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Mooneymite last won the day on August 6 2023

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  • Gender
  • Location
    : Grass strip south of ATL
  • Interests
    33,200 hour student pilot.
  • Model
    Used to own 1974 M-20C, 1950 Mooneymite
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  1. Certainly seems, despite other attributes, that aviation oil is grossly overpriced!
  2. Not sure what all the fast talk means, but it looks like aviation oil is "not like the others".
  3. Ah. In your initial post you said the plane WAS based at HWY, so I thought you had moved it elsewhere. That's a tough part of the country to find hangar space. Did you get a hangar at HWY when you purchased the plane?
  4. Which airport do you call home?
  5. Our local tax collector has been cracking down on aircraft owners who listed their address as out of state. We suspect ADS-B has enabled this effort: From AIN: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/air-transport/2024-09-13/aopa-asks-faa-block-ads-b-tracking-fees?utm_campaign=AIN Alerts&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--ksgpmhZSzGIld8TJkbruc7AnCb_a-ce7tIJdAGCiHVpNFbLmMNqVTO7r3oZ__RxitF0UKXE76Ssa9-GOTyH3NZfwU6g&_hsmi=324570479&utm_content=324570479&utm_source=hs_email
  6. Anyone who has replaced a nose gear truss knows that once in a lifetime is enough. No thank you.
  7. It would also be interesting to see if the LASAR modified truss with the stops is getting damaged. After I installed one, I had my doubts about it, so I continued to park with my "Do not tow" sign in place.
  8. Choice three perhaps should be, "FBO damage, but I chose to not submit insurance claim"?
  9. Uncontrolled airports pose special hazards to jet traffic for lots of reasons. Basically jets and slower props are incompatible, but following the AIM can add to the complexity of mixed traffic. In all reality, a jet doing a straight in can be advantageous...for everyone. Jets fly wider and faster patterns and generally are a pain for everyone else to keep track of. The bizjets I flew had limited out-the-widow view when turning. Then jets are supposed to fly a pattern 500' above the slower traffic and descend through the prop traffic. Guess how the visibility is under the nose of that jet as it slows to approach speed is as it descends! I hear stories about arrogant jet pilots pushing the little guys around, but I've never seen it. We were always terrified of a midair, and would fly miles out of our way to make sure Mr. Moneybags in the back had a safe and comfortable ride. We always appreciated when other pilots volunteered to let us fly straight-ins to minimize maneuvering and reduce our time in the pattern. If you were one of those pilots....thank you. Thank you, very much!
  10. The 1969-75 electric flap drive is elegantly simple. The proper greasing of the drive mechanism is apparently regularly overlooked. If not properly greased, the resistance in the flap gearbox can...and does pop the circuit breaker. I'm not sure why a grease cup was used instead of simple grease nipples. I'm sure there is a good reason....? Maybe to prevent grease-happy mechanics from blowing all the seals with a grease gun?
  11. On my 74 C, there were no limit switches, just an ingenious jack screw that would essentially disengage itself at the limits of travel. For some reason, your flap motor reverse circuitry is messed up. I'd start by checking the flap switch in the cockpit.
  12. Location, location, location. The cost of ownership is very location dependent, but I'm guessing there is no more cost effective location than a fly-in community where you own your own hangar and maintenance can be done, "locally" by friends and neighbors. I think such a comparason would be very interesting.
  13. I'm pretty sure the MOONEYSPACE terms of service forbid contesting unbelievable speed claims since all Mooneys are unbelievably fast. Don't verify. You'll damage the brand.
  14. Sad news.... I talked to Ray a couple of days ago. Ray's wife who generally accompanied him on his sojourns, passed in January. Ray is back doing the IFR checks, but with a heavy heart.
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