AndyFromCB Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 You know Andy there is "dumb" and there is ignorant. There is a difference. There is bias everywhere, including on The Daily Show... You know that. Stop calling American's dumb. I seek the truth. It is difficult to find... I didn't say Americans, Scott, I said all around the world. Most Americans I know are fairly bright, industrious people. So correct, I'll give you ignorant vs dumb. What's worst: inability to learn or lack of desire? I've swung politically about 3 times in my life so far the more I have learnt and thought about things. Very few people I've met ever changed their mind on anything. My convictions change with evidence. I'm defending Berry on principle. I never bought into the hope and change. Too much of a cynic. Just felt it was a needed change of pace. Did not expect a 7 trillion tacked onto debt but I highly doubt team McCain would have done any different with all kinds of executives breathing down their necks. Might have been 5 instead of 7, or might have 9 or 11 and we'd be fighting WWIII. Still stand by my statement that not bailing out AIG would have collapsed every insurance company worldwide. That I know that for a fact. Personally I believe 9/10th of the derivate market needs to disappear, it serves a purpose opposite of stated. It concentrates risk. But you know any sort of wall street regulation will be screamed as socialism. So nothing changed. Another disaster waiting to happen. Instead of performing controlled meltdown the buck just got passed down the line so that more commission and fees can be made. Wife just informed me there is a mystery in house. A missing sock. Better get on it.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Wife just informed me there is a mystery in house. A missing sock. Better get on it. Check the closet. It's a force of nature that missing socks morph into hangers.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 You know Andy there is "dumb" and there is ignorant. There is a difference. There is bias everywhere, including on The Daily Show... You know that. Stop calling American's dumb. I seek the truth. It is difficult to find... There is definitely a difference. I explained it here when the discussion du jour were the remarks of Jonathon Gruber. I said that he was largely correct but that his choice of words were wrong. He should have said that American's were "ignorant", not "stupid".
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 or she "co-incidentally" has a huge expensive birthday party in Spain to have an excuse for not going ... Still spreading that myth I see. The (rw) reports at the time said that her hotel room was $95k a night. Turns out, through the WH travel office, that the entire cost of the four day accommodations (some outlets were reporting it as a full week trip), including security detail, was less than that. The WH also reports that the Obama's reimbursed the government for some of the direct expenses (not that you would believe me). And no, her friends did not get to go for free either.
AndyFromCB Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Anyways, I'm going to be good this week. No more posts until next Sunday. I quit drinking, I quit smoking, I can quit Little Timmy for a while. Need to actually work some this week. Cheers. 1
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 You still want to cloud the point: that she doesn't go with him when he goes to the MiddleEast, nor will she ever. She won't play that game ... and it would blow his "I'm a good Muslim too" act that he puts on for them ... Didn't she just go with him to attend the funeral?
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Funeral, I don't know? I pretty much ignore anything and everything the man says or does. Can't take anymore. I hear his voice or see his face, the radio or tv is turned off ... Never say never..
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Maybe their custom looks at that' event differently, or maybe he is changing his game here at the end? Related to that link that I sent, Fox got all over her case for not wearing a scarf. Only then did it come out of the woodwork that other western women didn't do so either in the past including - oh my! - Laura Bush. Wonder if Fox was all over Laura's case at the time. 1
carusoam Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 That's what Timmy is all confused about... The made up news. It is hard to tell how generated it is until viewed through different goggles. AlJazeera really looks out of step with the others. Makes the others look too in-step with each other... When will Briam Williams be back...? Started with the apology already... Not quite the "I have sinned" speach... A few months or a whole year? When he comes back, will it be Sunday after midnight to test the waters? Or is he going home to 'spend more time with the family?' 1
John Pleisse Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 I do not, but Bruce Jenner is a proof that the Saudis have it correctly when it comes to women driving. Bruce Jenner is in a world of hurt. He will be penniless if not in the pokey for a decade. Distracted driving. That's gonna put a ding in his gender reassignment budget.
jetdriven Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 I'm confused on Bruce Jenner. He rear-ended a Toyota which went into the intersection and was struck by a Hummer. The Toyota driver dies. Bruce was not drinking. How is he going to jail or losing his wealth? Am I missing something or is this general world is about to collapse stuff?
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Bruce Jenner is in a world of hurt. He will be penniless if not in the pokey for a decade. Distracted driving. That's gonna put a ding in his gender reassignment budget. What a drag.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 I have mixed feelings, because You are guests in their country, and you try to show respect, not offend ... That's what I love about these Arab countries. If you sit down with them and ask why they wear those robes and head dress they reply that they are heavily into tradition. Seems to me that if they were so much into "tradition" that they would be riding camels instead of driving around in Mercedes and using swords instead of machine guns. Such hypocrisy. Tradition my ass. It's tradition only when it suits them.
