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Everything posted by Mooney1401

  1. looking to buy the brackets for a McCauley 2 bladed spinner. I have the spinner, just need the brackets and bulkhead
  2. would you have the plates from the spinner I bought from you ?? thanks
  3. how much for the 201 top cowl ? thanks
  4. Looking to buy a JPI830 and looking for advice on the best place to buy / best price thanks J
  5. Hey flyboy201, I am in Muskoka Ontario (not to far) by Mooney standards I also have a M20J. I fly about 120-130 hours a year in mine. I am heading to Fort Myers end of Jan and would also love to get up flying while I am in the warm weather. have to meet up some time when flying around home Jay
  6. interested in the 14v landing lights for my M20J thanks
  7. Thanks Byron,
  8. looking for recommendations on GPS units. I am looking to install an IFR GPS in my 77 J I would like it to be able to connect with Garmin G5s (to be installed later) seeking your advice on best priced and practical unit. (working in a budget) thanks j
  9. Hello, interested in a JPI 900 for my M20J I have the FF450 looking to up grade if you have any used / new thanks
  10. Hello is this still available Thank you
  11. thanks guys, bought the 35Axc
  12. Thanks Carusoam, just found that chart, looks like a concord 35A
  13. I have a 77 J with a 14v system. any recommendations for a new battery. thanks J
  14. Just installed two new power packs and new strobe lights. RH works great LH I can hear the flash but there is no light going off. Any ideas as to what's wrong thanks j
  15. Just installed two new power packs and new strobe lights. RH works great LH I can hear the flash but there is no light going off. Any ideas as to what's wrong thanks j
  16. I can bank on 155kts true EGT 1300 2400 rpm and 23" about 10.5 gal
  17. I too would like to do my head liner in my 78 J
  18. Still forsale ? And will they fit a 77 J. ??
  19. Thanks for the help guys. I will follow up with your advise
  20. My plane is in for its annual inspection. One of the complaints I had was a smell of fuel in the cabin when the plane has been parked for a while. It seems my pump is leaking. Does anyone know of a good(affordable) option to fix or replace it ? Thanks J
  21. Great looking plane Rob. I am sure it won't last. I was wondering if you could give an idea on the cost with installing your aspen system. I am interested in doing this to my plane. Pm me if you don't mind.
  22. My 77J works great. -37c this morning when I woke up. By the time I took off it was -29c cabin heat worked well plane flew great. What a day for flying other then COLD ! Out sky clear and smooth !
  23. I had mine repaired and have about 80 hrs on since. All is working well, tomorrow I am flying to my AME for an oil change
  24. Ellioth, where was the crack in your case. I had one too, in my engine. (IO360A3B6D) last year that I opted to send out to be repaired Mine was in the case right near the # 2 jug bolts on
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