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Everything posted by robert7467

  1. The more you bitch, the higher you get ranked. Try it!
  2. Skynewbie, don't take it personally. This is a message forum, and in message forums things can turn sideways real quick. I am normally the punching bag on here, but since you have been on here, they have redirected their attention towards you. If you look at the history of your threads, you will find that MOST people on here are real nice and offer sound advice, and then there are a FEW that are pricks. Dont let them bother you, because if you do, it will eat you up. Personally I dont care if you swing both ways (Mooney, Bonanza), as they are both good airplanes. Good luck to you in your search. I can promise you, most Mooney drivers are nice in person, and they share the same passion for aviation as you.
  3. Better him taking the heat than me. Thank you Skynewbie
  4. Uniform? Those are valuable navigational tool. The dick stick on my pick helps determine north and south. East and west is just lucky guess. As far as uniforms, in my profile pic, the only uniform is David Clark headsets.
  5. Prayer done! Thank you Hank for bringing this up.
  6. Thats what I was thinking. Jeppeson has the commercial and IFR under one syllabus and when I was taking the written crash course, they also did commercial which wasnt that many more questions than the PPL, so to me it makes sense. As far as the overload of books goes, I really want to dig deep and understand weather instead of just reading metars, and really know what to look for as far as the "gotcha's" are concerned (illusions), and other aeromedical, and decision making issues.
  7. Thanks, maybe because its spring/early summer I have been seeing alot of buildup in the clouds, and when summer kicks in and the drought kicks in, I wont see as much buildup and more likely to venture out. Who knows, only time and training will tell.
  8. Guys, I decided that I have a long road ahead of me, and I am now well aware that a PPL is just the beginning. As of now I consider myself as a local VFR pilot until I get further training. I am not necessarily saying that I am not going to do any XC, but if I do, my minimums are much higher. To better prepare myself for starting my IFR ticket I have ordered the following books: Weather Flying Rod Machado's Instrument Pilot's Survival Manual The Killing Zone: How & Why Pilots Die Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying Instrument Flying Once those are read thoroughly, and with understanding I will begin my commercial/instrument training and take a more professional approach to my expensive hobby.
  9. Happened to me twice. I think its my push to talk button going sideways and lifting up on the latch when I turn the yoke. I have been keeping an eye on it, and it hasnt happened since.
  10. Its been so long ago, but it should be in the service manual, if you need one, I have a copy I can email you. But basically, you pump the faps until all the air is out of the lines, you might need to bleed your breaks as well since its on the same system.
  11. When I was having the same issue, I called a MSC who also sells parts, and he said it was pretty much a crap shoot when it comes to changing the orings.
  12. Mine was doing the same thing. We bled them, and adjusted that screw, and everything is fine.
  13. Once again, I am sure others on here will attest, don't take my 2 cents as advise. Best recommendation is to fly it by the numbers in the POH.
  14. For me, at first it was landing with flaps, as soon as I started my approach with no flaps, they all became greasers, and I was able to solo. I then started introducing flaps, a notch at a time, and it's not an issue, and now I don't even know the difference. My advice is probally bad advice but it worked for me. With no flaps I increased approach speed to 85.
  15. Well, let me chime in here. I learned in a Mooney, and I have no issue flying the plane, and it's all I know. I think the heaviness has to do with the wing leveler, and you can disable by putting a rubber band around the button on the yoke, then she will feel light as a 172. I don't recommend disabling the wing leveler in case you get into some soup, but if you wanted to disable while you are doing pattern work, I can see where it would reduce your workload, or it might not benefit you at all, and I am sure others on here will give their 2 cents. The only thing I can say that might be sound advice, is that when you get your license, don't think that you know it all, and realize that a PPL just covers a tip of the iceberg, and you will still have a lot of work to do in order to be safe, and you have to treat it with the upmost professionalism, and respect. That's my 2 cents.
  16. Gentlemen please set your transponder codes to 7500 and consider this a hostle takeover of this thread.
  17. I am back in case you guys missed me, now its time to hijack this thread "7500" style getty up and lets ride! Skynewbie I will do you a favor and direct some of the heat towards me.
  18. Hey Alan, hope all is well. Do you have any wheel bearing dust covers for the mains?
  19. Sorry, meant flux capacitor.
  20. How are your muffler bearings holding up?
  21. I like pigeons their shit is not as corrosive to to the mooney airframe
  22. I like pigeons
  23. I heard of that happening within hours of the plane sitting on the ramp.
  24. Now looking up at the sky, I am under a layer, so it turned out to be a good call as far as my no go
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