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Everything posted by 231LV

  1. OK so after 4 months of calls and inquiries requesting shipment info on a bottle paid for last Oct and being told by Aerox they could not ship because first; they were waiting for the FAA to "approve" their new production facility, then, second; waiting for the FAA to relocate their approval office, my mechanic found a PMA'd bottle that he will install and sign off on. He called to cancel the order with Aerox and MAGICALLY, they claim the bottle was shipped 2 days ago! This after being told last week that they were waiting on the FAA relocation....hmmm.....I told my mechanic to refuse the shipment and get a full refund (which he will do). Neither of us believe a bottle will ever actually show up from Aerox...we strongly suspect they are simply trying to keep the order "alive"....anyway, my take on Aerox is AVOID THEM!
  2. Yea....composite....his bottles were not the size I required which is 77 cu ft
  3. Just noticed the link is for Aerox....they are the problem!
  4. My mechanic claims he has found a replacement which will comply with the regs....if it falls through, I will send him the link....thanks!
  5. OK....so my 231 had built-in O2 installed (by Top Gun in CA) per factory drawings before I bought the plane. The bottle is a limited life one which just expired. My mechanic ordered a replacement from Aerox (which, I'm told, is the ONLY bottle allowed). Aerox is not shipping any bottles (though they happily took my $1500 back in October) claiming that they are awaiting FAA authorization to ship from their new facility. As previously mentioned, this has been going on since last Oct. My mechanic tells me there is nothing he can do...they have the only bottle which can be installed per the drawings. This seems remarkable to me (though I have been an owner long enough to know this can actually happen). Is anybody else having this same problem?? BTW, I told my mechanic to cancel the order since I have no bottle, have no date by which I can expect a bottle and am out $1500...
  6. Thanks Eric but I found a ride...
  7. If there is anyone based out of Sedona AZ, Im hoping to find a ride over to Payson to pick up my plane next tuesday or wednesday 10/31 or 11/01....happy to pay gas and buy breakfast or lunch at the restaurant!
  8. As a previous poster said, "everything!" That being said, a hard landing can (and did in my case) necessitate a reseal of fuel tanks....staining will be evident(especially along the bottom wing seam at the landing gear door top) but a prebuy may not look at the condition of the existing wing sealant...a reseal is a $15 amu job if done right...
  9. I have an intercooler but see about 25 gph on takeoff.....
  10. The only way you will go too far LOP is when the engine stumbles.....I have experienced what you are describing...sometimes I can run with the cowl flaps fully closed but usually fly with them in trail...the added 1 or 2 knots isn't worth the engine going up above 380 degrees as far as I am concerned.
  12. Hi Jimmy, as I suspected, my O2 bottle has timed out so Im in the market for one. What is the price and are they life limited or unlimited?
  13. To bring an end to the adventure....only #1 was bad...the other 5 posted compressions of about 75 psi each. The oil cooler is cracked (accounting for more oil than usual on the belly) and my O2 bottle is timed out...filter was cut open and clean...otherwise, my mechanic says the engine looks pretty good.....I'm not going to replace the engine.....yet.....
  14. Yes....can hear a lot of air escaping and even smell the inside of the cylinder!
  15. OK....so I dropped the plane at the shop this am after a completely uneventful flight (everything looked fine on the analyzer)....first thing my mechanic found was a failed #1 jug....10 psi.....well, that would account for a low power problem....still waiting to hear what else he has found....
  16. Thanks all for the thoughts and suggestions. I really appreciate them. I will be taking the plane in next week for annual. The shop is a quick 20 minute flight and since I just completed a 7 hour round trip flight, I am comfortable flying the plane. All engine analyzer data was normal...cylinder temps were in low 300's across the board, EGT also in mid 1500's...normal, oil pressure and temp normal...in short, the engine was working just fine....it simply ran out of power much lower than it used to. I'm betting that a pop off valve is opening at higher power settings or there is a pressure leak in one of the lines. I had my mechanic look at the turbo a couple of months ago because this has been going on for awhile now and it looked fine. I will keep everyone posted on the findings...
