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Marauder last won the day on August 20 2022

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    1975 M20F

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  1. I live under the Delaware TFR. If you are transitioning the outer ring and are not IFR, the easiest way to file a VFR flight plan and begin communicating with Philly ATC prior to arriving to the TFR. Most of the time you will get clearance through the outer ring. You’ll never get cleared through the 12 mile ring (this TFR’s inner ring is wider). I’ve never been pushed far enough to go to the SFRA. There is plenty of distance between the Wilmington TFR and the SFRA. You may however hit the 60 DME ring. Still passable. This time of the year the Rehoboth area may have a TFR since Biden spends his time there sometimes on weekends. Pay attention to these new TFRs for Trump and Harris. I think they are 5 nm and are popping up in Jersey and sometimes in Delaware when Harris meets with Biden’s campaign advisors here.
  2. I had a similar issue. It was smeared in that timeframe when Garmin was dealing with open squelch issues that the short term fix was adjusting the squelch and losing some transmission range. After that was resolved, I was still having transmit issues. I replaced all of the RG-58 with RG-400. Someone more familiar with the installation requirements of the Garmin stuff can comment whether that is a requirement or not. I think there is a lot more RG-58 still being used on new installations. Replacing the cabling fixed the transmission problem (never had a noise issue). Another thing to check is the antenna. I had a GNC 355 installed recently and was having issues with transmissions being heard. The problem was masked because the radio that was removed was a 16W GNC255B. Turned out to be the 7 year antenna that was bad. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Obviously you! [emoji38] Here is a better shot. 7 years older but still looking pretty good. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Some little birdie told me it was a refueler for the F16s. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Being one of those lucky owners based at an airport that is in the no-fly area of the current presidential TFRs, I have a perspective on this. I don’t particularly understand the need for them. I lived only a few miles from the Prez and if it wasn’t for the TFR, I would not even have a clue he was in town. But by presenting the TFR, someone with ill intent certainly would know. My airport is less than 5 miles as the crow flies from the current Prez’s house. If someone took off from my airport, stayed low (flat terrain the whole way), to your point, there is no way an intercept would happen. And even if Philly picks them up on radar, I have listened to the fighter/controller exchange where the controller helps the fighter locate the interception target. There is a nice YouTube video that showed this happening in the NYC area during the former Prez’s term. The controller was giving out vectors to help locate the interception plane. Too much ground clutter? Turns out it was a West Point Academy GA plane that was involved. There is some entertainment value to them. Every time there has been an intercept, I usually know because I hear the fighters circling. That’s when I head to the airport to see what this intercept brings. Like the sweet octogenarian couple who clipped the western edge. We helped them find a hotel after the guys in the black SUVs were done making sure their denture cream wasn’t in fact an explosive. Or the poor guy in the Cirrus, who had to leave his plane there for a week until the TFR came down. I guess having two pilots on board doesn’t guarantee that one of them saw the TFR notification. But my all time favorite was relayed to me by a realtor friend. They were at a home and set up to do a drone video on the home being sold. They were swarmed by a horde of black SUVs and detained for a couple of hours. The drone operator was Part 107 but obviously slept through the part that drones were also included in the list of grounded airborne vehicles. I do find it interesting how some of these interceptions are conducted. On a couple of them, the jets did the intercept only to be joined by a Coast Guard helicopter that followed the plane to the airport. I made a suggestion to the airport manager to see if they could set up a FRZ type process for us. We already tried to see if we could get a gateway designation like KILG. But even KILG’s TSA window is pretty narrow. Our work around if we really need to get out is fly our plane to one of the two airports before the TFR goes active. Another interesting thing we learned is that when these TFRs are up, sometimes when you look on ADS-B exchange, you can see a refueler doing circles over the area. Wonder how much that costs… I wonder if isn’t time the approach is revisited… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Thanks for the reply. I suspect something is wrong with either the mag or something else. I’ve tried a different hot start that another IO-360 uses and it isn’t any better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Just had a SureFly installed. I’ve read numerous accounts that hot starts are easier. I’m having issues with hot starts. For those of you who have installed one on a IO-360, did you need to change your hot start procedure? I’ve used the same hot starting procedure since I bought the plane in 1991. On shutdown, leave the throttle at 1,000 RPM. On hot start up, leave mixture out, crank and when it catches (3 or 4 blades), advance the mixture. This doesn’t work any longer. The only way I could get it to start was to use the flooded start procedure. Am I looking at a SureFly issue or something else? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. It’s actually several years old. I bought it from Airtex (https://www.airtexinteriors.com/about.php). Great company to work with. I ordered their stock carpet for my my Mooney but I didn’t like the fit. I asked if they could work off of a template and they said they could. Made a paper tracing of the carpet I wanted and they cut and bound it for the same price as the stocked stuff. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Installed. Just need to paint it to match the interior and do a little carpet trimming. Thanks for the help. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Thanks. I’m not sure how much I will be back on the forum. Retirement is keeping me busy between searching for the failed rocket engineer designer of my fuel selector switch, hanging out with Stinky Pants at his fly-ins or chasing the Grim Reaper off my airport when he stops by to terrorize people looking for his next hacksaw job. Didn’t realize retirement is more work than real work. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Wow John! You keep amazing me with your innovations. I think it would be too much for me to take on, besides it would cut into my time looking for the failed rocket engineer who thought it was a good idea to put that fuel selector in the only area where someone mid aged or older can’t reach. [emoji15] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. That’s the picture I needed! I figured the darker colored piece went under the bigger piece but wasn’t sure how it was screwed in. Appreciate the research Ross. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Hey Andy, nice hearing from you! The darker piece is actually a thick piece of plastic. Probably to provide some spacing for the fuel sump stem. It’s pretty narrow and I don’t think it will be easy to line it up to the existing holes to drill (especially since my old pieces is obliterated). And of course drilling new holes in that area raises the pucker factor a bit. As for the paint job. Nope… still holding out hope that David finishes his cowling mod. Last year he said he was getting close but life probably got in the way. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  14. I guess you can consider this a fly by (as opposed to a drive by)… [emoji12] Only jumped on the site to see if someone has a Spatial Interior installed so I can figure out how Bruce’s fuel selector/sump replacement piece is installed. Not obvious to me. That’s when I came across this thread on the SureFly. Just went through the installation, hence the carnal knowledge on electronic tach requirements. Hope you guys are doing well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
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