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David Mazer

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Everything posted by David Mazer

  1. That isn't right. My on the floor indicator light is always visible. You should deal with that issue also.
  2. I was told in transition training, lo those many years ago, that the gear indicator between the seats was a mechanical linkage and as reliable an indicator as one could have but I don't know if it assures that the gear is locked. As a result I only look at the one between the seats during my pre-landing checks.
  3. Check out this TFR map! http://www.skyvector.com
  4. Mine kept coming out also. I thought it was my individual problem. I eventually cut off the cigarette lighter end and attached a better connector and then spiced in the reciprical connector to the power supply. Since then, surprise, no problem.
  5. I ordered the decals from: http://www.highergraphics.com/. They were very customer oriented.
  6. As the recent tug posting notes, there is a large chance of bending the front landing gear truss from towing if turned more than 15 degrees, I believe. At my last annual my IA noticed that the decal was missing and so we oreder a new on. When we went to install it we noticed that the tow limit pointer, the thing that should hang down over the decal, seems to be missing. I checked out another local Mooney and they didn't have one either. So, the question is, is there a pointer on your Mooney or not? Should there be a pointer? It seems rediculous that there isn't one and Mooneys don't seem rediculous to me. If you have a picture, that would help too. Thanks. David
  7. Mine cools the cabin a good 20 - 30 degrees. There is no question the ice version is more work but, as you say, there is a difference in cost as well. I had to buy a scratch and dent freezer to make and store the ice blocks in the hangar and that makes things a lot easier so that added a little to the cost. I can't imagine flying in the FL heat on a regular basis without it.
  8. I had it happen. Had to replace the unit at about $1,000. The new piece is stronger than the original but I'm still careful. The FBO that found it isn't the FBO that did it so I don't know when or where it happened.
  9. That's what I like about the Halo headset and Phil - a great product with great customer service.
  10. Here is the other unit discussed on this forum: B-kool.net
  11. Oh, sorry. There are two versions of the Arctic Air unit. One is a true air conditioner that installs in the plane and does require more juice. The other is a cooler that holds ice and water and forces air over a heat exchanger. The ice chest version uses stored energy in the form of ice while the unit to which you refer uses energy from your alternator. Mine costs $500 - 600 and the other cost $4,000 or 5,000. Mine is easily removable, the other is not. Mine lasts about an hour, the other is indefinite. Etc, etc, etc. You can check out both options at: http://www.arcticaircooler.com/
  12. I have one and I have modified the pump to 800 GPH and removed some of the plumbing to reduce the resistance. Then I made an aluminum box to make large blocks of ice that just fits in the cooler. When I use it, I put in one big block of ice, a little cubed or crushed ice, and about a gallon of cold water I keep in the fridge. It reduces the cabin temperature 20 - 30 degrees and really makes a huge difference. Do to my alterations it doesn't last as long but it has cooler air for a shorter time. I installed a 12v connection under the instrument panel and removed the cigarette lighter plug since it kept coming lose. I just put it in the baggage area and pull it out when I need more room. There is a similar unit here on MooneySpace that has a remote control that looks very similar. The remote is a very nice option. You might look that one up for comparison, When I get to an FBO, I just ask for 20# of ice, pour it in, close the louvers and it keeps for many hours even here in FL. I recommend it and I know an M20F driver that has one and hasn't done anything to his alternator.
  13. I have three Halo headsets and have never had that problem in two different airplanes. Have you contacted Phil directly? If you call the phone number from the website, (601) 316-7160, he is usually the person that answers the phone. You might try him tomorrow.
  14. Glad you are or will be all right.
  15. Who is planning on ferrying out of FL if Isaac gets worse? And, where would you be going?
  16. Sorry to be so late to the party. I haven't been paying attention. In and done.
  17. Welcome to MooneySpace.
  18. Unfortunately, I will need to replace mine next year so storage isn't a big problem. Count me in for a set of 11.
  19. I start the plane on the tank with the least fuel and switch tanks almost immediately to the fullest tank. It is 5 - 10 to takeoff from that point.
  20. I thought so too but I don't fly high enough and often enough now to justify the equipment and tank rental. Anyone got a transfill kit for sale cheap?
  21. It's always comforting to learn everything I thought I knew about a subject was wrong, again! Someday I'll learn to listen more and speak less.
  22. I had that and I thought it was due to icing. It turned out that my cables had stretched and they needed to be replaced. They should probably be inspected.
  23. I've been flying to DAB from SFB to get my built in O2 filled. It is $90 at SFB and $40 at DAB and from the sound of it both are too high.
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