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Everything posted by kortopates

  1. Yes, I discovered that issue myself yesterday - its doesn't save it and unfortunately I don't have a fix time yet. But I'll let everyone know here as soon as we have it fixed.
  2. Thanks very much for the details - I am passing this along to Corey to help us get this resolved. Unfortunately our lead developer is shutdown right now so I am not optimistic about a quick fix.
  3. Updating the ignition is known issue right now. I'll announce here when that is fixed. But for now, leave that unchanged. But changing the aircraft model should be possible by selecting the new cohort from the drop down list - i.e. its not an edit to the text of the aircraft model but a selecting the new one from the drop down list. To the right of your existing aircraft model, click on the X or down arrow to bring up the drop down list and you should be able to see select the highlighted model below. Is this what you tried to do? If so I am wondering if we have a permissions issue since some can and perhaps some can not?
  4. The new Aircraft model cohort for the C's is: "M20 (A/B/C/D)" from the drop down - Its now limited to all carbureted short bodies - mostly just C's and converted D's.
  5. where you also trying to update ignition too? I haven't had any issues just updating the aircraft model - at least not yet. in case it is a permissions issue, I'll let Corey check it out.
  6. Don, thanks for letting us know. Changing the ignition is a known issue that I found this afternoon, but our main developer's development PC is down and not sure how soon we'll see it fixed. Corey who has your ticket may find a way around that. But you should be able to change the Aircraft Model to the new cohort: M20 (A/B/C/D) -- since your a C, it didn't look like you tried that from your screen captures? Regardless, Corey will get back to you soon.
  7. No, not really, just marketing non-sense. But I am not going to call Tom Bowen a liar either, but I believe the writer misquoted him. The gear isn't actually beefier at all, but the torque plate mounting bracket on the spindle is beefier to merely allow bolting on the larger torque plate with more bolt holes. It's not even enough to affect the weight of the spindles! And it surely has nothing to do with the weight it can support, merely the braking torque. That's the only difference in the spindles. But perhaps more importantly, the Encore got fresh more modern flutter analysis resulting in almost twice as much balance weights in all the control surfaces. So I do think Mooney did a lot of engineering work to bless the increase and much more so than a popular STC holder did for their similar increase.
  8. Update: 12/29 ALL: Unfortunately we jumped the gun on getting word out on this in our newsletter and here. Due to a permissions issue and another issue with the ignition fields our users can't update this information. Since I have all the information that needed, based on doing past analysis for our Mooney subscribers, current and many past, we're going to get your aircraft models correctly updated. That will leave the ignition fields and we'll circle back on that soon. So over the next few weeks all the Mooney subscribers will see their aircraft model updated, as needed. This won't apply to all, for example M20M's won't need updating - they were always special but most of you will get moved into a more specific Mooney Cohort to improve on reporting. Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Savvy has changed the names it uses to identify the many variants of the Mooney M20-series aircraft to make them more accurate and specific to the Mooney M20 airframe/engine combinations. We were able to automatically update the model names for many of our clients, but not all. If you are a Mooney owner, please review your aircraft model name and edit if necessary, selecting the most appropriate one. It’s easy. Go here https://apps.savvyaviation.com/aircraft, click on “Actions” and select “Edit”. You will be presented with the new list of Mooney M20 model choices. Questions? Contact us at support@savvyaviation.com. The benefits of these changes will allow more accurate trend and report card reports since your cohort will limited to just aircraft with the same HP and fuselage length. (But not all of the new cohorts are supported with Trend analysis and Report Card reporting till reporting is able to catch up in time and a couple of these cohorts are presently just too small to support presently.) You can now also specify your Left and Right ignition along with these new Mooney Models. For example you can specify Surefly on one side and Bendix on the other. (Very shortly we'll also have pressurized mags as an option as well as the Bendix Dual Mag - which is not yet listed). Also, here is the current list of Mooney models names: M10 M18 Mite (L/C/LA/C-55) M20 (A/B/C/D) M20E M20G M20 (F/J) 200hp M20J Missile M20K (231) M20K (231 Aftercooler) M20K (Rocket) M20K (252) M20K (Encore) M20L M20M Bravo M20S 244hp M20 (S/R/U) 280hp M20 (S/R/U) 310hp M20 (TN/V) 280hp M20 (TN/V) 310hp M22 Mustang (Pressurized)
  9. As GeeBee said above the STC is airframe specific and can not be transferred without permission from the STC holder - usually for a fee. But why? The installation cost of the BK KAP-150 is going to very neat the same number of hours as the install for your GFC-500 - that's a lot of time and money. Can't imagine someone investing that in an older AP when it makes much more sense to spend those labor $ on a new much more reliable and far more capable AP. I don't think your friend realizes how expensive the labor will be even after he gets the STC transferred. In addition to labor the K computer has a different logic chip and servo part numbers may be slightly different between J & K installations. The servo's can likely be reconfigured but the he'd probably have to find a used ebay computer to get the proper logic chip for the K. (He can check the IPCs between the J and K model to confirm these differences in part #'s).
