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Everything posted by Aviator

  1. Any response from the Global underwriters? Thanks
  2. Received a renewal invoice today ( my membership expired in 2021 ). The. heading on the invoice said " MAPA IS BACK! NEW OWNER! ". There was no other information regarding MAPA changes. Wondering if anyone had heard anything additional regarding the future of MAPA. I am considering rejoining if I can find a good reason. Jim
  3. Just received my second obvious scam message re: my search foe amp transducer. I did report it. Be careful out there.
  4. Thanks guys, but the MP Transducer is alresdy sold. Still looking.
  5. Origional part # SP-100-110-25A Mooney changed to SP-100-110-106A
  6. I am looking to buy an Ametek manifold pressure transducer which feeds the Moritz cluster on my 2004 Ovation. Looks like getting on the schedule for a new engine monitoring system is 5-6 months out once I commit. Would like to get the MAP guage working sooner.
  7. Thanks for all the helpful and insightful comments. Meeting with avionics shop next week to finalize plan. Will post results of meeting and related plans. Thanks again. Jim
  8. Well, it seems I am going to go the JPI or EI route. Now my challenge is how to integrate into the panel on a 2004 Ovation. I really do not want to put the unit on the right side out of my scan. Suggestions and/or pictures of installations would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. The Manifold Pressure Gauge on the Moritz cluster in my 2004 Ovation has quit. My two main options appear to be upgrading my JPI 730 engine monitor to a 900 or installing an independent, primary Manifold Pressure Gauge. The installed cost of the independent gauge would appear to be about 10% of the cost of the 900. There is room in the panel. One risk of the independent gauge is what's next with the Moritz. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
  10. I feel the need....the need for speed!
  11. That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you.
  12. I am looking for a digital copy of a POH for an Ovation 2 DX. Preferably the version issued 11-99. This would supplement the original paper copy, which I have for the aircraft. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  13. Having the same exact problem updating from an iPad to a GTN 750. Will update the card from my home computer today and hope Garmin addresses the problem soon. Will not frustrate myself by calling Garmin yet, at least until Sun & Fun is over.
  14. There is a panel under the wingwalk on the M20R. Guess how I know? Probably one there on the J.
  15. I am interested in attending the Mooney Safety Foundation program in Springfield, Ma. September 11-13, 2020. Are the programs operating as scheduled? Anyone have any experience with the training during the corona virus? Thanks Jim
  16. I am planning a trip to Sun and Fun this year. On past trips I have used Kissimmee (KISM) and combined Sun and Fun with Orlando activities. This year I am looking to stay closer to Lakeland and spend more time at the event. If anyone has any thoughts, comments or recommendations for airports or hotels I would be appreciative. Thanks
  17. Ray-Ban Aviators. Had them 10+ years, no plans to change. Annual amortized cost seems reasonable.
  18. How many has Diamond sold compared to Cirrus? Cessna discontinued the 400 and I believe you can add a chute to the 172 and 182. Anyway, it is just my opinion (and remains so).
  19. IMHO Anyone who believes a four place, single engine airplane manufacturer can compete with Cirrus without a whole plane parachute is kidding themselves.
  20. When the Mooney Factory was purchased by the Chinese it was my belief that their long term plans depended on selling Mooney's in the developing general aviation market in China. If that had happened the USA market could benefit from all the technological advances put in place at Mooney. It appears that might not be happening. Two questions:. Can Mooney find a market for these airplanes(without a parachute) at current pricing? If they find/develop the market can they produce airplanes to meet the demand? I hope so but have my doubts.
  21. Thanks, that's helpful.
  22. I am also considering the Amsafe SOARS system for install on my M20R. Questions I have relate to actual experience with the installation. - Time to install - Any particular issues with installation -Seatbelt comfort after install -Recommendation for installers Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  23. I guess he just likes S&F and OSH and aviation. I applaud him for it.
  24. Thanks I will give you her a call.
  25. I am considering an N # change on my Ovation and am looking for a paint shop for this project. The aircraft is based in upstate NY so a shop in the Northeast would be most convenient. I would consider other locations. Any recommendations you have would be appreciated. Thanks.
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