John Pleisse Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Fox is successful because most older men are conservative. The only people getting their news from TV are older folks. I have never owned a TV connected to cable or an antenna. Never. I never owned a TV until I purchased my first house 9 years ago. It sat in the a box for another 3 years until friends stayed for a weekend and mounted it on the wall for me. That's how out of touch I am with America. I don't watch CNBC or Bloomberg either. Are you telling me Fox does not have a bias vs MSNBC and the rest? If I want to watch fair and balanced news, I'll watch the daily show. Most of my news comes via print... If people were smarter than I think they were, the Republican party would hold about 30% of seats, Jesus himself would hold another 10%, Democrats would have 10% and the Socialists would have 60%. People are extremely dumb. Not just here in the US of A, but around the entire world. Great unwashed masses. Demographically, CNN is too. They are desperately trying to skew younger with a breaking news/ Anthony Bourdain-Lisa Ling mix. They both attract the same "old lady bath tub", "Blue-Emu Cream", "Wounded Warrior" ad dollars, but what is most interesting is MSNBC's abysmal performance given the state of political power in America, only a third that of CNN's numbers. This cannot be explained away entirely by aging demography, but rather poor ideology. Many progressives believe there is a new world order in media, where the TV is an obsolete relic and that young people "get" their news from web sources, but this alone can't explain Fox's success. I would submit, there is nobody offering a forum of unbiased news and Fox is the closest thing. Fox also has similar success on Ideology on Fox? doubt. Comparing Fox's ideology with NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC combined.....well you know as well as I do, that's a five on one gang bang. So then it becomes, whose lack of objectivity wins? Well, Fox. 2
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Not a "career ender" for him... Wasn't aware he had a career. To me he's just a wealthy nobody.
John Pleisse Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 I'm confused on Bruce Jenner. He rear-ended a Toyota which went into the intersection and was struck by a Hummer. The Toyota driver dies. Bruce was not drinking. How is he going to jail or losing his wealth? Am I missing something or is this general world is about to collapse stuff? Actually, there was a rear end collision in his path that had already occurred. He then plowed into both of them causing the initially rear ended car careening left into the on coming path of a Hummer which created the head on. This person in a Lexus 400 series was then killed instantly. They believe he was fast and on his cell phone. They are pulling his Escalade black box and cell data. If he was hands free, he may be off the hook. If the cell was on his ear, or a none voice text went out, he's in deep trouble and the cause of death. Lawyers follow the money trail.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Actually, there was a rear end collision in his path that had already occurred. He then plowed into both of them causing the initially rear ended car careening left into the on coming path of a Hummer which created the head on. This person in a Lexus 400 series was then killed instantly. They believe he was fast and on his cell phone. They are pulling his Escalade black box and cell data. If he was hands free, he may be off the hook. If the cell was on his ear, or a none voice text went out, he's in deep trouble and the cause of death. Lawyers follow the money trail. What's interesting is the passenger compartment of the white car appears to be fully intact based upon the few pictures I've seen.
jetdriven Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 That said, I will NEVER be getting my news from ALJazeera... Where do you get your news, Scott?
jetdriven Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Actually, there was a rear end collision in his path that had already occurred. He then plowed into both of them causing the initially rear ended car careening left into the on coming path of a Hummer which created the head on. This person in a Lexus 400 series was then killed instantly. They believe he was fast and on his cell phone. They are pulling his Escalade black box and cell data. If he was hands free, he may be off the hook. If the cell was on his ear, or a none voice text went out, he's in deep trouble and the cause of death. Lawyers follow the money trail. I haven't read anything that suggests he was speeding. You'd think he has a couple million in auto liability plus an umbrella policy. I bet he does OK, I mean, Vince Neal crashed his Ferarri and killed the passenger and he came out alright.
John Pleisse Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 I haven't read anything that suggests he was speeding. You'd think he has a couple million in auto liability plus an umbrella policy. I bet he does OK, I mean, Vince Neal crashed his Ferarri and killed the passenger and he came out alright.'re right...and the first rear-end he ran into is very mitigating to any good civil liability attorney. Human life claims usually are in the $4-10mil judgements, though.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015're right...and the first rear-end he ran into is very mitigating to any good civil liability attorney. Human life claims usually are in the $4-10mil judgements, though. These sequence of pictures (from Paparazzi?) are interesting because to me they show that the driver of the white car had his seat belt on but upon impact the shoulder belt shifted to the left and off of him.
jetdriven Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 That's my beef with big SUVs. If needed is one thing but a lot of them are just fashion shows. But the far larger mass kills drivers in smaller cars.
John Pleisse Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 These sequence of pictures (from Paparazzi?) are interesting because to me they show that the driver of the white car had his seat belt on but upon impact the shoulder belt shifted to the left and off of him. This is my point about 3 and 4 point harnesses in aircraft. In a high G crash, nothing will save you, but in a survivable crash, occupants can "submarine" under the lap belt or out the shoulder belt. The new 5 points somewhat address this. In a low-G off airport landing into trees or a corn field, I want to walk away or survive. Not be a quadriplegic or dead.
flyboy0681 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 This is my point about 3 and 4 point harnesses in aircraft. In a high G crash, nothing will save you, but in a survivable crash, occupants can "submarine" under the lap belt of out the shoulder belt. The new 5 points somewhat address this. In a low-G off airport landing into trees or a corn field, I want to walk away or survive. Not be a quadriplegic or dead. No doubt Lexus will be called up as a defendant for having faulty seat belts.
alex Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 Where do you get your news, Scott? If I may....anywhere else you dont is a safe bet! 1
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