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Everything posted by 74657

  1. I currently have a 430W and a yoke mounted 496 in my Grumman. I love both of them. The Mooney I am purchasing has a 430W and I planned on keeping my 496 but it appears that the guy I am selling the plane to is willing to pay me for the 496. That being said, I love the XM radio, weather and functions of the 496. I haven't kept up with the market over the last few years.... What else is out there? My 496 was coupled to the 430, I would like to do the same thing with whatever I install in the new plane. Thanks!
  2. Here are a few pics that were taken today during its inspection. So far so good.
  3. I just did. I am going to set it up. Looks like I can roll "business use" maintenance costs, fuel, storage, insurance etc. etc. into LLC expenses as well as claim depreciation on it.
  4. Thoughts on setting up an LLC for my new plane? I currently own my AA-5B as an individual. I will be using the plane for business use as well as personal use. I have ownership interest in 2 businesses, both as an individual. My thoughts are setting up "ABC LLC" and running "business" percentage of expenses through the LLC and claim my personal use at the end of each tax year. Financing of the aircraft is currently setup to be done using my personal credit. My Tiger is fully paid for. Thoughts?
  5. Quote: FlyingAggie To the OP, This one has lots of bells and whistles: http://www.aso.com/listings/spec/ViewAd.aspx?utm_source=Alerts&id=129245 I saw that plane. Beautiful. The 2 things that I don't like about it are the AC and turbo. A plane that nice shouldn't have needed a 12K annual either, at least the way I'm thinking! That AC has to burn at least 100 lbs. of useful too.
  6. Who's got 2 thumbs and just put a deposit down on N888DF? This guy!
  7. Thank you all for the insight. After discussions with one of the members on the site I have determined that a turbo is not the way to go. I saw this plane a while back but passed it over because of hours on the engine. http://www.aso.com/listings/spec/ViewAd.aspx?id=130963&listingType=true&IsInternal=True&dealerid= The Tiger I currently own is a 139-140kt cruiser, has a killer panel and has been a very inexpensive plane to maintain. I want to go FAST but after I sell my Tiger and spend upwards of 100K I'm not convinced that it is a smart decision for only 15 knots... That is why I originally looked at Rockets and 252's but for the right price a Missile might fit the bill. N888DF is asking 130K and the broker will work on a trade for my Tiger as he used to be a dealer for Grumman's back in the late 70's.
  8. As long as I know the anticipated maintenance costs I am going to be OK.... Im more concerned with getting it right the first time. I learned how to fly in a Grumman Tiger (what I currently own) and like the plane but want more speed. My daughter is 2 and my son is 2 weeks, in the next few years we can put them on oxygen and get up there....if that is what I need (which I don't know.) For the next 2 years AT LEAST my flying will be done under 12,500 with the family.
  9. I will pick up my IR within the next year. I have looked at Missile's but I haven't seen much around lately. I will want a good autopilot and a 430W at a minimum. At 40K for an overhaul I am going to want something with lower hours or at least a fresh top if half way to TBO... Thanks for the feedback. Any idea on the fixed costs of a 201/missile/252? Im assuming the Missile would be easier on the wallet vs. a 252 due to the lack of a turbo?
  10. First post, any replies would be greatly appreciated. If you had 150K-ish to play with, what Mooney would you buy? Most of my flying will be "intermediate" distance flying - 350-400 miles. I do however wish to take several "mini-vacations" in the coming years with my family (wife, 2 small children). I live in Michigan and would love to be able to efficiently fly to see Mickey Mouse every year. I was originally looking at Rockets but the fuel burn and long term costs scared me away. After looking at 231's I see that for a little more money I could get into a 252. Most of my flying has always been done at 10K (I am not yet Instrument Rated). Do I pony up and get into a 252 or look at perhaps a loaded 201?? What would the difference in maintenance and annual costs be with a 201 vs. a 252? My small business will be indirectly paying for this project but given the state of the economy I need to make the smartest decision for my family. Thanks guys!!
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