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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. GE is included, (#3). You and I paid more taxes than 7 out of these ten companies. Can you not see a huge problem with that? Immelt is Obama's "Jobs Czar". I do have a problem with that. Same old "cut taxes" so we can be more profitable and create jobs. You know, thats what they say. That's an argument I cannot follow. You would think with over 80 Billion in cash they could do that already. http://ycharts.com/companies/GE/cash_and_equivalents Quote: alex Your favorite news source forgot to include GE which paid nothing in taxes. But really, If Obama doesn't mind it why should you?. After all isn't Jeff Immelt GE's CEO, and isn't he some kind of jobs guru, advisor or czar for the current capable administration? I go back to my past observation. You seem to give very loud lip service to the poor but it seems to me you are hoarding your wealth. Give up the races, the Mooney and the money and then you will have everyones attention. By the way I am only 38 and bought my first plane 10 years ago, without a government subsidy!
  2. Yes, inspected and signed off by an A&P / IA. And they are all aircraft parts. I thought a TSO, PMA, or some other approved data was required to install parts into an aircraft. So how did you do it?
  3. This was a 1961 Cessna 210. NO fuel totalizer. Fuel flow meter in PSI. No "both" fuel selector. Fuel guages in pounds and goes to zero at half tanks anyways. These planes csn burn 25 GPH or 13, it depends on how it is being run. Point is I siwtched to that tank expecting 10 gallons in it and was surprised when it ran dry 2 minutes later. I knew then the other tank did not have 1/2 what I thought it had left.
  4. Nope, Cessna 210, 1998 near Cherry Point, NC. i switched from one tank than ran empty to one that ran empty as i turned off the runway 8 minutes later. After analyzing the situation, came to the conclusions I use today. Cheifly that you need to know your remaining fuel and especially how much per tank.
  5. Let me tell you, in 8500 hours, I have hoped and wondered about my fuel supply exactly once.
  6. ROP, because nothing protects you engine like flying at book + 1 GPH, and the running out of fuel and landing in a field. Safety first!
  7. So, you can predict when your tank goes dry within 3 minutes? thats really something. I cannot follow that argument.
  8. Do you resally need a handheld comm?
  9. he will fit in the back just fine.
  10. here is the best dog for flying
  11. And change your oil every 25 hours! Scott at Denver Jet Center at KCOS said so!
  12. And no, LOP burns up your valves. I learned this from Hank McGillycuddy, owner of the engine shop in Ruidoso, NM back in 1971. He said, that LOP burns valves and, well, we all know he was right. He also said climb at 25/25 and dont run oversquare. This also applies to fixed pitch props, geared engines, turboprops, jets, and space shuttles. "Hey Hoot, dont lean out that mixture so much, we might not make orbit if we burn a valve!"
  13. Further, if you have 10 gallons remaining, our advanced fuel monitoring computers tell us how much fuel is on board, but not how much in each tank. Do you know when you get down to 10 gallons total if it is 5 gallons left and 5 gallons right? Or could it be 3 gallons left and 7 gallons right? How can you know? Thats only 2 gallons difference! Do you do a VFR go around and now its 5 gallons left and 3 right? Or was it 7 gallons right and 2 gallons left? Oh, well, i THINK this tank is fuller, so lets switch on downwind, and HOPE it is still the fullest. So, which is safer? A tank with 3 gallons in it or one with 10? If yoy never run your plane bellow 10 gallons a side, well thats the same category I see on the news about once a week. A "cautious pilot" who never pushes the boundaries of crosswinds, stalls, weather, fuel, night flying, or IFR who stalls the plane or runs a tank dry on final.. A dead one. Who couldnt deliver when the situation required soemthing within the limits of the aircraft. Here is a challenge to you. Next time you fly more than 300-400 NM, and you stop to fuel, write down how many gallons it takes to tippy top the tanks each side. say, 23.5 left and 20.0 right. See how close you are. Airmanshp says you should be right on.
  14. When it comes down to it, I trust the union more than the company. If you ever worked in a union shop you would know this. Who is the most heavily unionized airline? Southwest Airlines. Who has the lowest fares, highest paid employees, best productivity, highest utilization, best worker morale, and the most free cash? Southwest Airlines.
  15. Parker I may be a liberal but you and I have more in common than you think. I actually may be more if a libertarian than democrat, as I believe that government is a necessary evil, yet it required to protect the common man from abuses and outright theft from the strong. There has been plenty of that taking place the last decade. Too much. Unions serve the same purpose between employer and employee. I just dont believe that the powerful will always do the right thing regarding relations with the weak or common man. Greed is too much a human nature. Quote: Parker_Woodruff We need a society where community and families are valued. People look after other people (locally) for their needs. Have you noticed that large charities (where politicians give their token gifts to) do very little dollar for dollar compared to local churches and communities. Where I come from you look after your neighbor and when he's in real need, you show mercy. Somehow liberals feel that going through the government middleman is somehow more effective. There are a lot of generous, kind hearted Republicans and Conservatives out there.
  16. Whatever happened to good old fashionaed accountability. You get drunk. You fly into a chuirch full of nuns and baby seals. You cannot be sued for damages because of corporate trickery, yet I can. The fundamental problem with a corporation is it has no body to imprison and no life to take if it does wrong.
  17. With the Koch brothers commands, anything is possible!
  18. I am shopping for a prius to replace the big block chevelle. After all, we need to conserve oil and help the environment. I figure a hybrid will do that. I feel better just thinking about it. Quote: Parker_Woodruff There's nothing like what...700 feet to the gallon? 7.5 gallons to the mile?
  19. yep. not fair Cain said it best "if you are not rich, its because you're lazy". I didnt know I lived on a planet with so many slackers! Quote: fantom It works for lots of other assets, as well..... Of course if one doesn't have a business, assets, or a pot to piss in, then it's just "not fair".
  20. Nah, you can fly lower and be legal. Even in a Beech 1900D. Just not closer than 500' to any "person, vessel, vehicle or structure". In west Texas, thats pretty dang low.
  21. We rent out the 747 if you have dogs or elephants. The captain might even let you take the stick for a few minutes. 5,500$ plus gas. Per hour. 4,700 gallons the first hour. 3,500 gallons an hour after that. 5% discount for block time.
  22. Quote: N4352H I juuuust sayin... Demographics Bec? That is just LUCIOUS!!!!
  23. Yep I decided to retire from the thread, until someone labeled me as a "liberal" and then a couple posts later someone commented "a liberal is someone with no brains" I'd submit that someone repeating something that is blatant non-truth from Fox news they saw that morning as short on thinking process. Lets hear some real ideas, not sensationalist bits repeated from a "conservative" news source. Can someone describe "conservative" anymore? Cause last time I checked, Bush and Co. raised the national debt by double, or 5 Trillion dollars Plus the legacy of 2 wars nobody wants and tax cuts we cannot afford. So what are they conserving?
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