Further, if you have 10 gallons remaining, our advanced fuel monitoring computers tell us how much fuel is on board, but not how much in each tank. Do you know when you get down to 10 gallons total if it is 5 gallons left and 5 gallons right? Or could it be 3 gallons left and 7 gallons right? How can you know? Thats only 2 gallons difference! Do you do a VFR go around and now its 5 gallons left and 3 right? Or was it 7 gallons right and 2 gallons left? Oh, well, i THINK this tank is fuller, so lets switch on downwind, and HOPE it is still the fullest. So, which is safer? A tank with 3 gallons in it or one with 10? If yoy never run your plane bellow 10 gallons a side, well thats the same category I see on the news about once a week. A "cautious pilot" who never pushes the boundaries of crosswinds, stalls, weather, fuel, night flying, or IFR who stalls the plane or runs a tank dry on final.. A dead one. Who couldnt deliver when the situation required soemthing within the limits of the aircraft.
Here is a challenge to you. Next time you fly more than 300-400 NM, and you stop to fuel, write down how many gallons it takes to tippy top the tanks each side. say, 23.5 left and 20.0 right. See how close you are. Airmanshp says you should be right on.