  10. @krkt58 as mentioned, the extra room in the F only affects the leg room in the rear seat. Your pilot seat position is limited by your ability to fully manipulate the brakes. i.e. if you have the seat too far back you will loose your ability to use them. when you say "My knees are way to close to the dash in the C & E model" its not clear which hole in the seat rails your seat is in. If your seat is far forward in the first couple holes then you can have 3" brake pedal extensions added which allow you move your seat further back and still have access to the brake without being right against the panel.
  11. You might be describing a different flight than the one recorded in flight aware on 11/19, which shows you departing from the Witchita area and being picked up by Ads/B at BEC at 3000' - but only for the first 2.5 minutes heading southerly. Then a full 30 minutes go by (you could have landed for a fuel stop!) and then next Kansas Center has you now heading back to SLN at 6600K. It kinda suggestive of the aircraft getting out of range of ADS/B after you went by BEC, and then you are back on with the flight following (I assume). I have a client that relayed to me that he had a similar problem with his Uavonix tail beacon and that they instructed him how to increase the transmit power and ever since all his flights are fully captured by Ads/B positional data. If I were you, I'd ask a few of your local pilots to find out if all there flights are being captured by Ads/B positional data - or look up some known local N numbers.
  12. Pilots that don't need insurance or want to pay for it for their screw up's self insure or just purchase liability insurance as Eric mentioned. But the US, and maybe Canada*, is about the the only country you can fly without liability insurance. *I didn't have prove I had insurance in Canada, but every other country I've flown in I had too entering.
  13. I really forget the details on this, but I recall it was after some changes to the steel cage. How significant I have no memory of. There were some J's that came out after the cage changes but before the factory increased the gross weight. Only those Mooney's where eligible for the increase. Hopefully someone with better recollection will come along. But any increase in max gross weight is a significant engineering changes with required performance data, load analysis and flutter analysis that some others here could better explain.
  14. Make sure its not as simple at your USB power plug in the aux power port. I've seen ones that created a lot of noise.
  15. Mark, I looked at your flight from 11/29, that begins south of Abilene at 1300'. Initially you're being picked up by Ads/B 978 UAT, until you get to cruise altitude of 8500'. Then we see the positions source change to coming from Kansas City Center. Do you recall this flight? I would think that the transition from ADS/B position to Kansas City center is when you starting squawking a Flight Following code assigned by Kansas City or perhaps it when the controller identified you/ or tagged you up - which was right at reaching cruise altitude. But the I believe the first few minutes in climb is Ads/B positional data and then it changes to flight following data. I don't know if you departed from your home field on this flight but since it has you as soon as you get to 1300'; I'd think it would always catch you at above that altitude if that is where you're based. But your saying not. Wish I understood why, but this flight shows Ads/B is picking you up in this area once above 1300'
  16. Sure Skip, A sinusoidal oscillation in EGT of frequency .75 cycle(s) per minute with an amplitude of 40º F ± 10º peak-to-peak. Correlation is high, but not 100%. When we see it we advise borescoping the valve. When caught early enough, we've have had very good results lapping the valve in situ to correct the issue. The trick is to catch it early enough with a hot spot before being burnt.
  17. Confused between never show up without flight following vs all your flights show as position only. I assume they are all being picked up as Ads/b positional data? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. 10 degrees isn’t enough magnitude to trip our algorithm. But don’t hesitate to open an analysis ticket and I’ll take a real look next week for you and let you know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. One of our Savvy clients did exactly this, removed the engine driven vacuum pump, that weighs hardly anything, and left the (very heavy) electric standby pump installation to activate speed brakes and didn’t learn until we managed their annual that it wasn’t approved. Much better to get the useful load back by removing the standby pump but this client IIRC had a standby alternator installed on the vacuum pad instead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Merry Christmas Mocha. The cables originate under the rear seat in a vacuum canister/bellows, activated by a solenoid, that when activated, pulls the pair of cables that run all the way to each brake through the painted conduits in your wheel wells to extend them. The conduits brakes down with age becoming brittle and then cracks. Feeling the conduits will show if yours are okay or not. If there good that leaves the brake bearing and a spring - used only to retract them. The spring is easily replaced but the entire brake assembly is riveted around the bearings. Extremely simple system. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Cool Christmas story I came across: http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2020/12/charles-charlie-brown-and-franz-stigler.html?m=1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Indeed, but its got to be more work and time than private through ATP combined!!
  23. Yeah and just flying with my students without a mask will be a nice change!
  24. On the bright side, it sure looks like minimal airframe damage and should be flying again very soon after its TDI and new prop and whatever belly skin damage it needs repaired!
  25. I'll ninth it, with a Merry Christmas to all wherever in the world you may be and lets look forward to 2021 since its got to be better than 2020!!
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