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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: jetdriven Speaking of flying dogs, this (female) pooch (retriever mix) we just got does not have a name, and we are taking suggestions. Something aviation themed.
  2. A36....
  3. Quote: jetdriven We rent out the 747 if you have dogs or elephants.
  4. Fine solution, but was the "paperwork" a 337 w/ field approval? If so, we need a copy!
  5. Quote: Parker_Woodruff It really is possible to dislike the current administration and still have many complaints with the Bush years.
  6. This weekend not good.... http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=AMX&product=NCR
  7. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Compromising is what got us into this mess.
  8. Quote: JimR
  9. Quote: jetdriven
  10. Quote: N1026F 1) "Taxpayer" makes my point better--Tea Party Neocons are getting paid by taxpayers to simply sit up there and contribute nothing but criticism.
  11. Watch out Parker. Dan'l is a JD from Baylor.....
  12. Quote: jetdriven
  13. Quote: jetdriven Nah, you can fly lower and be legal.
  14. Quote: N1026F Anyone else doing this?
  15. All this blah-blah-blah harkens me back to the days when flying was romantic, the worst I was called was baby killer (but never to my face) and flight attendants where cute stewardesses. Watch this video on Eastern Airlines DC7, N836D, and note who the Captain is....Frank Moss, a good guy and a former Mooney driver. I hope that, like me, this video brings a smile to your face, unlike most of this thread. You folks are wounderful people but I, for one, don't give a flying rats ass about your political views.
  16. Quote: KSMooniac
  17. Quote: N1026F New to posting here Dan'l '04 Ovation2 Baylor JD '94
  18. However, if you don't want to do the math in your head, or you don't have a fuel flow gauge, just make a copy of the performance chart page in your POH, have it laminated, and keep it handy. You could have a silk screen made for your Rosens, but I think it would mess up your clear view when using them.
  19. One day long ago, when practicing the possible, impossible turn-back at 6,500', with a friend, our nose got a bit to high and the J gently rolled to the left, maybe 135 degrees, two turns and 1,500' to recover. It was amazing smooth, but not something I'd do on purpose. Full flaps, about 62 kts, boards out, a little head wind, a bit more braking than usual, flaps up on touch down, and 1,300 ft is very doable in my J. Again, not SOP. Well done, Mike!
  20. Quote: jetdriven I'm asking someone to put some facts or data forth instead of feelings, old wives tales, and misinformation.. They have no place in a professional cockpit.
  21. Quote: jetdriven ....since I have a differing opinion then I must be a "nazi" "socialist" "sick" or some other name you saw on Fox News. No wonder GA is going away with some of the attitudes I see on here. As it is, my wife and I must be the only under 50 somethings who own an airplane on this board. Probably a reason for that as well given some of the sentiment diplayed here. Perhaps we are all hopelessly divided. Everyone heil to the Republican Party, Fox News, Drudge Report!
  22. Quote: jetdriven All those "risks" have been addressed, and they are not risks. They do not exist. I'm still waiting for some concrete proof of some incident where someone ran a tank out, and switched to the other tank, followed the POH, and it did not restart. Just one.
  23. Quote: Mitch True, when you have such a close relationship with a good nearby paint shop that has that type of talent, but it's not the case for many of us in other parts of the country, and professional assistance is probably less than 5% of the cost of painting.
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