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  1. I had it done at the Parawon airport but that was a few years ago. Might be worth call and see if they still do it.
  2. Marketplace - Mooney airplane for parts or art | Facebook I saw this add on facebook marketplace and looks like they have a lot of cowlings.
  3. I wonder if the AOPA legal plan will defend you in this kind of lawsuit.
  4. Sorry, I just reread your last post. For some reason I read left side, and you said entry side.
  5. You can't take off a left wing. The whole wing would have to be removed. That doesn't mean the wing needs to be removed for rot repair. Rot usually happens at the area's inboard at flap brackets. It's strange it's left and not right side, It's usually the right side that falls apart because the wing walk area take abuse from getting in and out of the airplane over the years of use. Wood glue joints coming apart and needing repair is not over concerning. I would be very concerned with rot repair especially if rot is at the main and rear spar. If you want a wood wing Mooney then I would find one that doesn't have a history of rot.
  6. Wood is a great material to work with. Do a thorough inspection as stated in wood AD with someone that allows you to do an owner's assist annual. My IA charges me $800 for my annual. If you like working on airplanes and can find this kind of IA relationship, then consider it. If not, then I would pass.
  7. kerry


    I use a 34'' sawhorse under the wing 24'' outboard of the gear door. Lift the wing by using a bar in the gear and a floor jack as mentioned above and slide the sawhorse under the wing,
  8. I just noticed that your 5th picture is the one I need
  9. Part# is 8526250
  10. Do you have a oil cooler?
  11. I got a hold of Michael via text message and he replied saying he still works on Pathfinder autopilots.
  12. I put a 3/4'' pipe through the mains of the landing gear just above the wheels. Then I use a floor jack under the pipe. I lift the wing up high enough to slide a 34'' sawhorse under the main spar approximately 2' outboard the main gear.
  13. I didn't realize how worn out my labels are. The original Mooney markings are all worn off. I need to replace my current labels. The position in the picture is off. Opposite is rear tank, then right and left.
  14. My aux tank is under the rear seat bench. My fuel selector is labeled right, left and rear. I'll take a picture this weekend.
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