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Everything posted by gjkirsch

  1. This is too general of a question. The base price of my annual was $2400. BUT then the oxygen bottle was timed out $2800, and then it was time for an IFR certification $500. Nothing was wrong with the plane which was good!
  2. I have 120 gallon tanks and TKS. With full fuel and TKS, I have under 300 pounds of useful load. I lean in climb to 1500 TIT which is about 25 GPH. My cylinder temps have never hit 400 in climb and run 360 in cruise. At 120 knots indicated, I am at 600 FPM at gross and standard temps. If its colder, it climbs better. At light weights and low temps, I have seen over 1500 FPM. I cruise at 30/2400 and 19 GPH which gives me a 1590 TIT. 180 knots at 10,000 to 205 knots at FL210. Have not been higher
  3. I have had both non FIKI and FIKI. There are a lot of variations in the non FIKI installations to make comparisons next to impossible. The non FIKI system I had in my last Bravo had exactly the same fluid capacity as the FIKI system I now have. It had the prop slinger and ice light. The main things it did not have were the back up pump and a heated stall vane. I have seen other variations without the prop slinger, light, and in non Mooney planes lower fluid capacity. The only issue I had with either system in nearly 10 years of flying both planes was the loss of a stall strip. Never had a leak or a pump failure. I fly year round at altitudes where you can encounter ice at any time. I could not tell a difference in the performance of either system and have experienced a lot of ice flying around the great lakes.
  4. I have the MX20 tied to a 480. Data updates are readily available. My MX20 shows airways, approach plates and traffic. It scales nicely. Have not had any issues with it
  5. My understanding of the weight limit is the lack of ability of the landing gear to pass a drop test and the 61 knot maximum landing speed that increases with weight. The long body planes have been significantly loaded over gross for ferry flights. However, that was done with FAA approval and I am assuming factory knowledge behind it.
  6. Martin You have opend the wound! We all think we bought the perfect Mooney!. Of course, only the Bravo owners would be correct A lot of Mooneys will meet your requirments as long as the pilot and passangers were not too heavy. Think about what you want from an equipment and icing protection standpoint and go for it. The Bravo, Eagle, Ovation, and Acclaim are the long bodies. They have the most interior room. The rocket, 231, and 252 all share the same "next size down" airframe. I don't think maintenance costs between the models is significant (All performance airplanes are significant!) Fuel burn will typically run from 12 to 20 gallons per hour depending on LOP or ROP and how hard you run it wilth TAS from 160 to 215 knots Good luck, be safe and welcome home! Gordon
  7. Assuming the electric trim switch is not the issue, try moving the trim with the switch before the self check on the KFC150. Also, try the manual trim wheel, if the jackscrew is overly tight, it could also be the problem.
  8. I use the landing and take off lights at night at controlled airports, all the time at uncontrolled, and during the day if in IFR conditions at both controlled and incontrolled
  9. I have speed brakes and use them on occasion. As others have said, when you are high and flying at the speeds of some turboprops, they treat you like a turboprop. When I fly to the east coast from the midwest, I am usually in the flight levels. I know the arrival procedure they are going to give me that requires a descent to 9000 feet. I beg beginning 70 miles out and usually by 30 they agree. So I have to drop 12,000 feet in about 7 minutes. The other benefit is crossing some turbulance either in flight or descent when you want to slow down a bit and then resume speed. I have had failures when they won't retract or when just one will and the plane is very controllable. I am very conscious not to use them in icing conditions I consider them a real benefit and not a crutch for poor flying habits.
  10. Congratulations. Great first Mooney to buy
  11. As others have said, calibration would be my first guess, but since they moved a bunch of stuff around during the install, could there now be a leak in the static system?
  12. Went to Bullhead City AZ for a 7 day course. Had the written done and the required cross country hours before I arrived. Go in the winter! I went in the spring and by noon, it was too hot to fly and the thermals were brutal. The week ended with a checkride. I think it was about $2K but that was probably 20 years ago.
  13. I came across the lake yesterday at 3:30. It was pretty solid clouds from 3500 to 7000. Hate to speculate why they were out there or what went wrong. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N32CG
  14. Landing on grass would not be my first choice in my Bravo. The gear doors, prop clearance, and weight compared to older models are all against you. That said, if I had to land on grass, I would make sure the surface was pristine and be as light as possible for both take off and landing
  15. There is a corridor for flights right up the coast over long island at 6000 and 7000 feet. I have gone up and back from Baltimore to Boston and it is really easy. Out of BWI, It is swann3.swann, OOD, Davys, brand, rbv, laurn, jfk, kbos. Actually, stopped at Northwood (owd) just outside of Boston. Logan is nuts for what they want for GA to land there. Pretty flight and not a lot of water.
  16. Really pay attention to the installation instructions. Your tank and line should be flushed and be sure you have the correct adhesive (there are two). The one for non approved FIKI systems is actually suppose to be the better one. I lost one of my strips about 18 months ago and I think I was in for $2K by the time it was done.
  17. I fly into MTN several times a year and they have rental cars on site. I have not flown into Dulles in several years but there was not a reservation system in place at the time and it was private pilot friendly (especially in a Mooney when you can keep up with traffic ).
  18. Just got the plane out of annual yesterday and had an overhauled AH installed (2nd in 6 months). Went to test fly the plane this morning and got a recurring 400MHZ inverter fault on the sandel 3308. What is this fault and could it be related to the replacement AH? Thanks Gordon
  19. Are you sure you need a complete reseal? The oldest S can't be much older than 10 years. I have had some minor repair work done in the past but would really expect 20 years from the factory original. Am I being unrealistic?
  20. I have tried a seperate 24 volt converter from Aircraft Spruce and got too much static in the radio to use it. I also tried a plug in adapter that was supposed to handle the voltage and it actually did charge the Ipad but got almost to hot to touch. At the end of the day, I bought a large capacity back up battery and can charge the Ipad and Stratus a couple of times each. It is about the size of the new stratus and was around $100.
  21. Been into Midway many times, The controllers do talk fast, be prepared for the ILS, they will ask how much speed you can give them (they like 160 knots or more). Prevailing winds normally set you up for the ILS to 31Center. If you are in vfr or break out early enough, request to side step to 31 left. It dead ends pretty much at signature fbo. Try and depart VFR. They will take you right out over the city at pretty much a 90 degree heading at 3000 feet and drop you off over the lake. You can then get flight following or do whatever you want. If you need to go out IFR, have plenty of paper to copy and be prepared for the longest hold of your life if traffic is heavy.
  22. Last estimate I heard for FIKI was $50K. Inadvertant was $42K. I am assuming that is without the prop.
  23. 99% positive experiences, even flying a lot around DC and Chicago. I do not know how some of the controllers can even keep up with all the calls in and out on their frequency. However, there is one woman at my home field that I have been tempted to ask on frequency if she was my first wife. We have left and right runways and one side is right next to my hanger and the other involves a really long Taxi after landing. You would think I was asking for her first born when I get handed off and request my preferred runway on contact along with acknowledging ATIS and altitude. (full disclosure, my real first and only wife are still together and celebrating our 35th anniversary the end of this month)
  24. I also have the garmin 480 coupled to a KFC 150. It seems to intercept and fly a GPS approach smoother than the ILS and I have also had issues with intercepting the GS on the ILS. I end up focusing too much on the switch between the GPS and ILS frequency when I should be focused on the overall approach and the configuration of the plane
  25. Since Willmar is doing the annual and is really highly recommended to begin with, why not contract with Bruce Jeager to review the logs, talk to the mechanic and text fly the plane for you? He is no longer directky involved with Willmar and can check you out in he plane for insurance.
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