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Steve Dawson

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Steve Dawson last won the day on November 12 2023

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About Steve Dawson

  • Birthday 10/23/1954

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    Golf, Finance, IMC
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  • Model
    M20K 231+

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  1. Good catch, Just checked, Useful load is 945 lbs. Ad updated
  2. Mentioned this so prospective buyers knew it was a conversion.
  3. Selling my 1980 Mooney M20K 231, 3175 TT, TSIO 360 LB with 1425 TSOH, Recently Installed 4 repaired cylinders with new pistons and rings as well as one OH cylinder. CHT's within 50 deg or less now- 325-360 average) Aircraft flies POH numbers and speeds per Merlyn Waste gate and intercooler additions. Registration N888BC. Flies great including both RNAV and ILS approaches. No Fuel Tank Leaks! Prices Flight speed brakes Built in 76 cf Oxygen system New main tires Useful load 945 #'s Just finished annual and IFR certification I bought the airplane from a BT member through Neal Schwartz two years ago through BT and the plane hasn't disappointed. Avionics: -Garmin GTN 750 -GMC 35 Remote audio panel -GTX 345 -Garmin Aera 760 hardwired to GTN -AP- KFC 200 (works great and flies approaches very well -SL 40 standby radio and BK KN 52 Loc only -Aspen 1000 Pro Max EFD New 2024 -Artex 345 406 ELT -EI UBG 16 Engine analyzer. (two new probes recently) -Standby vacuum system Engine: -TSIO 360 GB to LB -TSOH 1425 -Turboplus intercooler -Merlyn Black Magic waste gate controller, Critical altitude increases to 22K -Air Wolf M20 Air-Oil separator -recently installed 4 repaired cylinders with new rings and pistons as well as one overhauled cylinder Propeller: -Factory 2 blade electrically heated -600 TSOH Log Books available via PDF on request Asking $159,950.00 US Steve 519 589 7034 sdawson630@gmail.com Located CYKF , Kitchener Ontario
  4. It suspends, but you just said their specific gravity is different?
  5. So you want the water to stay in the oil pan and accumulate? Does it just sit and stay in the bottom of your engines?
  6. I’m going to stick with my reasoning. Oil is thicker than water and even though it may evaporate some of the water out of the oil, the water will rise to the top of the crankcase oil after sitting and then through the internal engine causing corrosion. Not getting high enough temperatures will only add to the moisture within the engine causing more issues. Run the engine above 180 and for longer durations than an hour at a time to help get rid of the water. Lycomings have this issue with their camshafts rusting.
  7. I have a cover that I put over mine during the winter and get 180-190 f. Hopefully the internal engine temps will be above the boiling point to try and stop any condensation created.
  8. Thanks gentlemen, I think the one avionics shop may have been misinformed or didn't know. I'm researching this now. I do like the GI 275 as an AI and I have a used EA-100 that I purchased awhile ago. Does anyone have an estimate in hours to install the EA-100 and a GI275?
  9. I have the EA100 but want to get rid of the vacuum system, hence the vacuum driven AI and it's function with the autopilot
  10. I want to clean up my panel and remove the vacuum system by removing the KI275 AI that now controls the KFC 200. I was just told by an avionics tech that he's pretty sure that if I install the GI 275 AI+ AP I would lose all the functions to control my KFC 200 through the Aspen 1000 pro max and would have to use the GI 2715 instead. I like that the Aspen has the heading function, GPSS, minimums, altitude and shows the approach features. To be fair, he's only installed one before so isn't completely certain. Is this right or is there different ways to configure the 275 and leave the functions of the Aspen but have the 275 for some AP functions as well as being able to remove the vacuum? Thanks Steve
  11. Something similar happened to me when I was making a night landing at an unfamiliar airport. I was watching my airspeed and when I was close to landing I felt very uncomfortable and noticed how fast I was going. I think the wind was around 10-15 G 20. Very lucky I didn't run out of runways so I went around knowing I screwed up and then turned a 180 and landed the proper way, against the wind. Because of that I now on every landing during on short final, I check my IAS against my ground speed just to confirm the wind direction. If your IAS is 70 and your GS is faster, then you've a tailwind. And of course if the IAS is 70 and your GS is the same or less you've a head wind and your ground roll will be book or less.
  12. Good point, I hadn't considered the ram air factor. 99% of the time I do catch or control the MP still there must be a way to limit the MP. I understand the large differences between a 252 system or for that matter most other wastegate/ turbos so I was hoping that an adjustment or different style of waste gate/ upper deck controller might have been designed for our Merlyn systems. One positive mention of the issue is that the turbo system is working very well
  13. I'll set the MP to 37" while rolling and taking off then watch it stay there however it will creep to over 42" while climbing and cleaning up the plane unless you're constantly watchful. I'd like to be able to be able to adjust either the wastegate or the pop off valve similar to a normal system to stop any over boosting. Unfortunately it looks like it's not possible with this system.
  14. Just curious on the setup for a 231 (TSIO 360 LB) with an intercooler and a Merlyn wastegate. I take off trying to hold the MP to a maximum of 37 inches / 2700 RPM then pull it back to 2600RPM, however the MP has crept easily to over 42 " where I quickly pull it back to 37". First question: Is this the proper way to run this engine per MP and RPM and what should the fuel pressure be at 37"? Second question: Is there a way to control MP other than the throttle? Steve
  15. Looking for three good condition or rebuilt complete cylinder assemblies for a Continental TSIO360 G, Mooney M20K 231. PN 658822A1 Thanks Steve 519 589 7034 sdawson630@gmail.com
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