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Everything posted by Buster1

  1. Thanks HRM! I appreciate it. As for the gators, not really sure. We used to fly the F-16 with a pistol on our vest survival pack. Maybe you need one of those!? Or better yet, glide to somewhere more firm and less watery if you can!?
  2. Here's an in depth article I posted a while back about building survival packs. With my F-16 background, I have some unique ideas...I think. Pics and videos in there too! Thanks for looking. http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/how-to-build-your-emergency-response-plan-for-an-aircraft-accident
  3. My latest musings, if you'd like a little light reading. Short article too this time on the combustion triangle and cockpit procedures. Thanks http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/simplifying-your-airplane-engine-failure-procedures
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  4. Here is my latest article. Hope you'll give it a look. It's about three critical tactics anytime you are on the runway. A heavy TOLD (takeoff and landing data) discussion as well. Thanks! http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/three-key-considerations-during-an-aircraft-emergency-on-the-runway
  5. Thanks for the support Toto. If you haven't had a chance to check out my book, please do. I included some research on this subject. From old military T-34s (the tandem Bonanza basically) as well as some modern GA accidents, and research of decelerations in GA aircraft. The stats point to the facts that if you have the gear down during an off airport landing and you land on a soft surface (including water), the gear are going to "snag" and you will flip over or come to a very abrupt stop. If you're still unconvinced, and think that you would like your landing gear to "shear off" thus absorbing some of the energy, let me ask you this: You're driving down the road at highway speeds. Suddenly you go to brake and the brake pedal goes to the floor! You've lost your brakes in your trusty car! What is your plan for getting the thing stopped? Assume no parking or E-brake for the sake of argument. Would you rather let the car coast to a stop? Or will you steer toward a light pole, hoping that it slows you down some by absorbing energy? I'm guessing most of you would prefer the former, and try to avoid hitting light poles. But why is that? Why do you want to avoid light poles to slow you down? Logically, you know that hitting a light pole in a car might bring you to a dead stop (emphasis on dead). Right? Some light poles might allow you to slow a little, shearing off and then you'd continue along slightly slower. But some light poles might not. So intuitively, you avoid light poles and let the car coast to a stop, thus "stretching out" the decelerative forces over TIME and DISTANCE. It's the same thing in a plane (with typically less soft stuff inside, crumple zones, and airbags). The DATA points to stretching out the crash over TIME and DISTANCE (less instantaneous G) to optimize survival. Many other sources and authors have discussed this as well, and I include a bunch of it in my book. With a little data. Seriously, I hope you check it out, and think about some of this stuff realistically as the OP has. It's a smart way to survival. Thanks! ~Buster
  6. Thanks for the support guys, and for checking out my articles!
  7. Don't make the mistake that I did. A new article and an interesting (I hope) story! http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/aviation-emergency-frequency
  8. Thanks for the support guys! And for reading my drivel. I do think however that a survival pack, even with a few items in it, will really come in handy should the day arise...
  9. You've just had a forced landing. Now what? What's your plan? I've just published an article on this, and how to build a GA survival pack for your cockpit. I hope you have a look! Nate http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/how-to-build-your-emergency-response-plan-for-an-aircraft-accident
  10. Is old tech still worth teaching? A brief article that discusses this while looking at the "old school" E6-B.Thanks for looking.http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/dust-off-your-e6-b-and-save-a-dinosaur
  11. Thanks for mentioning this book. I've heard the story somewhere, but would love to read about the details. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Hey guys, Here's a free article about developing safety procedures in your aircraft. Have a look. Thanks! http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/how-to-develop-safety-procedures-in-an-aircraft
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  13. So sad, and maybe avoidable?
  14. Thanks guys. Yep, jaylw is correct. You'll lose about 500 feet, clean, in a gliding 180. It's another great question DanB has in this hypothetical situation. You'll never make it to Airport A given the conditions and winds.
  15. Hi guys, I've had an interesting convo over the past few days with a friend, about which airport to glide to after an engine failure. He posed some really smart questions to me, mostly related to wind effects. Anyway, he permitted me to credit him and use some of his drawings on my latest article. If you'd like to know more about wind effects and glide ratios and general engine out glide type stuff, have a look at this link and learn some goodies. It's all free! http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/youve-lost-the-engine-which-airport Thanks again for the support! Nate
  16. Thanks guys! I'm also humbled to have had an official "save" as of late. Some details on the webpage. Alex, the book can be found on Kindle or paperback, iBooks on Apple, or Barnes and Noble Nook too. Thanks!
  17. http://engineout.weebly.com/articles/seven-ways-to-be-more-prepared-for-an-engine-failure-in-your-single-engine-piston-aircraft Check it out, a little light reading, and some free snippets from my book. Feel free to have a look! Thanks! Nate
  18. You guys ever read The Checklist Manifesto? It's a great book (I'm not affiliated w/ it). http://atulgawande.com/book/the-checklist-manifesto/ it describes how modern medicine now uses checklists during surgical procedures, etc. It talks about how they get and develop checklists for the OR from pilots and such. Pretty neat book, and a good discussion of how you can make checklists for lots of stuff in your personal life, and avoid errors.
  19. I'll find out. He's not banning anyone, but the intent is for personal stuff, not major corporations and such. Thanks!
  20. lol. Thanks anyway! Just drumming up interest and trying to connect more pilots across the US!
  21. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1844871949097902/Hi guys! I'm helping a buddy set up a FB page just for pilots and aviation related stuff. It's called the Pilot Shopping Network.It's free to join. Like/follow the group on FB and you'll be able to advertise any aviation related things you have, for free. You'll also see hundreds of other members postings and sale items with deep discounts. Not to detract from the local marketplace area, post your stuff there of course, and on Pilot Shopping Network for a wider audience.Again, it's totally freeeeeeee, he doesn't make a dime!
  22. A great leader and pilot!
  23. The Icon has an AOA as well, with a prominent AOA gauge. The power lines seem like the possible cause of the unfortunate accident. Just speculating.
  24. Hey guys! I'm offering another FREE giveaway! Follow Engine Out on Twitter to be entered to win a free aviation metal sign! Good luck! https://giveaway.amazon.com/p/c1531562fc55735c
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