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Everything posted by 74657

  1. Anyone have any idea what "auto lean" is on the IO-550A that is in my Missile? I have searched around and haven't found out what it means. Thanks.
  2. Quote: richardheitzman setting up for a overseas sale???
  3. ......and why a re-man engine for my Missile from Continental is damn near 50K..... And all this time I thought it was because of liability insurance!
  4. Guys, Im started to get situated with the new instruments in my Mooney. I took the books for the EDM-700, Alti-Trak, and StrikeFinder home last night. The strikefinder seems a bit outdated given the XM WX I have on the 496. I know that the refresh rate of the XM WX is a bit delayed and the SF might help "assist"....? The AltiTrak has a bunch of functions that I probably wont use until I start Instrument flying. Right now it seems like "one more thing" to have to manage..... The JPI EDM-700 engine data gauge manual is a PITA to read. It makes me feel like I am trying to learn how to fly the space shuttle. WAY too many things going on in that gauge for 2 buttons to control. If someone could give me the quick/dirty rundown of how to operate that thing it would be great. I really miss my Electronics International 4 bank CHT/EGT/OAT gauge right now....
  5. I used to fly over Lake Michigan with the Tiger. I was more worried about the fixed gear flipping the plane once it hit the water that the airplane floating. With the Mooney I can shoreline it to my destinations and still save 45 minutes on my trip. The 16:1 glide ratio is awfully tempting though.......
  6. 243 kts in a Tiger at FL230?
  7. Im in the same boat. My instructor has "a little" Mooney time but "a bunch" of time in Citations, 421's, Barons, T-6 Texans and thousands of hours in "a bunch of other stuff." No disrepect to any who disagree with me but in my honest opinion, if you are comfortable flying in YOUR plane with your instructor then go for it. I am comfortable flying with my instructor, despite his lack of Mooney time. Now if your buddy only flies Skyhawks, dont walk away....run.
  8. Here is a panel shot. I have a few more detailed ones in my gallery.
  9. Nice! Which one did you buy?
  10. Any recommendations? 2 year old daughter, 1 month old son. When my daughter was a baby we used ear plugs which we will do with my son. I saw some models made by SoftCom, David Clark and Sigtronics. I just ordered my wife a QT set, no more crabbing about messed up hair!!!
  11. Put an hour in today. The plane is SOLID and super stable. Did 3 takeoff/landings and greased everyone of them. Im still getting the hang of slowing the plane down. The electric trim is almost like cheating. There arent enough good things I can say about flying this plane. I don't want to bash my Grumman too hard, but the 2 planes are apples/oranges in EVERY sense. I cant get over how smooth the engine runs and how much quiter the cabin in vs. the Tiger. When flying my pattern, I slowed to 130 kts and dropped the gear entering downwind, clicked a notch of flaps / established a 500 fpm descent at the end of the runway. 500 fpm drop continued and click the 2nd/final notch of flaps on base to final. It seems like the plane settles in to 80 kts. on final but downwind/base are close to 100. I suppose I need to keep working on controlling my airspeed. That was at 2300 rpm and 15". Once I made the field, Id pull the throttle all the way back and settle in at 65. I will get some panel shots up in a few days.
  12. Thanks for all the compliments. Im taking it up with my CFI in the morning. I can't wait. Ever since I started learning how to fly I always felt that a fixed landing gear was like a set of training wheels. Flipping that knob tomorrow is going to be better than....... As for the paint, it is original and in very nice shape. My buddy owns Flying Colors Aviation here in Benton Harbor and the paint job is likely to be "upgraded". He is talking House of Kolor...... Ill let you guys know how it goes.
  13. 888DF got delivered last night around 6. Went up for a quick spin today. UNBELIEVABLE. Yes- it was my first flight in a Mooney. This thing is way cooler than my old Tiger....... Also in the picture are my co-pilot Delaney, my 4 week old son Landon and my wife Mari. The aircraft broker commented that this was one of the best welcoming parties he has ever seen!
  14. I sent the deposit over yesterdat for 888DF. The pre-buy went very well with the only "big" issues being worn motor mounts and leaky fuel tank covers, both of which are getting fixed. There were a few other small things like loose heat shields, and a worn thermocouple wire (from sagging motor mounts) which will also be cleaned up before I go to get it. I would imagine that I will be flying to Akron in the next couple of weeks to drop my Tiger off and bring the Mooney back.
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