out by the voting party. They and their ideals were found unworthy.

Little Timmy says why not legalize pot and tax it? There would be an end to border violence. Tax revenue would be huge. Alaska, good job. Maybe if all the libs are stoned and happy we can get someone elected that represents "the people".

Hey dumb ass from CB...The teaparty isn't really a party. It is THE PEOPLE that want less government and all that goes with it.

You can't kill or defeat a party that doesn't exist except in the spirit of conservatism.

RR would be proud.

I am.

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Reality check. The Democratic party just suffered the most significant defeat in their history and there is discussion about RR?



Really?? That was the Democrat's worst defeat in their history? Oh I don't know, how about when Ronald Reagan made Jimmy Carter a one term president? How about when Eisenhower took over? How about when Bush II got re elected in spite of totally screwing up the Iraq war and running the country deep into debt? 


I am not Democrat and I vote conservative 95% of the time, so don't go and say I'm some sort of "Lib" or Obama supporter, but I predict there will be a real contest in 2016. It's not going to be a walk in the park and I actually believe the next two years will work to the Democrat's advantage. I seriously doubt the Republicans can get their house in order, or actually produce any viable bills. I believe that the next two years will be more of the same bickering and lack of any substance we have seen for 6 years now from the Republicans. This will tell the voters in the middle, the ones that actually matter, that the Republicans had 2 years and did nothing and they will go shopping again.


I truly hope I am wrong. I really do. I don't think I can stand another Clinton presidency. Hillary will make me beg to have Bill back again! :o

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I truly hope I am wrong. I really do. I don't think I can stand another Clinton presidency. Hillary will make me beg to have Bill back again! :o


I can't stand Hillary either. But like I've been saying, elections go in cycles so it's a tossup of where the next one will take us. But it ought to be interesting.

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Romulous Maximus under attack by a closet liberal....Surprise!

Reality check. The Democratic party just suffered the most significant defeat in their history and there is discussion about RR?

Hardy Har Har.

Shillacking, Domination, Whomping. Liberalism was called out by the voting party. They and their ideals were found unworthy.

Little Timmy says why not legalize pot and tax it? There would be an end to border violence. Tax revenue would be huge. Alaska, good job. Maybe if all the libs are stoned and happy we can get someone elected that represents "the people".

Hey dumb ass from CB...The teaparty isn't really a party. It is THE PEOPLE that want less government and all that goes with it.

You can't kill or defeat a party that doesn't exist except in the spirit of conservatism.

RR would be proud.

I am.


You have the habit of never answering my questions when you have a difficult time facing the facts. Just this one time I'd like you to rebut some of the points I made about Reagan, starting with is 11 tax increases during his term and then working your way down from there. I'll even give you a few free passes and excuse you from Iran-Contra and his trip to Bitburg.

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Really?? That was the Democrat's worst defeat in their history? Oh I don't know, how about when Ronald Reagan made Jimmy Carter a one term president? How about when Eisenhower took over? How about when Bush II got re elected in spite of totally screwing up the Iraq war and running the country deep into debt? 


I am not Democrat and I vote conservative 95% of the time, so don't go and say I'm some sort of "Lib" or Obama supporter, but I predict there will be a real contest in 2016. It's not going to be a walk in the park and I actually believe the next two years will work to the Democrat's advantage. I seriously doubt the Republicans can get their house in order, or actually produce any viable bills. I believe that the next two years will be more of the same bickering and lack of any substance we have seen for 6 years now from the Republicans. This will tell the voters in the middle, the ones that actually matter, that the Republicans had 2 years and did nothing and they will go shopping again.


I truly hope I am wrong. I really do. I don't think I can stand another Clinton presidency. Hillary will make me beg to have Bill back again! :o


Has something to do with Republicans total unwillingness to compromise. Democrats always recognize that half a loaf is better than none. Hence for years that have created lasting legislation, some dating back to 1930's like social security. It's not by dumb luck or mistake that these pieces stick around. There is almost no lasting conservative legislation that survived constitutional review by courts in the last 80 years. Mid terms are low voter turn out, especially among young voters, hence the Senate was almost guaranteed to be delivered to the republicans who at this point, due the gerrymandered system they setup in the first place, incapable of presenting appealing, moderate candidates, because they would never survive a primary where only the nuttiest of the fringe participates. 2016 will most likely reverse it, due to much higher voter turnout when the younger, considerably more liberal generation votes again. The house will remain republican. The white house and senate will go democratic. Obstruction will continue and so will the increase in executive power as more and more actions are implemented via an executive order. 2018, the senate once again will be won by republicans. And so it will repeat itself for another 20 years or until the considerably more numerous, more moderate section of the republican decides to shut out the nut cases and continue to do business again with democrats, tit for tat. Obama offered $10 in spending cuts for each dollar of tax increase. After all, that debt has to be paid down somehow.

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Really?? That was the Democrat's worst defeat in their history? Oh I don't know, how about when Ronald Reagan made Jimmy Carter a one term president? How about when Eisenhower took over? How about when Bush II got re elected in spite of totally screwing up the Iraq war and running the country deep into debt? 


I am not Democrat and I vote conservative 95% of the time, so don't go and say I'm some sort of "Lib" or Obama supporter, but I predict there will be a real contest in 2016. It's not going to be a walk in the park and I actually believe the next two years will work to the Democrat's advantage. I seriously doubt the Republicans can get their house in order, or actually produce any viable bills. I believe that the next two years will be more of the same bickering and lack of any substance we have seen for 6 years now from the Republicans. This will tell the voters in the middle, the ones that actually matter, that the Republicans had 2 years and did nothing and they will go shopping again.


I truly hope I am wrong. I really do. I don't think I can stand another Clinton presidency. Hillary will make me beg to have Bill back again! :o

Really Dave. Obama is a radical and the people stopped him and the Democrats that lock step supported him. This wasn't just getting the Senate. This was a state by state shalacking.

This set the liberal cause back tremendously and I am glad that US voters saw it and voted.

Republican's have their chance to further expose Obama for what he is. I like the chance for success in 2016. Yes, it all depends on the candidate

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because they would never survive a primary where only the nuttiest of the fringe participates.


Nuts? Just because there's a woman who castrated pigs, a guy from Georgia that thinks abortion is worse than Hitler's final solution and one from North Carolina that says we should fly fighters along the Mexican border to keep aliens out doesn't make them any more nuts than those that feel that the moment a woman has sex and conceives that the blob of cells constitutes "personhood". Personally, I feel that life begins when the kids move out and the dog dies.


What I feel is nuts are those states that elected conservatives to congress yet voted for legalizing pot, gun controls and increasing their minimum wage. Speak about a contradiction of terms.

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Maybe he will switch teams and run on your side. Progressive "light"='s Moderate='s


Clinton or Bush, Bush or Clinton...Yep, that would be a win for the libs

More stuff!!!!!!!


Party of No says....No



You really are hopeless.

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Not unlike a garbage dump I drive by every day. It's interesting watching what an ass a friend like you is making of himself.

.....and kinda sad.


This analogy makes no sense. Garbage dump??? What is interesting about a garbage dump? If you find it interesting to watch a garbage dump... that's kinda sad.

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Recent Gallop poll asked Americans what was their largest problem

Priorities in descending order:


-Dissatisfaction w/Govt.





-Lack of Money

Democrats Top Priorities...

-War on Women

-Income inequality

Less than 2%% even listed these...

It's the message party of the Loser...

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