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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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From Bad to Worse instead of Good to Great


By Herman Cain

Narratives can't change facts.




This is getting old already. Ok, we get it, the country is in dire straits and things have never been worse.


Too bad Mr. Pizzahead didn't win in 2012, otherwise the country would be on a much better footing.

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The lowest labor participation rate in decades, which means a real unemployment rate of more than 10 percent instead of the widely reported 5.6 percent.

- Americans who have joined the food stamp program since 2009: 13 million

Where you see socialism, I see millions of Americans who under Obama have discovered their entrepreneurial spirit and are collecting from government "contracts" just like the defense contractors.

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I heard Herman Cain on the radio. Donated to his campaign, a little each month for several months.

Then those "few rogue IRS Agents in Cinncinati" sent me "mean" letters. Funny, they had moved to the Philly Office? They said I owed the IRS thousands of dollars? I responded with an explanation why that was incorrect. They responded by telling me fines and interest would begin shortly. I hired an accountant. I refused to pay their claim or be bullied into signing form waiving my rights to go to court. I won.

Yup ... bad to worse.

In Obama's economy:

My brother lost his job after his company was bought.

Luckily he found a new job and now his new company has been bought and is laying-off employees.

My brother-in-law lost his job after his plant was closed.

I lost my position after my company was bought. I pay more now for health insurance and my companies cost in greater.

My nephew lost his job, and had to move with his wife and two children in my Sister and brother-in-laws basement.


Tell me again how great Obama's economy is and how your are tired of anyone daring to say otherwise!


I'm sorry your entire family seems to posses no skills essential to their employers...This is free market capitalism for you...Nothing I find more hilarious than tea partiers bitching about free market not working out for them...I bought 3 airplanes since Obama took over...Restored an old mansion...Started two companies...And quadrupled my stock market net worth...Yeah, times are tough...Go find some bootstraps Dave...

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We all have at least Bachelors degrees in good fields: Accounting, Engineering (Masters from UCLA), I am the "black sheep" with an Education degree who went into aviation.

But as I said before ... If you can handle the facts, attack the source. Another good one!

Obama didn't tell your employers to downsize and eliminate your jobs just to save a few bucks for investors.

My biggest disappointment between serving in the Army and working in corporate America is the disdain management has for workers. I took pride as an Army Officer in taking care of my soldiers. It was probably the most rewarding part of my job. It is a shame that corporate management sees workers as an impediment to profits and doesn't realize the importance to taking care of its loyal employees.

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Obama didn't tell your employers to downsize and eliminate your jobs just to save a few bucks for investors.

My biggest disappointment between serving in the Army and working in corporate America is the disdain management has for workers. I took pride as an Army Officer in taking care of my soldiers. It was probably the most rewarding part of my job. It is a shame that corporate management sees workers as an impediment to profits and doesn't realize the importance to taking care of its loyal employees.


Workers are "tools". When a better, cheaper, more reliable "tool" comes along, they get replaced. Example, "engineer" who can't code. If you have an engineering degree and can also code (since most new modern CAD and FEA tools require that ability), you can more or less call your salary. My 29 year brother calls his. Mid 6 figures. Comes home to Omaha whenever he damn pleases, works from home when he feels like it. My sister with a law degree in international law gets offers left and right to come back to US of A. She quite enjoys the European socialism and makes hundreds of thousands of euros in Austria and even has a driver.


Welcome to new globalized reality. 

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How dare me point out that there is a world outside of your sphere. And you are out of touch. (as is Obama)

No bootstraps for me. I'll lay down and suck on the teat just like the other 53%.

Keep up the good work, millions on welfare and subsidized health care need an iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 ...


And you think somehow the next president who sucks on Koch brothers' genitals is somehow going to be better for the common man? Middle class was an artifact created in the 1940's thru 1970's thru extremely high taxation on the wealthy and confluence of other factors. It's over, Dave. Nixon started building the casket, Reagan put the lid on the coffin and Clinton drove in the final nail.

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I won't argue the facts, I'm just not sure of the cause. Is Obama responsible for the decline of the American working and middle classes, or is it corporate greed?



Obama is obviously the cause for all of it. 


A little objectivism would go a long way. While I wasn't a great supporter of Bush, when someone criticized "this" or criticized "that", I looked at the issue objectively and would respond as such. For example, when the left was blaming Bush for the sky high gas prices during the summer of 2008, I knew he had nothing to do with it and I let people know it.

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There are good and bad leaders at all levels in all organizations...find and work for a good one. I say NOPE to your blanket characterization of Corporate Managers...

