The seats in the A-36 can be faced forward , or backwards , They can also be removed in about 1 minute each , The A 36 , is capable of being stretched out to 4100 lbs , They have real landing gear , real fuel tanks , and a company that supports the product , and has continually for 65 years , Spar web cracks are VERY RARE , I personally have never seen them , wing bolts are not required , They have MUCH MORE ROOM , yes the Mooney cabin is 2 inches wider , It is also much rounder in the profile , The Bonanza is Roomier , I can and do run my Bonanza at 11.5 gallons and 160 Knots , Don't believe me , Caruso has been in my plane more than once and seen those numbers , These are not comparable aircraft , it is a stupid comparison....