  17. I have noticed that the throttle needs to be pushed in much further than ever before and yes, I am still getting mp in excess of 29 inches so the turbo is definitely working but I am suspecting a leak somewhere which is bleeding off some of the pressure that would otherwise go into the added charge in the engine....certainly, my mechanic will be inspecting the turbo for looseness, broken blades and other abnormalities. My use of the term critical altitude was not precise and I apologize to all for that since it has been correctly pointed out that my critical altitude is where it should be...what I meant to say was I can no longer climb as high as I once could before engine power peters out...
  18. Thank for the suggestions and you are probably correct regarding critical altitude with the bolt but I have had the plane at 22k ft with four persons with the same bolt so something has changed and as we all know...watch the trend...
  19. Having posted a few times here, I have come to value the input from forum members. I'm currently experiencing a problem which, I suspect, is turbo related. Specifically, my critical altitude has dropped significantly. On a recent trip, I noted that I was running full throttle at 14k ft and producing 25 inches of mp. This is way down from my usual settings. I have noted over the last couple of years, a drop off in critical altitude (which used to be in the low 20's). It seems I am now relegated to not much higher than 15k ft. I am suspecting a turbo problem. I know it is still working as I feel the kick in the pants as I accelerate. I have a high time GB with a fixed waste gate and intercooler and asked my A/P mechanic to dial the waste gate in a bit just to see if I could recapture some of my lost altitude. It seems to have gotten worse. The waste gate (which is nothing but a threaded bolt) was in good shape and showed no evidence of breakdown. The plane is going in for annual in the next week or so but I am hoping some suggestions could save time and money in troubleshooting. Thanks, in advance
  20. ...I removed the bulbs after bumping the "on" cabin switch for the second or third time when climbing out during the day and draining the battery. Unless you do lots of night flying with passengers, I found the lights are not worth the hassle and risk of a drained battery.
  21. After several trips the Cutter folks made up to my plane plus a couple of phone calls for reconfiguration, I passed ADS-B Out. I'm using a Stratus/Ipad for ADS-B In. I wish I could say it was easy and cheap but it wasn't. A ham handed technician broke my coms wire after coming up to try and remedy the situation; another trip up to repair that and "verify" all was working....except it wasn't. A phone call for reconfiguration followed by a flight and another phone call for reconfiguration before a successful flight and verification. My take on ADS-B for those still researching a solution; there doesn't appear to be anything cheap if you don't already have a WAAS box....Garmin gets $4k to" WAAS you" plus a transponder...upgraded Garmin 330 to ES is $1.5k plus labor, shipping, tax. Stand alone ADS-B transponders seem to be between $5-8K plus install. The least costly ADS-B compliance I have heard is $5k for a Stratus transponder but the owner already had a Garmin 430W. The installation folks were extremely apologetic and were very quick to try and solve the problem sending a technician on a four hour round trip drive twice plus numerous phone calls. Bottom line is I am good to go and learned a lot.
  22. Yea, I had a mechanical fuel pump failure a couple months ago but mine occurred upon startup...the engine wouldn't idle without the low boost pump. Your engine is larger than mine but I would strongly suspect you would have detected a serious problem when you started your takeoff roll....probably sputtering or lower power with low fuel pressure reading. Our engines/planes typically tell us when there is a problem...even in flight. You are fortunately that you did not have to deal with fire.
  23. Cutter in Phoenix....I see you are in Scottsdale....they are out of Sky Harbor
  24. Nope...the avionics shop told me everything works perfectly...next weekend, they are sending up the manager (2 hour drive each way) to "fix a simple programming problem". .....I wonder if that is it?
  25. Since I started this thread a couple of months ago, I have progressed through spending a lot of money to the point that I now have an upgraded Garmin 430W and an upgraded Garmin 330ES sitting in the plane. I also have a repaired pitot static line (split in the tail), the privilege of paying a bunch of shipping and tax and a repaired bent pin on the 430 slip in mount. Unfortunately, the ADS-B is still inop.....don't know why....sent the avionics shop manager a pic of the transponder with a message "NO ADSB" in the upper corner. While I wait to get this resolved. I'm playing with a used Stratus 1 which a buddy sold me for a couple hundred bucks. I'm wondering if anyone put one of these in their plane and if so, where did you position it to try and minimize heat?
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