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Everything posted by aviatoreb

  1. I have several times seen Anthony called the Dean of Mooneyspace. Well earned. No peers on that.
  2. For my collection of go slow machines: A ballon. A small blimp. A tundra tire something.... Europcopter For my water machine Grumman Goose For my collection of fast machines TBM960 G6 - or like a G6 - so I can go to Europe quickly For my make my friends throw up machines Extra 300 L39 P51 That should do it. For now.
  3. That's what the hard points are for. That's where you attach the luggage pods.
  4. Dogs are fantastic athletes. https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a20832277/the-canine-kings-of-endurance/ "...you get a VO2max of 70 to 105 ml/kg/min. A typical value for elite (human) endurance athletes is about 80 ml/kg/min, which suggests that exceptional humans can compete with mediocre dogs on a pound-for-pound basis." So your family dog probably has a V02max like your average US Olympic marathon runner. And the best athlete dogs (sled dogs?) are better than any human ever measured.
  5. A little bit of sandpaper then varnish and that’ll look really good on yer Mooney!
  6. I am guessing somewhere in their calculus is that they like the idea of "renewable" given it comes from switch grass. And as you say - its your problem if you can't use it/dont want it. Maybe that's a bonus if airplanes dont come and dont make noise?
  7. Do touch and goes count? How about straight ahead touch and goes - at KPBG a nice 12000 ft runway from the B52 bomber era you can do a few touch and goes straight ahead? If so I would say my shortest flight is a few hundred feet. Or if a bounced landing counts - I would say a few dozen feet is my shortest flight. I went to Kitty Hawk and they have markers out for that first, and very famous, and very short, flight.
  8. Wow that is heart breaking listening to the tape. Did he get slow and stall or maybe loose orientation in the night ifr or was there just not enough energy to get there. In any case, how sad. It was painful to listen to.
  9. huh! I wouldn't have guessed.
  10. Really? 3 is same clearance as 2? Anyway 4 has a good bit better clearance than my 3 had.
  11. omg - I love you!!!
  12. Wouldn't it be great if we were allowed to put a brighter and lower power wattage led bulb? If you pull out the bulb is the part number on the bulb? If I ever needed TKS parts I just called CAV aero. They have everything.
  13. Actually - for better prop clearance - more blades is better. 3 blades has more clearance than a 2-blade. But now there is 4-blade. 4-blade has the most clearance. If you are getting one as an after market item you definitely want the nickel sheathed leading edge option which most people go for in any case.
  14. You can operate out of grass - many do. Just keep in mind that good grass strips and crappy grass strips are a different thing. And muddy conditions .... Anyway keep an eye out for ruts divits and holes and bouncing that are a prop strike danger if you are on a crummy grass strip. Also, transitioning from the grass to pavement could involve a big pavement lip to watch out for - this is advice for any airplane but the mooney is a bit lower slung than many.
  15. My rocket was the first rocket with the MT prop and I was working directly with the engineers and their CAD drawings to get it right, and in process I went through a total of 3 nose cones to get the fit just right.
  16. I would require one stop. I figure roughly that a stop without fuss (no crew car. No restaurant. etc, etc..) just land, taxi at a small airport well chosen with best in the area fuel prices, fuel - ok pee - and go, adds maybe 45 min to the trip, total?
  17. I was just thinking that about the tower and the other aircraft too. They were all rattled whether it was their fault or not. I would think they were done for the day.
  18. Perfect! I bet it helps more when up high in a 737 too more than a Mooney. Nonetheless… I’m going to keep doing it. I also do it as I’m passing through a green light…. Just in case the other guy is screwing up. My grandfather used to say / don’t be right and dead.
  19. I do f know what airline procedures are and I don’t know if it helps but it can’t hurt. Whenever crossing a runway despite instructions to do so I always look left and right just like at a stop sign in a car - just in case. I’m not sure if it helps if I would see an airplane a mile or two away on a long runway - but it can’t hurt. But minimal effort. e
  20. How close did they get with Delta on take off roll to AA?
  21. I agree completely. I know it would ruin the wonderful flying characteristics and surely be impossible within a certified scenario, not least of which significantly increased stall speed, but it surely would result in a faster airplane. I was just pointing out something for curiosity sake.
  22. Clip the wings - shorter wings less drag. Just don't tell anyone...
  23. I wouldn’t be so sure. I wonder if some townships operating an airport might opt for swift for thinking of the renewable energy source branding since it comes from switch grass / without thinking if that the large fraction of their the aviation engineering forced detail that fuel sales won’t be able to use it.
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