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Ron McBride

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Ron McBride last won the day on December 10 2015

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About Ron McBride

  • Birthday 08/03/1954

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  1. Many years ago, I was based at Chino. I was cleared to taxi into position and hold full length 21, there was a Cherokee holding midfield on 21. Tower cleared me for takeoff with the Cherokee still holding. The tower stammered when I declined the clearance. The Cherokee just sat there fat dumb and happy.
  2. Could that be DME?
  3. My 69f panel is the same as the 70. The switches are also the circuit breakers. You may have a bad switch/breaker. Also try contact cleaner, maybe it is stuck. The switches get hot and shut down. The beacon itself could be bad, replace it with a led beacon. congrats on your new plane. Fly safe. Ron
  4. Talking to Paul Löwenstein-Jensen, in testing Lasar found the air thru the stock oil cooler came thru the cowling top and then out the cooler. Sounds illogical though. I install the relocation cooler kit and a new cooler in my 69f, this helped a little, but the engine was getting past 1500 hrs. I have sold the plane and do not have recent information. Ron
  5. Is it possible that brackets from an E, F, or J might work?
  6. You can get heavy duty large tarps from tarp companies, similar to what trucking companies and fumigation companies use. Maybe Mitch can chime in, I think he built something for Jolie’s plane to keep the dust etc. off.
  7. Check with welding supply shops. They can refill it also. You may need a prescription though. Ask your doctor, he should write it out for you. also, ask your local fob’s who to go to.
  8. Looks great, but where is your gear switch?
  9. The responsible pilot, party’s or estate may want to contact an attorney that specializes in insurance to protect their interests. I had to do this once, it was amazing what the insurance company was doing. The $5,000.00 was well spent.
  10. On my F cowl flaps would depend on outside temp. If it was cold I could take off with them closed and keep the cylinders below 360. I always landed with them closed. You need to have an engine monitor to be able to access accurate temps.
  11. If you still have problems, let me know. We can get together. I am near Poteau. KRKR. Ron
  12. I would taxi all the time very lean. Shut down at 1100 rpm. When ready to restart, do not move the throttle, prop or mixture. Do not turn on the fuel pump. Crank engine and advance the mixture slo. W. Ly. It should start quickly. This worked for me in my f for years. Ron
  13. Pull the cable, the door opens. This is the little door approximately 2” x4” above the air filter. Most people will get about 1” rise in manifold pressure bypassing the air filter.
  14. Mooney serial numbers can be confusing. Example; 68 005. Could be a C, E, F or a G..
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