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Everything posted by Mooney1401

  1. Hello I am looking at putting in a fuel flow gage. Any suggestions for a low tech model that's not going to break the bank. I fly a 77 M20J
  2. Hello my name is Jay. I live in bracebridge Ontario and own a 77 M20J. This is my first plane and I have owned it about a year and a half now. I have put just over 200 hrs on it and can not wait until my next time in it. I am the proud dad to 3 boys aged 6 and twins born a month ago. I too have become addicticed to everything Mooney. If any of you end up my way let me know. I am always interested in learning more about Moonies
  3. Hello Eyves I fly over to Gatineau pretty much every weekend to pick up my son I'll have to stop in and say hello one day to you at Rockcliffe it woukd be nice to meet some other people with similar aircraft.
  4. I am looking forward to doing some cross border flying this year. I have not done it yet
  5. I am based in Muskoka Ontario. I know there are other mooney owners around Ontario just wondering who you are and where you are. As well as where the other Mooney owners are.
  6. I lucked out and don't pay hangar fees. And my insurance is $1300 per year.
  7. Thanks for the information. It would be 115 dry and any extra cost to my insurance would be up to them to pay.
  8. I am looking at selli g some block time and was thinking around $115 per hour. Want to be fair but also make sure my costs are all covered
  9. Just looking to see what other mooney owners plan for an operating cost. I have a 77 M20J
  10. I have a 77 M20J the engine is an OI360A3B6D with 2300 hrs on it and running on condition. The cylinders only have 500 on them so I am looking into overhauling the bottom end. I live in Ontario and don't have many options. Parts and shops are limited.
  11. Have my mooney in for its annual and found a small hair line crack in the case above the #2 cylinder next to the front bolt. Disappointing to say the least. Now the planning of repair (if possible ) or replace.
  12. Would that roll do all seats ?
  13. Interested in speaking to you about this
  14. I am trying to replace the cover off my emerg hand crank in my 201. Any ideas where I can buy/order New plastics Thanks
  15. Thanks for the information. Looks like its time to start Removing the panels. Scott I am in Ontario Canada an hour north Of Toronto. I am not to sure where it is you are Recomending the tank work.
  16. Looking for some help ! I have a 78 M20J When I lower the grear I get a odor of avgas In the cockpit. I am guessing I have a leaky tank But does anyone have anymore information or advise For this problem. Thanks
  17. Thanks Andrew. I have a 78 M20J
  18. I have a broken strobe light and can not figure out What bulb I need to replace it with. It is powered by a whelen A490 supply and is mounted on bracket that Says use grimes reflection lamps only. Any ideas as to What the part number is I need to order Or if I can put a whelen strobe light in there and What one that would be.
  19. Did not know I had to take the cowls off thought I could just go in from the front lens. Will read up on the procedure tonight and tackle it tomorrow. Took your advise and went with the GE
  20. Mulro767 thanks for the post that is good to know. Same to you jetdriven thanks for the links !
  21. Hello I have a 78 M20J and need to replace A burnt out landing light. Can I get some help On what to replace it with thinking LED but i Know nothing about them in regards to size, brand Or type. Thanks
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