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Found 6 results

  1. Scenarios: 1. We purchased the MLB100 with our Avidyne AXP 322 and IFD 540. 2. Also, we have a GDL39R being used with Garmin Pilot. 3. What we have noticed on the Garmin Pilot with a GDL-39 since around mid-2018, after the update, we now have access and can utilize the new FIS-B weather products are available such as the following: Lightning Turbulence Icing Cloud Tops Graphical AIRMET Center Weather Advisory 4. My question is since MLB unit is a NAVWORX unit and NAVWORX is out of business, will the MLB100 units receive any updates via Avidyne and/or any other 3rd party source that may take on these units. If no, then basically, we have invested into a product (that is only a couple of years old) that will not provide any current FIS-B functionality. OR 5. Will these new FIS-B WX products become available via a firmware update to the IFD 540? Now for another scenario 6. Will the Garmin GTX 345R work with the IFD540? This will allow us to remove both the AXP-322 and MLB100 and 1 unit in lieu of 2. 7. In addition to question #6 (if the 345R will work) will the newer ADS-B products be supported with the IFD unit? Overall it seems like the IFD unit will need a firmware update to support the newer ADS-B features since many of these features are consider map overlays that the end-user can toggle off and on. 8. Regardless if you fly with a Garmin GTN or Avidyne IFD series, why can't you have Winds aloft and FIS-B Radar displayed both at the same time? On the inexpensive Garmin Pilot app you can display both at the same time, but not on our $$,$$$ GPS units. 9. On the IFD100 will the newer FIS-B products be available? 10 What about the Skytrax 100? Is the the same operating system and different name? Is this a total different unit? and can any details be provided about the new ADS-B FIS-B products in regards of the Skytrax100 supporting these features? Sorry, I do not fly with Foreflight; although, I do have the Foreflight APP. Foreflight users are welcome to chime in just as long the points are related to this post. The same goes for Garmin GTN, Avidyne IFD users, and/or any other FIS-B equipment and application that is applicable. This posting is not about which unit is better or worst; however, the objective is to determine and/or gather information and functionality based on the details depicted within this posting. Thank you.
  2. For those who have asked for more in depth training on the IFD series of navigators, we have teamed up with Master CFI Gary Reeves of PilotSafety.org to provide webinars, in person seminars and a video series. The first of many webinars are scheduled (see below). Wednesday, May 11th 6:30pm (Pacific) (Thursday May 12th 0100 UTC) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1623049960924876036 For WINGS credit: http://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=68863&caller=/SPANS/events/EventList.aspx Monday, May 16th 2330 UTC 7:30pm (Central) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4829957042899565057 Monday, May 16th 2230 UTC 6:30pm (Eastern) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5528846215932681217 The first topic he will be covering is: Getting to know the Avidyne IFD 540/440 The IFD540 & IFD440 represent the next generation in FMS/GPS/ NAV/COM systems. They are plug-and play replacements for Garmin 530/430 systems. We will cover the new features including Hybrid Touch: Knobs & Buttons or Touch-Screen Wireless Keyboard Flight Plan Entry Graphical Flight Plan Editing GeoFill™ Reduces Data Entry Time Easy Loading of Approaches Entering a Hold is Easy “Next Leg” Depiction Easy Radio Tuning Multiple Frequency Formats and Station Readout Low-Fuel Protection Electronic Approach Charts and Airport Diagrams Terrain Awareness & FLTA Integrated WiFi & Bluetooth® Connectivity to iPad programs like FlyQ & ForeFlight Your speaker is Gary Reeves, ATP, Master CFI and the 2016 FAA Instructor of the Year for the WP region.