Andy, all Dave wants is some validation of the current occupant. I work and pay taxes. He is not responsible for the stock market any more than I am. I know you do not vote, but your and Dave's family situation's both strike me as sad...that said I am taking your tact of "they all are crooks". I just want the crook that spends less and wants people to be free to make their own decisions...including whether to get their kids immunized.


In certain aspects of society, minority simply has to conform to majority view for the good of everyone. Immunization is one of those examples. Think back to polio. It is essentially eradicated world wide due to immunization. The science is settled on this one. Children wondering around with measles is an equivalent to wondering around and randomly popping off rounds from an AR15. We don't allow that and for the same reason we should not allow a "blonde ditz" to make health policy for a nation. Once again, think polio. If there ever is a job for the government, the public health policy is it. We've done with TB, we've done with smallpox, we've done with polio, we can do it with measles. It's actually a matter of economics. Epidemics are not good for business.


Key facts

  • Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available. 
  • In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour. 
  • Measles vaccination resulted in a 75% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2013 worldwide. 
  • In 2013, about 84% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services – up from 73% in 2000. 
  • During 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.
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I can't really offer you a validation of the current occupant. He is of a fine line of current occupants that started with Nixon. Nixon brought on the big shift to "fake" smaller government. At least those before him did not pretend so we the people actually got something out of it. Not a single one of them want smaller government or have done anything to implement it. Do I think the entire job of governing could be done for 20% of GDP (and I mean federal, state and local combined). You bet ya, will it ever be done? Hell no.


What pisses me off about the current occupant is total and complete lack of desire and/or ability to "execute". My motto is if you're going to do something, do it right. Look at the cluster fuck in Iowa called "CoOportunity Health". It just means all insurance companies will have to pay more into the state fund next year. I agreed with ACA in principle and still do. I totally disagree with it's execution or rather, total and complete lack there of. Billion dollars for a website? I'm pretty sure Amazon spends less annually running its IS&T empire. It was at most a 10 million dollar project. All that changes every 8 years is who gets to suck on the titty...It's been good 8 years for me.

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  • Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available. 
  • In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour. 
  • Measles vaccination resulted in a 75% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2013 worldwide. 
  • In 2013, about 84% of the world's children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday through routine health services – up from 73% in 2000. 
  • During 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.



Let's not lose sight over how this whole anti-vaccine movement started. Some crackpot doctor in the UK (Wakefield) thought he saw a correlation between kids diagnosed with autism after a mother noticed her kid started acting strangely immediately after being vaccinated. He surmised that it was the mercury in the vile that was causing it (without any research). As a result of his revelation, the healthcare community started doing statistical and scientific research only to find no such connection. Later on, the mercury solution was eventually removed from the vaccine yet autism was still diagnosed.


Now if you believe in conspiracy theories and that the drug companies paid for the studies (yup, there are plenty out there), then all bets are off the table.

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Re: Workers: Can I get you guys a tissue?


Re: Vaccinations, these people are well funded and moronic. They have the right to not vaccinate their kids, but where they have won the battle is having their kid's admitted to public institutions-schools. In Maryland....just sign on the dotted line for "phylisophical" reasons. This is critical. When outbreaks happen, they will cite vaccinated kid's becoming infected anyway, as their defense. This will be hashed out as a civil matter. The anti-vaccination lobby will get crushed civilly, when kid's start dying. The civil liability for this will be stunning. The lobby won't have enough cash to buy a pro bono attorney a freakin' tuna sandwich for lunch.




You think Jenny McCarthy will be french kissing Donny Wahlberg on New Years Eve this year? She's a hole with bad ideas.

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Re: Workers: Can I get you guys a tissue?


Re: Vaccinations, these people are well funded and moronic. They have the right to not vaccinate their kids, but where they have won the battle is having their kid's admitted to public institutions-schools. In Maryland....just sign on the dotted line for "phylisophical" reasons. This is critical. When outbreaks happen, they will cite vaccinated kid's becoming infected anyway, as their defense. This will be hashed out as a civil matter. The anti-vaccination lobby will get crushed civilly, when kid's start dying.




You think Jenny McCarthy will be french kissing Donny Wahlberg on New Years Eve this year? She's a hole with bad ideas.



Maybe the solution is to once again separate the three serums included in the MMR vaccine into individual ones like when we were kids. The movement keeps blaming it on the MMR combination itself.

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Re: Workers: Can I get you guys a tissue?


Re: Vaccinations, these people are well funded and moronic. They have the right to not vaccinate their kids, but where they have won the battle is having their kid's admitted to public institutions-schools. In Maryland....just sign on the dotted line for "phylisophical" reasons. This is critical. When outbreaks happen, they will cite vaccinated kid's becoming infected anyway, as their defense. This will be hashed out as a civil matter. The anti-vaccination lobby will get crushed civilly, when kid's start dying.




