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Everything posted by scottfromiowa

  1. The collective "MUST" take care of all...Even and especially those that won't/don't care for themselves... Why must I care when they do not? Freedom of choice. It is a beautiful thing. E.R's don't have that luxury. Society/"The Collective" picks up the tab.
  2. What would I buy if I had it to do "over" again? An M20E. It is what I could afford. Four seats full tanks can't be done in an F or a J with "big adults". They are all 3 seat planes UNLESS you are going on a 1-2 hour flight. I did those flights with teenagers (son 5'10). Room in back is fine unless your legs are in the top 10%. The F model is nice because of the added baggage and fold down seats. That's it. The E is a little faster than the F and C. I don't think $40k is a good buy-in price point for any of the three (C,E.F) as you WILL be spending a LOT of money on fixing and upgrades. ALWAYS cheaper to buy a plane that someone else has upgraded and taken care of...FLOWN. Fuel tanks, Engine/airframe corrosion, and old avionics are the BIG dollar gotcha's in vintage Mooney's. Find a Co-Owner and get the F OR J that will make you and your family happy for a long time. For $80 grand you can get into an airframe that should not (but might) nickel and dime you for maintenance and WILL have equipment you will want to upgrade. Good luck. Have fun. It is a BUYERS MARKET.
  3. Stay tuned to see if the GOP does what "the people" elected them in a majority to do...REPEAL OBAMACARE. Not "re-work it". Not "tweak it". Not "dismantle pieces of it". REPEAL IT. In other news USA today speaks with Saudi who states "There will not be $100 barrel oil...ever again". Thank you USA Shale oil/gas producers for giving the US citizens relief from out of control energy prices. Thank Obama? NOPE. Saudi also agreed that the world's religions are unifying as one to rid the cancer "radical Islam" from the earth. Thank you. Not in "kahoots" with USA to lower oil price to $50/barrel. This is purely economic. Need to protect their market share and will do what they need to do to accomplish that. He believes that $50 may or may not be the number that results in consolidation and reduced US drilling... Orders for new rigs/contracts are slowing as producers would rather pay penalty than complete the order...
  4. Rand Paul Because he is the only Conservative that is electable.
  5. Rand Paul or Mitt Romney? Rand Paul He had his chance...
  6. Just tell me where and when. I will bring the Cigars and Jack Daniels...and my brother, because he can actually play a full 18 without a "that would have been a great round "if" line". My vote would be for The Honey Creek Resort. Fly into Centerville. About a 15 minute drive. Decent track and a nice resort.
  7. I read a piece today summarizing and quoting the Egyptian leader talking about how "The world is against us"...because of our religon. The fact that we want to "kill" those that do not believe as we do. He reached out to Religious Leaders and talked about refrmation of the religion. Pretty powerful. I am optomistic. There were a lot of "good Germans" and "good Japanese". I am glad that we helped them rebuild and take a leadership position in the world.
  8. I have NEVER called you an idiot. Libtard, Yes. I believe you are well ahead on personal attacks upon me and your descriptions of "who and what I am"...
  9. You would rather have those belts hanging down when you enter/exit than an approved shoulder harness installation because of the feel? O.K. Have fun.
  10. Why? Why a four point vs. a 3-point shoulder harness in a vintage Mooney?
  11. Beautiful
  12. That young lady is my hero. Can't imagine how I would have "performed" under such circumstances. Injured, Cold, Disoriented and alone with "hopefully sleeping" loved ones. 3/4's of a mile through woods without bearings to get help. Simply amazing. I wish I could make it all go away for her. Glad she is with relatives that love and support her. RIP
  13. I saw that pair on SNL...The Falconer. Nice
  14. Looks fantastic!
  15. Are you a kitty guy Byron? Good for you...GOOD FOR U!
  16. Ha ha ha! You Libs are just kooky. You are going to compare Christianity to radical Islam? Nope. You are going to try and compare the hands up don't shoot to Rosa Parks? Nope! You are going to try and tell me that the federal government does not want to restrict firearms? Nope! You are going to try and tell me that state and local government do not want to restrict firearms? Nope!I am the one that's regressive? Nope! Spare me.
  17. You mean like an assemblyline at Government Motors?
  18. Oh, my mistake. I thought you came to make doom and gloom predications about Mooney International...
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