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Everything posted by rturbett

  1. To heck with the trim switch- tell me about the cup holder!
  2. If the covers are good, the foam inside can be replaced for about $150 in foam / materials and and two hours work.
  3. I was gifted a plug in timer that would turn the engine heater on every morning and off every evening. Sounded like a great idea to me, but when I discussed it with my mechanic he said DON'T DO IT. He's said he has seen multiple engines ruined by people who have done this. Apparently the daily repetitive cycles causes a significant layer of condensation on the top inside of the engine. So now I am trying to find out who has extended wifi on the field already. Reception in the hangar is a challenge, so I will work on a boost antennae. Previous owner left the plane plugged in all the time with no issues. Happy holidays from 26 degree KSDC! Rob
  4. PT, is it normal to clean and ensure connections, or just plan on replacing? going in to annual in a few weeks. Thanks, Rob
  5. Flight to Saratoga NY, I hour at 5500ft, outside air temp low 40's, cowl flaps full closed engine leaned rop, the cylinder temps never warmed up. On the flight back, same conditions and settings (alt 4500) all was normal. Is the sensor serviceable? FYI- I really like the yellow mark the previous owner put in place- if I move my head, I can make it perfect every time! Thanks, Rob
  6. I'm considering a new prop for my 1980 m20J Are there any options to consider within the McCauly 2 blade family, or just stock replacement? any source you can recommend to get further educated on this? (i'm google-smart) Thanks, Rob
  7. Thank you PT- ive combed through the catalog twice for this, and couldn't find it You convinced me it was there- and now searching the index- found it chapter 60, page 283... Rob
  8. While giving a close look at the engine compartment during an oil change, I saw the left cylinders were missing this part. It's the rod that connects the lower metal baffles- there are mounting holes there, but no hardware. While I will have the local shop address, my question for the group is "where do I find the part number"? I've looked through the engine diagrams and mooney parts diagram, but cant find the engine baffling system. any hints on where to look? Thanks, Rob
  9. Thanks for the input. I'll get this fixed! Rob
  10. I don't like the way the spark plug wires are routed- they curve across the oil filter, and when I did my first oil change, I could see how they had worn off some of the white on the oil filter. Seems like this type of abrasion will just lead to future trouble. I'm doing an oil change soon, not sure if there is enough length to rout it under the fuel filter. Was wondering about suspending them to pull the m away from the filter, or, putting a protective sleeve over the wires. Any thoughts? Thanks, Rob
  11. I'm relatively new to KSDC- just meeting people there- what does he fly?
  12. Since this will be a northern Florida location, heat not needed, but still want to insulate to protect from too much heat, and should simplify roof loads (no snow?)- although I can envision putting solar on this. Good to address this on the front end to ensure the roof is matched to the expected load for the building permits While this is putting the cart well before the horse- Plan on a Mooney party at FD22 in the future.... Thanks for all the thoughts and insight. Rob
  13. I'm looking for any guidance, advice, experiences, pitfalls. So much more fun to learn from others mistakes! Still puzzled why you have to buy the door from someone else.... Thanks, Rob
  14. Couldn't find the smiley emoji to let you know I was joking on the deep breath. Had a good conversation through the flight with a very experienced instructor talking about expectations. I will be getting oxygen in the future, and likely before I try anything like this on my own.
  15. I took a deep breath before climbing to altitude... or I was hypoxic and couldn't read it correctly! If I recall correctly, my instructor was at 94% I also did some repetitive mental tasks to "judge myself" along the way... For my normal flying- which is still being determined - I'm usually below 9k
  16. I believe we were at 11k when bringing the plane home when I snapped this. Pretty excited about the ground speed. I've had problems hiking at 10k so I was nervous about higher altitudes. Turns out when you are just sitting in an airplane, its much easier! pulse ox remained at 98% Funny that we passed Mt San Jacinto at 11k where I had experienced the oxygen challenges at 10k
  17. I’m glad I asked before doing something stupid….. thanks Rob
  18. Is the left hand wing upper surface as strong as the right hand side? We climb into our planes on the right side- I am polishing/ waxing the plane, and cant reach the left hand side above the windows without climbing on the wing. is it safe/ as strong as the right side? Thanks, Rob
  19. Chain saw link?
  20. just completed my first oil change on my J as well- I combined the pvc trough technique to drain oil from the filter (carefully poke the two holes in the filter!) with a towel underneath, and also put a plastic bag over it before unscrewing. Not a drop on the plane! Inspect while you are there for wire conditions, etc. I found two items to address.
  21. I just got the rust off, got my complex endorsement and BFR through MooneyPros https://www.mooneypros.com/ What are you transitioning from?
  22. High on my list is an updated interior on my new to me m20J. The seats a just plain uncomfortable! Foam was worn out, may as well be sitting on a metal bench... I just couldn't wait for the the lead time- 6 mos. at the local refinishers, more than double that at the Mooney expert I want to use, with a few weeks down time as well..so, how hard can it be? The covers, while old, and somewhat ugly, were in good shape. This meant taking them off and re-using them. An evenings work and $50 worth of foam, $20 worth of supplies. Replaced all the foam in the seat, carved to shape, and covered. The seat back, just needed to replace the center foam. Also took the opportunity to give the cloth a good cleaning while the foam was out. The Spray glue contact cement that they sold me was perfect- quick to use, but could reposition if needed. The seat is still not pretty, but it sure is comfortable! Feels brand new! Rob
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