You think Jenny McCarthy will be french kissing Donny Wahlberg on New Years Eve this year? She's a hole with bad ideas.




You can thank the religious right for constant non stop fight for your freedom to worship...All of these insane exemptions start right there with a few supreme court decisions about religious freedom...Like I said before, be careful what you wish for...I am all people being allowed to delude themselves into believing whatever they want to believe in the privacy of their own head...


Now we have the crazy "lefties" using the rights "won" by the crazy "righties" to fuck shit up for everyone. I am waiting for the day, and it will arrive here soon when the "hobby lobby" decision is used to strip corporate shareholders of limited liability protection. You are going to be amazed what 9th circuit will do with that "precedent".


Our courts, our legislature and our executive are mere reactionaries without ability or desire to think anything through. 

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I think Autism is caused by Fox News and MSNBC...Parents watch...become twisted...and breed.

1 in 67 is the result.

Could be Talk Radio or the hops in beer or ethanol or cell phone waves or putting the i-pad on your stomach while pregnant...

Could be the fluoride, High tension power lines, microwaves...or THE RUSKIES.


And that's why I only drink rainwater or pure grain alcohol and deny women my essence...Or it could be that we've always had autistic children and they were either not recognized as such or institutionalized, depending on various factors. Either case, I'm sorry for anyone who has to deal with it. And I can see how people start looking for someone or something to blame. Feeling powerless sucks.

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You want to home school and not vaccinate your kid? O.K. by me. You want to bring that kid to my kids school for any purpose?


How we doing on the kids from SOB...South of Border...regarding vaccinations?

We good there? Assimilate at will?




Say whatever you want to say about our SOB friends, but here in Omaha, South O is a thriving little community of stores, restaurants, moms walking with their kids, painted homes and mowed lawns. South O has always been where the immigrants have settled, Polish, Irish, German and now the Mexicans. North Omaha, well, different story: shootings, tall grass, paint peeling, and churches and liquor stores. If more Jesus was the answer, North O would be a beacon of hope for everyone to look up to, the change you can believe in. You can't stumble for a block without stepping on a church. I still risk getting shot weekly for some of the best ribs in the world. 




Why can't we just annex Mexico? I'm hearing the drug lords have now diversified into avocados. 

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You can thank the religious right for constant non stop fight for your freedom to worship...All of these insane exemptions start right there with a few supreme court decisions about religious freedom...Like I said before, be careful what you wish for...I am all people being allowed to delude themselves into believing whatever they want to believe in the privacy of their own head...


Now we have the crazy "lefties" using the rights "won" by the crazy "righties" to fuck shit up for everyone. I am waiting for the day, and it will arrive here soon when the "hobby lobby" decision is used to strip corporate shareholders of limited liability protection. You are going to be amazed what 9th circuit will do with that "precedent".


Our courts, our legislature and our executive are mere reactionaries without ability or desire to think anything through. 

Babbling, bitter, partisan rant. God Lord.... (oh, sorry Andy).

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Babbling, bitter, partisan rant. God Lord.... (oh, sorry Andy).


Because I am incorrect where? Are unvaccinated children allowed to attend public schools under religious exemptions or not? Yes. Nothing bitter about, just the facts. When you give in to extremist views, the results down the line are often unintended. It always puts a smile on my face when things fire back.


Why does fighting for total separation of church and state make me bitter, babbling or partisan. Why does wanting laws to be based on scientific, cost-benefit analyzed reality instead of ideas from a poorly written incoherent book offend you so much? Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Practice what you want to practice in the privacy of your head. Leave it out political process. At least this way, you don't look like the hypocrite you are with all your peace and love on sunday mornings and bullshit bellicose posturing the rest of the week. Deep down inside you know you might just spend the eternity in hell. Pains you greatly, doesn't it. Now how was that for a rant?

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Do they have nukes? No. Do they have fighter jets and aircraft carriers. No. Well, then they are not really a threat in any sense of the word as used in context of war. Should we allow them to exist? No. And guess what? They got arrested, they will spend majority of their lives with someone stuffing "pork" in their orifices. As things should be. I don't lose any sleep over them. You seem to be. I just don't get that excited. World is full of various nutcases. We arrest them, try them, put them away. They thrive on attention. Let's call them what they are: common criminals attempting to use a translation of a 4000 year old book to justify their actions.

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Do they have nukes? No. Do they have fighter jets and aircraft carriers. No. Well, then they are not really a threat in any sense of the word as used in context of war. Should we allow them to exist? No. And guess what? They got arrested, they will spend majority of their lives with someone stuffing "pork" in their orifices. As things should be. I don't lose any sleep over them.



Wonder what kind of benefits they are offering. Is paid vacation time mandated in Canada? What about maternity leave?

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