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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Lot's of rumors for years, but my wife just sent this to me. Evidently they are really working on it: "Marianne Zumberge News Editor, Variety.com@marianniepants Do you feel the need? The need for a “Top Gun” sequel? Rumors of “Top Gun 2″ have swirled since the original touched down in 1986. Skydance CEO David Ellison confirmed that the project is in development and revealed its plot details at a “Terminator Genisys” press junket in Berlin, Collider reports. “Justin Marks is writing the screenplay right now,” Ellison said. “He has a phenomenal take to really update that world for what fighter pilots in the Navy has turned into today.” He added, “It is very much a world we live in today where it’s drone technology and fifth generation fighters … It’s really exploring the end of an era of dogfighting and fighter pilots and what that culture is today.” Fans of the original film will be delighted to know that Ellison hinted that Tom Cruise will reprise his role. “There is an amazing role for Maverick in the movie, and there is no ‘Top Gun’ without Maverick, and it is going to be Maverick playing Maverick,” Ellison said. Time to blast Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away” in celebration." At one point they were talking about a Top Gun 2 where Maverick was the instructor and there was a hot shot young female pilot. Then "Stealth" bombed (I actually liked it) and hadn't heard much of a sequel since - especially since Tom Cruise and Paramount split ways a while back. It may not have been the best aviation movie, but who doesn't love TOP GUN? I'm looking forward to it. -Seth
  2. Which airport are you flying out of for your airline trip? BWI? There are no hangers at Tipton. I've flown there once, seemed fine. -Seth
  3. And her brother is a professional photographer, we did not look that good a few hours after birth
  4. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers on Mooney Space. As many of you know. This is my first Father's Day. Claire Elizabeth Meyers was born June 5th after 24 hours of natural labor. So here's to all the Dad's out there!! And no, I will not be flying as much this year. -Seth
  5. The Eagle and Ovation are both great airplanes. I fly the baby Ovation in the Missile - 300 HP on a J airframe. George an other Eagle and Ovation drivers can tell you that for some reason the sealant was not "great" during the time period Eagles were produces 1999-2002. Weep no more has seen a lot of Eagles come through needing reseals where many planes older had their sealant last longer. During a prebuy, see if it's been revealed. If not, odds are it will need a reseal before your current bird. Great plane. -Seth
  6. I have - both my former Mooney and Current one. No issues - non chain good small hardware store. -Seth
  7. This was over on Red Board and it's a great little tool. Fill in the information and it'll let you know if it makes sense to fill up on your field or another. You can do the math yourself, but this is a free website the guy made that is simply a calculator. http://www.ferryfuelcalculator.com/ -Seth
  8. When I dealt with a similar but different situation, I had an attorney based in Maryland (and I live in Maryland with the issue here in Maryland) send a reply letter to the other attorney's office. It was a well written letter explaining that their client's case was factually incorrect, providing the fact pattern with documentation, and that at the present time I would continue operating my business with no changes. Should the issue escalate, I'd be more than willing to spend as much time and resources necessary, as the fact patter speaks for itself and I would win in ultimate court of law, but of course am willing to go that far if the attorney's clients wishes to pursue that course of action. Basically, between the lines, it said screw you, I would win, you are wrong, and I'll spend as much time and money as you want for you to be proven incorrect, or we can just end this now, your choice. It ended with the reply letter withdrawing the lawsuit. It was written much more civilized than what is here, but my recommendation would be to find an attorney that serves the jurisdictions of where the two parties are located, and unfortunately begin a clear communication chain to simply figure things out and finish them so that Jolie, who does so much for aviation, can continue to use her slogan. Good luck! -Seth
  9. Seth


    Any increased drag at the top end? Better climb and equal speed? Better climb and more speed? Looks Amazing.
  10. I REALLY wanted to be there today. I even planned to drive up so weather was not an issue. However I will not be there as my wife gave birth to a little girl yesterday afternoon. She's already a Daddy's girl and who knows, maybe a future aviator. Have a great time at the AOPA open house and I'm sorry I missed it. I'll open another thread soon with a picture of our first child. Take care, -Seth
  11. Think of the G not as an underpowered F but as a stretched C. Overhaul costs are less, you are faster than other Non-Mooney's, and and you burn less gas per hour. I personally wanted the extra ponies when I pirchased my first Mooney, which was an F. It was between a F and E for me. Should the G fit your mission, it's a Mooney. The powerflow exhaust can add a tiny bit of power. They only made it two years as people went with the C or F. The C is still one of the best buys in GA. Find a Mooney that has WAAS GPS and as many 201 mods as possible. A working AP is a HUGE plus as well. The early V tail Bo's are also way down in price right now. Good luck, -Seth
  12. I just got an email back from FF who were more positive this time to my suggestions to allowing two iPhones on one account (so that one being used like an iPod touch could be used in a non permanent mount to the panel. Who knows what they'll decide. As for the app, it is an Appaero app, thus, I need to contact them to see if they will re-release it, send it to us, or if they are not allowed to release it as maybe FF said that as part of sythetic vision they want the app to go away so more people will purchase FF for the AHRS. -Seth
  13. DXB- A stand alone program is needed if you run ForeFlight on your current iPhone. The reason is that ForeFlight only allows one iphone device per account right now. So if the AHRS function is not avaialbe as a stand alone app "Stratus Horizon" then you have to plug your current active phone that has the foreflight app. I have contacted ForeFlight as I asked for two phone devices to be able to run ForeFlight in the past and they said no (but much more nicely). So I have asked them to allow it, or to put "Stratus Horizon" back up on the App Store for purchase/download. -Seth
  14. We had a Rocket there that weekend as well. I think 8+ Mooney's in all. If any random Mooney landed and didn't know what was going on, they would have taxied up bewildered to see so many Mooney's in the same place. I can only imagine (well, I did watch the video) what the ramp looks like in Madison prior to the Caravan flight. -Seth
  15. That looks great. I had been planning for a long time something similar where I have space to the right of my center stack. I finally will have to do this once I get the Stratus II. -Seth
  16. Galactica Strobes. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/ultragalactica.php You will not be part of the CB club if you install them, but they are bright, work great, and fit in the 201 wingtips. I replaced mine with these in 2013. I can have the NAV lights on only, or the NAV and STROBE at the same time. These units both light up green/red and strobe. -Seth
  17. Seth

    Mooney Caravan Training MRB 2015

    Mooney Caravan Formation training clinic at Martinsburg, WV on May 16-17, 2015
  18. I came across a Narco Transponder AT150 that has a greenish yellow "serviceable" tag from 2003 on it. I personally do not believe it's a yellow tag. I think it was from when the former owner of my former F model was looking for replacement transponders. I see yellow tagged Narco Transponder AT150 units going from $499 to about $650. With this green service tag, what is it worth? It's Narco, and I don't need it. Give me some advise, and then I'll put it up for sale (or give it to someone for scrap, if that's how bad Green tagged orphaned avionics go for). -Seth
  19. Alan is a GREAT resource to the Mooney guys here in the Mid Atlantic - he can take care of anyone in the USA (and probably abroad) but it's GREAT to have him close by. -Seth
  20. We'll have to get a better camera next time so the flybys and air to air shots are that much better. We want to look like George Perry's Eagle in the air to air shots! It's really neat to have a picture of yourself flying your own airplane. -Seth http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36702-formation-1/
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