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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Wow. Suddenly I don't feel so bad about coming in between 80-90 hours this year, even with 4+ weeks for a tank reseal. December has been warmer with rain instead of snow, but I don't mind--I haven't had to shovel any rain yet! I even made my first Young Eagles flight, and next year will be able to give rides at our Airport Day event in June. My goal was to hit 500 hrs. this year, but am ending at 496.3 . . . Depending on what the weather brings, I could make it next week [i have a U-Haul appointment this weekend] or it could be March. Some years I have logged "0" in Jan & Feb!
  2. Doc-- That looks GREAT! Even though my AutoCAD 2007 can't open the dwg file . . . I need to check my own now. The one like this for the door needs to be redone, but it has a bearing in it. One too many passengers has leaned on the door while passing through, and I have bent it back into shape and Tri-Flow it regularly.
  3. Here's an article with direct links to Center audio, with a little from the accident plane. There is extensive audio from the tower vectoring a Cessna followed by a swarm of news choppers to the site. http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/IcingCitedInTBM700FreewayCrash_205909-1.html There was not enough left to determine fixed vs. rotor wing! Bad, bad times . . . Go/no-go can be complicated, and more capable aircraft just make foro a more complicated decision. I've only had to fight it twice. Once I landed short and drove the rest of the way; once I loaded the plane, called for another update then unloaded and set off on an 8 hour drive--no fun. The freezing rain in hilly terrain turned it into an overnight hotel stop with a total one-way travel time of 18+ hours. Did not have to explain to the wife why we were not flying, thanks to the ice on the road.
  4. My C has two access doors on the cowl, one for the oil and another in the same place on the left side. I peek around through both of them, look up the front for garbage, wiggle the alternator [ever since I found a mounting bolt laying in the bottom of the cowl!] and check the belt tension and oil level. That's about all that can be done.
  5. Thank you, Dale. I measured my cargo area with a sectional [unfolded height + ~½" long]. Looks like one will fit for sure, if it goes in first.
  6. That's great news! It's all I had to do to swap out blinkers on the belly, too, except they are wired in and I had to cut and re-crimp. Logged it in with an A&P oversight autograph; the LED landing light being owner-approved maintenance is excellent news.
  7. There's nothing like data. My baggage area is 21" long from the seat to the rear wall. Will a folded-up Citizen bike in a bag fit even standing up? It sure would be nice! Merry Christmas, ya'll!
  8. It could also be a defective/cracked heater box under the cowling, or a broken/disconnected/torn hose from the heat box to the firewall. You should have LOTS of heat!
  9. I've flown my regular O-360-powered Ranger without any heat problems at all, other than making myself too hot. My lowest departure so far was 8ºF, but I didn't think to check the OAT after climbout. I've also gone into Arnold Palmer in winter, arriving after dark for supper, only to find the ramp freshly plowed and the snow 8' or more deep. Even my wife was warm, and I think we took our coats off enroute due to temperature. Often we use about halfway on Cabin Heat, with the fresh air vent cracked to cool it off some. So I hate to say it, but methinks you have a problem. Did you make sure all outside vents were closed? the scoop, the footwell vents, the cabin air knob, and the big lever under the throttle quadrant? Are your heat vents inboard open? There are valves there that if closed will direct heat to the windshield for defrost, one on each side of the center. Mine are black, nice and easy to see under the panel. :-)
  10. Quote: nosky2high Hank, which LED Bell Strobe model did you go with? Is there a direct replacement for the factory red rotating beacon or is there some modifications the need performed?
  11. Great pictures, but now I'm concerned. While our baggage doors are the same size, your baggage area is considerably longer than mine. I.e., in your plane, the compartment appears longer than it is wide. Mine in considerably shorter along the fuselage than its width. Makes me wonder if even one will fit into mine. Now I'll have to go measure!
  12. Seems to happen in both "Post Reply" and "Quick Reply." I hit "submit" and there are four, six, ten, twelve posts. Like this time, it seemed to make a new post with each letter that I typed. But still, for the price, this forum can't be beat! I swear, I keep my fingers away from the "Enter" key . . . . .
  13. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start setting up before I enter the pattern.
  14. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start setting up before I enter t
  15. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start setting up before I e
  16. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start setting up
  17. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start setting u
  18. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to start
  19. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need to
  20. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I need t
  21. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields, I
  22. If it's not there already, I push Mixture and Prop forward when I deploy Takeoff Flaps on downwind. At shorter fields, that is immediately followed by gear down then lots of cranking on the trim wheel. On true Short Fields,
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