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Everything posted by scottfromiowa

  1. Good for Joni getting opportunity next Tuesday to give the GOP response at state of union.
  2. MFG I work with have a starting wage. If you show up, do your job, learn, are motivated you get opportunity to advance and make more money. You get what you give. Small towns in Iowa have nice homes and lower costs to lead a good life. Like my family, wives staying home is not happening if you want some toys and a bigger house. It is not uncommon to see family businesses. I was at a small machine shop today. Two brothers and a son of the owner represented over 50% of the workforce. They are doing O.K. in a small rural Iowa town.
  3. I just see ZERO need to defend the Republican party and conservatism. I believe this country is great when the government gets out of the way and lets business create jobs and wealth. Conservatives have been maligned by government...as they should be...because they don't want government leadership. They want LESS government. LESS "PROGRAMS". LESS Taxation. LESS regulation. Greed of unions and union members killed US manufacturing. NAFTA and China and free trade just allowed US Corporations to reject Assembl-line workers making six figures for the awesome capablity of using an air gun and a welder...Honda, VW, BMW etc. have shown that quality automobiles can be made by American's in America. @#$% Government Motors. I wish they would have gone bankrupt.
  4. I had a friend that married a Norwegian. Moved there. He now lives in the USA. Keep it rolling. I am enjoying this.
  5. Why don't you check out annual thread and spread the policing love there too...
  6. Looks like the 503 piece to me. I have same issue with original plastic piece on floor. Cracking. Takes a good beating.
  7. I would like to take the "chip" that many have on their shoulders and knock it off...
  8. My father taught art appreciation etc. at the college level for over 30 years. He found beauty in all forms of art. My dad never found "bad art". I am thankful that he educated me to find beauty in all creativity/art. A crucifix in a jar of urine not withstanding.
  9. I have seen some HOT snowpeople in my day, but the real eyecandy is in sand art.... Talk about lusty eroticism...
  10. Good to know. Glad you and family got safey home and plane is back safe and sound. I am going weldon when pump fails...again.
  11. Always entertaining. I think sober is better though. Nah...
  12. This all goes back to my hit on Berry for lack of leadership and acknowlegement that the world needs to be united against radical islamist terrorism. Explain to me why the current administration refuses to acknowledge that radical Islamic terrorists ARE the problem. Do it simply so my little mind can comprehend it... Show me how Berry has been "a leader"?
  13. The narrative (at the time) was completely that "We are gonna GET THAT GUY" for inciting the incident. The implication was that the government is going to "take care of the bad guy"...That excercised his right to make a video. Championing a felon? Good one. My hero? Hardly. I do believe in the right to free speech...Even if it is burning the flag or calling people baby murderers or protesting at a soldiers funeral. They are idiots to me, but I support their right to be idiots.
  14. 696 with air gizmo panel mount and the weather is via the gdl-39 on glarescreen. I hid the wires for the gld-39 with power in far right side cigar-lighter. 696 is powered by ships power. I like it a lot. The blue-tooth powers pilot on a yoke mount for i-pad and also paints weather. Photos in my gallery of set-up. I like the big screen on the 696. It has been bulletproof through several years of use. Don't know much about aera, but LOVE the 696. I won't part with it. There is an angle mount adapter, but it covered my insight six pack left gauges so I didn't install. Good luck. Probably can't go wrong with either. Buttons vs. touch screen is a non-event for me. Keeps screen clean vs. my always oiled up Ipad...
  15. Not so much...
  16. I don't GET Fox %$#^ing news. It is blacked out on Dish. Shut the ^%$^ up about Fox.
  17. Really? NOPE. It was a smart@$$ reply. My reply to him is EXACTLY the outrage that I feel about those video's. Hey Byron, $%^ you too...
  18. I guess if I sucked off the government as much as you I would not have outrage at others throwing it back in my face. Why don't you cut a rap to SoundBite. Wicky wicky woo...Got my program done...Got my Benjamins on...Making money off of you...We don't call it a tax...wait, YES WE DO...Boo hoo hoo...for all of you...we got it passed...so wiccky wicky wicky ya hoo! I am flying off in my nice old J. Kiss my @$$ cause I am making hay. Loving it all the Obama way. Peace.
  19. Just about as stupid as the response from the WH press secretary...I don't know where the President is...after he says he was "at home" instead of in France with 15 other world leaders showing solidarity and mourning a senseless loss. Another Gun Control moment missed...
  20. No exploitation of children in that video. Wow. Just wow. Just makes you want to crank that spicket open and keep feeding "the needy"... a "joke"? Sattirical? I think not. Just throwing back the entitlements into the face of those that provide them...The U.S. taxpayer. Stay Classey.
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