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Everything posted by robert7467

  1. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33900-wb/
  2. Here is what I am working with....
  3. my W&B only shows empty weight of the plane..
  4. 1966 I downloaded the W&B info from mooney website... The W&B portion is 15 pages, which is information overload....
  5. I am trying to figure out weight and balance my M20C. I looked in my POH and cant find any ARM Data. I need to figure out the arm for: Fuel Oil Front Seat Passengers Rear Seat Passengers Baggage Comp Hat Comp I have the aircraft W&B info after we added the 3 bladed prop... Do you know where I can get this information? Thanks,
  6. No Problem rockydoc1, let me know if you need a copy of the owners manual.
  7. Put your mouse over robert7467 then it will say send msg....
  8. I have one... PM me your email address. I also have the POH in .PDF format as well.
  9. It worked for me too.... I was a little worried that it might be the end for Mooney....
  10. http://www.mooney.com/ is not working.........
  11. I use safelog www.pilotlog.com . I like it because it saves my log on their servers.
  12. http://blog.foreflight.com/2013/03/01/foreflight-mobile-updated-track-up-obstacles-classic-mode/# Now has track up feature.....
  13. Mine was all goooey, I just cleaned it with some WD-40 and its working fine now. WD-40 has been amazing for cleaning off gunk, and it will not harm the paint.
  14. You know what would be cool? 201er can take orphaned parrots, and train them to do checklist by speaking. We can call it parrots for pilots..
  15. 201er you got some splainin to do. Maybe he should get his parrot to read off his checklist.
  16. Yeah, I did notice speed bleeding off a little faster, maybe I will try 78. From what I see, there is no magic number because every situation is different, I guess I can just chalk up my bouncy landings as a bad day.
  17. Thanks Seth, I know I might sound hard headed at times in the post, but I am really not. Like at work, when a customer has a situation, I generally follow up with a phone call, because sometimes writing can sound a little harsh. I have no doubt, that 99% of the people on this board are friendly, and love GA as much as I do. I look forward to becoming a better pilot and contributing to GA.
  18. I always land with a headwind, except in KNQA runway 22 is the prefered runway due to the ILS approach, and sometimes they will have me land on 22 with a light tailwind.
  19. I agree, every situation is different, and I understand I will always be learning. If something just doesn't feel right, whether its logic, or gut feeling, I immediately do a go around.
  20. Hangar fairies....... Haha... It's kindof funny how every hangar you go by, has a toolbox in it.
  21. 9235 in small planes, or a little bit of everything?
  22. Gotcha. I see that there are special rigging tools. I am going to see if my mechanic has them, and I guess let him deal with it.
  23. Beautifully
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