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Everything posted by Bacachero

  1. One question for those with knowledge on aircfraft manufacturing....Ive always wondered why the constant problem of the leaking tanks has not been permanently solved...other tan bladders....Cant the tanks be welded at the joints for a permanent bond without sealants?
  2. Just wanted to share a picture of an old mooney used as playground equipment in our airport in Monterrey, Mexico... Cheers!
  3. He will be missed, he was the most enthusiastic mooney fan I have ever met. Many of us learned a lot from his articles on his web page. Thanks Richard!
  4. He was a great person. Excellent instructor. MY CONDOLENCES TO HISFAMILY.
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SI20-112-003-ITT-LANDING-GEAR-ACUATOR-KIT-40-1-GEARS-NEW-COMPLETE-/160737135493?hash=item256cae0b85&item=160737135493&pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&vxp=mtr#ht_499wt_922
  6. Quote: DaV8or LASAR called me and told me that the 40:1 gear sets are in again. I wanted to buy a set for annual next year, but they told me that they are reserving them for people that actively want to rebuild their actuators. I'll have to wait an see if they have any left over in May or if they change their minds and sell me a set earlier. They also said that they have been bugging MAC about the induction boots for the vintage birds. Turns out, I really need one of those too as I have been flying around on a patched one and have been told that's a no-no, but what am I'm gunna do?
  7. Quote: Jeff_S First, I replaced the stock landing light with a Whelen LED bulb and the effect has been great. I just leave it on all the time now for visibility. Second, there is an STC to add a second light to the cowling. I think LASAR has it, but you can look it up. Not sure if it applies to J's or just the older models, but that's the one I've seen.
  8. Hi Nate and welcome, Check this thread that discusses parts availability topic http://mooneyspace.org/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=1&threadid=3300 Cheers!
  9. Thumbs up!
  10. I would also like to see some pictures, but since we have a video section now.....let make it a video to get the ball rolling!
  11. thumbs up! keep them coming!
  12. A picture is worth a thousand words......a video is worth a thousand pictures! Great idea on posting videos for different maintenance projects. A mooney channel for flight tecniques, destinations and other subjects would also be awesome.
  13. Dear Mr. Eriksmoen, I would love to read a little about your trip, can you share with us your adventure? pictures? I think that more than one in this forum dreams about your trip....
  14. Quote: aviatoreb What other Mooney site? I am a new Mooney owner and I was not aware there is another site.
  15. I think this is the one you are looking for http://www.mooneyspace.org/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=1&threadid=372 Kool flying!
  16. http://www.mooneyspace.org/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=1&threadid=2350
  17. Great Project Anxious to see those pictures! Cheers!
  18. There is one in ebay, but it is for a m20a, check to see if they are comaptible http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mooney-M20A-LH-flap-excellent-condition-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem3a639bb5baQQitemZ250779252154QQptZMotorsQ5fAviationQ5fPartsQ5fGear
  19. pending mechanical analisis of the bird...thats a good looking airplane!
  20. I saw a mythbusters show where they did an experiment to see if a car would get better mileage if they imitated the surface of a golf ball. It worked. I have heard people that get Hail damage claim it improves speed by a couple of knots. Ive also read a few post in this forum where people who wax their birds also see speed increase. If this surface shape works like this, Could this become a speed mod? check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD27VIU9O4M Lets hear some opinions!
  21. great vid, thanks forsharing!
  22. Speedbrakes anyone? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Precise-Flight-Speed-Brakes-Mooney-Aircraft-/250751502715?pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item3a61f4497b cheers!
  23. That is a beautiful plane, he had an ad in mapa looking for a 1/4 partner for 2 years now
  24. there is a set for auction on ebay right now good luck http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOONEY-CO-PILOT-TOE-BRAKES-MASTER-CYLINDERS-/120664476115?pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item1c1829c9d3
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