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Everything posted by exM20K

  1. Ditto. Uber has really lowered the pain level of diverting. I'm not sure how the economics work out for drivers running around the burbs, but the whole arrangement works great for me! KARR has multiple runways, an ILS, and two LPV approaches, and not having to scrounge for a cab in the middle of nowhere is great.
  2. KSAT 162051Z 18018G26KT 10SM CLR 28/08 A3010 RMK AO2 PK WND 15026/2040 SLP178 T02780078 56037KSAT 161951Z 16017G24KT 10SM CLR 28/08 A3014 RMK AO2 SLP192 T02780083KSAT 161851Z 18015G24KT 10SM CLR 26/11 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP203 T02610111KSAT 161751Z 16015KT 10SM CLR 24/11 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP217 T02440111 10244 20083 58014 yikes.
  3. https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Small-plane-lands-on-North-Side-San-Antonio-street-12838823.php#photo-15404039 Article says it was an undershoot, which is what it looks like on street view. Filed to SAT, only one prop blade bent - could well be forced landing, though from the street view an undershoot seems impossible. More likely pranged something with the left wing and spun around to face southeast. Whatever the case, it doesn't look like that prop was turning when it went through the fence. LiveATC.net - he was headed to T94....1900Z archive at about 18:52 for tower and 18:20 for approach.
  4. Wow - sorry to hear about Bill's mishap. He was one of the Mooney Mailing List originals. That field looks tight - check out the trees at the end of this video. For sure not a lot of room for overrun if landing to the NW
  5. Probably. I believe they are placarded against painting for the same reason.
  6. It's not April 8. It's January 95th. -dan
  7. Ah! That makes sense. I never considered he static pressure. And thanks, guys for JW fluid dynamics ideas.
  8. But why, then, decreasing IAS with altitude? It could have to do with ram air pressure on the panels at lower atmospheric pressure- but it’s counter-intuitive: the bladder behind the panel should be more effective at altitude.
  9. 150-155. It’s more of an issue on descent.
  10. My WAAS 2009 Acclaim S had an older software which would not allow data logging. Current version does, and it is well worth an upgrade for that alone.
  11. 173 KIAS at 11,000. -3 KIAS every thousand on up. Maybe he picture will load from iPhone. If not will upload later
  12. Joel, Thread hijack.... Can you tell me the reason for the high-altitude airspeed restrictions for FIKI M20TN's? -dan
  13. This is what I do, too. For the OP: the windshield pumps are supposed to help prime the system. I'd run a few gallon$ of fluid through the system at high just to make sure it flows evenly and well. Bugs shouldn't be a problem as the slight pressure should be enough to push them back out. When I hit a bird, the service center, which does TKS installation, technician recommended running it on high until good, even flow showed - else risked dried bird goo in the holes. -dan
  14. Did you get the system on and up to pressure before entering the icing? Did it ever clear? And, what did the tail look like. If you don’t get the system on and coat the surfaces early, it can take some time to clear everything. But you shouldn’t have that residual ice on the leading edge. -dan
  15. None of mine are, and it’s near impossible to read the placarding at night -I had to pull th AHRS breaker before takeoff one night when it needed a reboot, and I had to get out the big flashlight to find it. So, I would want: trim, a/p, and AHRS at a minimum, when I get around to it, which will probably be when the days get short again
  16. yes. it's commonly called a "pop-off" valve. it's a cylindrical piece about 3" x1" towards the end of the induction system. It's there as an emergency measure on most every turbo'd engine.
  17. your shop should have or should be able to make a cover to replace the overboost valve. Fly with it removed, and see if it is the malfunctioning piece. The symptoms sound like it is, and it's a lot cheaper than removing and shipping out wastegate/controller.
  18. completely agree - it can be mistaken for a lot of things. A voice annunciation is almost impossible to ignore.
  19. That is a great feature to add. I believe the voice annunciation in the G1000 planes is a huge safety feature - "Check Gear....Check gear" plus the horn is way more effective than horn alone. Now, if I could only get her to shut up with the "Stall....Stall....Stall" stuff on short final at 1.25 Vso.
  20. I once received a radio call on short final: "Mooney: Check your gear." It was up. I was so focused on the banner-tow plane doing a pickup parallel to me in the grass that I simply forgot. I suspect that a lot of gear-ups have in the chain leading up to them, a break in normal flow. I've no idea if that was the case here. -dan
  21. LOL. The shop broke the factory unit, and two replacement Rosen's are less expensive that one puny factory visor.
  22. Ok so here is the video demo. I think.
  23. I don't/ Maybe I'll poke around back there tonight and see what's what.
  24. yes - that is what theytold me at OSH last year. I'm just trying to visualize how this all works - together with a boom canula - without creating a forest of hoses... thanks
  25. If anyone here uses an O2D2 with the factory overhead oxygen ports, could you tell me how you have rigged it: eg: is the unit dangling from the ceiling, tucked in a pocket, or something else? Thanks in advance -de
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