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Everything posted by 74657

  1. Quote: iowaboy I'm assuming the depreciation only works if you business buys the plane, not if you buy the plane and put it in its own LLC, correct? Next question if you use your plane for busness travel ie its makes more sense time wise to fly than drive, can you also use the same plane for personal use? Is there a percentage buisness verses personal allowed or what? Also I was told a person flying for there business can write off the cost of getting a instrument rateing, is that true?
  2. Perhaps there will be a "Skycatcher" Mooney?
  3. Did they put a clearcoat over the chrome? Typically when I do metallics I always put a clearcoat over the top. The actual shine from that powder is actually aluminim powder.
  4. Hmmmm. I can't remember who I spoke with at Rocket a few months back but he was the test pilot for the first Rockets and Missiles. He said it could still be done but noone would want to do it because you could have an Ovation for less money.
  5. There already are a ton of Mooneys for sale all over the place....... I don't think people are going to sell their planes because the manufacturer went out of business. If that is the reason an owner sells his/her plane they probably shouldn't be flying in the first place and DEFINATELY not flying a Mooney.
  6. Off topic but I have to ask.... why do so many Military guys own Mooneys?
  7. How can it be fun to fly any single engine airplane when you get to fly F-18s??
  8. Just got signed off to fly solo in the Mooney. I have ~170 hours total time. I would like to start my instrument training this winter and would like to have it done by April/May. My wife and another couple are planning a trip to Florida and would like to fly ourselves down. It would be nice to have my IR to get above and around weather "just in case". Thoughts on getting to that point? I have had some dialogue with PIC and am kicking the idea around of doing (2) 4 day sessions where one of their CFII's will fly here and do the training on my schedule. It is expensive..... I have 2 local guys that are both CFII's. One of them (guy who checked me out for my HP/Complex) recommended getting comfortable with the plane (obvious), spending some time with him or the other CFII but do a majority of the work with a 10 day type course. One thing that has me concerned with PIC is that they recommended that I take the written "just to pass the test" and not study the books so much because most of my learning will be done with the instructor. Thoughts? Tonight I looked into getting a "package" deal from Sporty's with the DVD/Book combo. I know I need to fly more in the Mooney in good weather before I get into IFR flying with it. While I am not 100% confident in my abilities to fly the plane like I was in my Tiger, I am 10X more confident in the Mooney being a better IFR platform to work with. Night and day difference in the stability of the 2 planes. Thanks guys.
  9. Quote: Sector95 What is the L/Dmax on these aircraft?
  10. Quote: jlunseth I thought I was just imagining things, but no. I have come to realize that if I level off and let the 231 accelerate to something in the 120's, then start the climb to altitude, it will climb about 10-15 knots faster with the same fpm climb rate, then trying to climb "on the prop" at 96.
  11. They have some excellent looking planes. The broker I bought my Mooney from knows them. They move a lot of aircraft. It seems that most of the planes they sell are high time airframes but the finishing work is beautiful.
  12. I took it up this morning........ Climbed out at 115 knots, CHT's around 380ish and a rate of climb at 1100 fpm. Fuel burn of 26 gph. Works for me.
  13. Any ideas? I was chatting with a friend of mine who thought that Lycoming had/has 80% of the GA market for piston powered planes. Just curious.
  14. Ive got 2 buddies that work at Duncan Aviation who do the interiors on Falcon 7X. One of the guys does the flightdeck work... He can probably do whatever you need. You got my number.
  15. Here are a couple low quality videos that were taken with a camera phone. Sounds cooler than anything.....
  16. All of my hours (until 4 hours ago) were logged in a Grumman Tiger. Insurance requires 10 with an instructor and 10 solo.
  17. Guys, I have only logged a few hours in the Missile and am wondering what you guys do to keep your CHT's down on climb out. After takeoff I establish a positive rate of climb, clean up the plane and make my first power reduction (to 25/25) at 400 ft. AGL. I climb at 100KTS and get approx. 1000 fpm climb rate. My CHT's are up in the 430 F range which for my liking, is high. I have read that some Bonanza guys with the IO-550's leave the throttle full and reduce the RPM to 2500. instead of pulling MP and RPM. I will dig through all the Rocket Eng. info tomorrow when I go to the hangar. Any quick insight would be appreciated..... I can't get my mind of flying since the new plane got here...... Thanks.
  18. Congrats! Glad to see some people are starting to spend some money! 6 more hours with an instructor before I am on my own in mine.
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