  3. The Airplane 1981 M20K w/ KFC200 autopilot What Was Done Removed 1. Garmin GTN 650 2. Garmin GDL 39 3-D 3. Bendix King KT74 Installed 1. Avidyne IFD540 2. Avidyne AXP 322 Remote Transponder 3. Avidyne MLB 100 ADS-B In Receiver Why It Was Done The Garmin GTN 650 was a replacement for my Garmin GNS 430W and was installed about two years ago. From the onset, I had problems updating the unit with the Jeppesen nav data. The Garmin update worked fine. Over the years, I have not fully appreciated Garmin's proprietary mindset, preferring, instead, a more open-platform approach to avionics and software in general. I decided, therefore, when a smoking deal was offered on the Avidyne unit, to install the three units listed above. Since Avidyne units all talk to one another, it seemed reasonable to use their units exclusively. With the introduction of iPads and various ancillary units working with them, I never liked all the wires snaking around the cockpit, and this installation offered the opportunity to have a very capable GPS, flight information system, ADS-B out, ADS-B in displayed on the main unit, and a general decluttering of the panel area. The installation has done that. Preparation The Avidyne IFD 540 is considerably more than a large-screen GPS. It preforms myriad functions other than navigation. Second-nature operation of the unit does not come overnight. Recognizing this, the company has compiled a complete operator's manual that explains all functions of the unit. It is downloadable. However, they have gone beyond that by producing a simulator app that operates at least on the iPad and PCs, and perhaps other operating systems. I have used it both on the iPad and the PC. During the time that I have been waiting for the airplane to be finished, I have spent many hours with both the manual and the simulator. The sim has operated flawlessly and greatly diminished what I'd think could be a fairly steep learning curve. Ta Da! The call finally came, and 414MS was ready to make her first flight with the new boxes. Everything booted properly and settled into operating mode. Making initial changes to user-programmable items was accomplished easily and precisely as it had been done in the simulator. It is actually easier on the unit itself because there are real knobs and not flat, electronic simulations of them. After adjusting the settings to my liking, I entered a straight-forward flight plan: from the departure airport to a nearby VOR, then to an initial fix for a GPS approach at my home airport, the full approach, then landing. The flight plan was entered in less than 20 seconds, and the airplane flew the course perfectly. When flying the approach, it is a new and pleasing experience to have each of the fix altitudes displayed on the unit. Today is the second day I've had the unit and have done four more approaches, all without any problem. I did have a problem registering the IFD with Avidyne for some unknown reason; I called tech support yesterday afternoon and received an e-mail this morning indicating the issue had been resolved and the unit is registered. Conclusion This isn't meant to be a real-time description of this process, but I thought some of you might be interested in an opinion on and experience with a newer piece of avionics which is now available in the marketplace. Is it perfect? Probably not. Is it an excellent tool for the cockpit? You bet. I think I made the right choice. I'll update this from time to time as my experience grows. In this day and age, I suppose it is important for a reader to know that I am not an employee of Avidyne, have not been compensated by them in any way, and have not been promised anything by them.
  4. Avidyne is excited to announce connectivity with industry-leading app providers ForeFlight and Fltplan Go. This announcement expands Avidyne's connectivity options which include the previously announced MK10 Bluetooth® Keyboard. Initial connectivity will allow iPads with the newly-announced ForeFlight version 7.6 to wirelessly receive and display GPS position and flight plan information from Avidyne's IFD540/440 units running the current v10.1 software. FltPlan Go running on an iPad, Android tablet, and Windows 10 tablet can wirelessly display GPS position and flight plan information from the Avidyne IFD540 or IFD440 running the current v10.1 or later software. Many additional capabilities will be added in a future IFD software release for the IFD540/440.
  5. Avidyne has received STC approval for the MK10 Bluetooth® keyboard. The MK10 Bluetooth Keyboard allows pilots to wirelessly control their panel-mounted IFD440 or IFD540 system. Activation of Bluetooth functionality requires IFD440/IFD540 software Release 10.1.1. Initially, the MK10 will allow remote entry of waypoints and flightplans, plus map range changing, and alpha-numeric data entry. An upcoming release (R10.2) will fully enable all MK10 functions including page and tab selection, Direct TO, and others.” The MK10 will have a retail value of $299. For a limitied time, all customers who register or who have registered on www.MyAvidyne.com will receive the MK10 at no cost. If you own an IFD540 or IFD440 and have not registered at MyAvidyne.com, please do so now so you don't get left out when we begin sending MK10 keyboards.
  6. Avidyne is happy to announce the approval of Release 10.1.1 software for the IFD540 & IFD440. Release 10.1.1 adds a number of performance improvements and product enhancements to the IFD540 and IFD440, including activation of the integrated Bluetooth® and WiFi capabilities. Release 10.1.1 (R10.1.1) software is a field-loadable upgrade for the IFD540 and IFD440 that enables Bluetooth and WiFi functionality and also includes a number of product improvements and enhancements. Avidyne’s MK10 Bluetooth wireless keyboard is the first device to take advantage of this wireless capability. Avidyne previously announced a Software Developer Kit (SDK) that allows 3rd-party software developers to create applications for smartphones and portable tablet devices using the wireless data streams coming out of the IFD540 and IFD440. With throughput rates of up to 3 Mbps, Bluetooth provides terrific point-to-point connectivity for specific devices and App-based tasks, while WiFi provides a higher-bandwidth connection of up to 65 Mbps for more robust purposes including laptops and browser-based connectivity.
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