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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Just in case you are looking for fun places to fly your Mooney! Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld September 24th, EAA Fly-In, Mariposa/Yosemite, CA KMPI This is a classic community airport day. Static displays, raffle, pancake breakfast and fun for all. Mariposa is very close to Yosemite National Park. Point person: Ron McBride. Jolie Lucas N6619U http://www.MooneyAmbassadors.com
  2. Here are some photos of the fun event hosted by Vincent Dunn. The Ambassadors do have a few more events in the flying season. Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld Events We Encourage: In speaking with Trey, MAPA is continuing the "Mooney of the Month" in 2011 and will seek contributions from the membership. Photos should be color, JPG, high res. and portrait is preferred for a cover shot (see the Jan ’11 LOG for more about photos) and the article should include as much info. about the airplane, years of ownership, interesting flights etc. It sounds fun so put your story/photo together and submit to: mapa@sbcglobal.net. 2011 MAPA Safety Foundation PPP $795.00, schedule your class today. (Be proficient in your airplane) September 9-11 Pilot Proficiency Program, Atlantic City, NJ Oct. 7-9 Pilot Proficiency Program, Ownesboro, KY Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net MAPA Convention: 2011 MAPA CONVENTION UPDATE FROM TREY: Well folks it’s finally scheduled. This year we have decided to depart from our usual “once every three years” schedule of visiting Kerrville and return to the hometown of Mooney a year early. We do this so that if there is something new to report (no nothing important yet!) we will be nearby. October 20 – 23, 2011 we will occupy the YO Ranch Resort and Conference Center for the 37th consecutive meeting of the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association. We are putting together another great list of speakers and are beginning to contact exhibitors so mark October on your calendars now so that you can take part in the oldest and largest gathering of the Mooney family in the world. We will follow the successful format used last year in Colorado Springs – Welcome Reception with Exhibitors on Thursday evening, breakfast with the Exhibitors Friday morning and then begin seminars that afternoon. Once again we will plan only one seminar at a time so that no one has to pick and choose. Friday night after dinner we will all meet for dessert at the traditional Ice Cream Social. Saturday we will have seminars throughout the morning into early afternoon and the banquet will complete activities Saturday night. Watch future issues of the LOG and our website for more information. But mark your calendars now – October 20 through 23 at the YO in Kerrville. We will see you there! Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net Check out the promotional video for MAPA Homecoming 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07sezQHxSaY
  3. I am a Mac Girl too. From waaayyyy back. I love, as you probably know, IMovie and making fun videos.
  4. Hey Job, nice paint job. Stop bragging about how fast you fly! HA. Thank you for your service.
  5. I have to admit I love that they put in our photo and description. http://www.lakeintheskyairshow.com/performers_static.html This is a great annual event that draws upwards of 11,000 http://www.lakeintheskyairshow.com/airshow_schedule.html Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner [free] is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Ramp space is limited so let me know if you are coming!
  6. Need some options for the upcoming weeks? Here are some offerings for Mooney drivers... Wings Over Whitecourt Annual Airshow (Canada). Wings over Whitecourt is Thursday Aug. 4th. Appearances confirmed by the Canadian Military Snowbirds, P51 Mustangs, Classic cars etc. Point Person: Russ Anderson. Hot August Flights, Saturday August 6, 2001 in Salem Oregon (SLE) A Fly-in & car show. Come on Northwest flyers, come and enjoy Salem! Fly-In/Cruise-In Breakfast 7:30am-10am (portion of proceeds to benefit Civil Air Patrol) Outdoor BBQ, indoor full lunch menu Airplane Show & Displays Classic Car Show & Displays Airplane Rides by Graham Aviation Services Helicopter Rides Raffle for Lightspeed Zulu Headset (portion of proceeds to benefit Civil Air Patrol) Free Admission & Parking Point person: Vincent Dunn Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld Wanna see what we do? Safe skies Jolie N6619U--currently in paint at ArtCraft, SMX
  7. Erik I don't see the seminar online at AOPA. I suppose it is because they are still showing it around the country. I actually attended the seminar at OSH and they said that 50,000 had seen it! Yikes. At least my hair looked good. HA I will let you all know if the seminar becomes available online. Nutshell: #1 cylinder valve came unseated on a compression stroke apparently on takeoff. Departed Hood River, OR 4S2 runway 29. We were in the air maybe 90 seconds or so. Terrain rising to Mt. Defiance, we were not rising. I cut the engine and pitched up into flare. Six trees taken out by the Lucas tree trimming service. Landed upside down in a mud pond with trees on us. No intrusions into cabin. No major injuries. She protected us all the way to the ground.
  8. Come Fly with Us! We had a great time at Oshkosh. Mooney Happy Hour was a success. It was so nice to meet Mooney lovers from around the country. We sure missed MAPA and hope that next year we can all be at AirVenture together. Please review the following events. If there is one you are able to attend, please reply to this email with your details. Thank you for supporting our Mooney Airplane Company and Promoting General Aviation. Wings Over Whitecourt Annual Airshow (Canada). Wings over Whitecourt is Thursday Aug. 4th. Appearances confirmed by the Canadian Military Snowbirds, P51 Mustangs, Classic cars etc. Point Person: Russ Anderson. Hot August Flights, Saturday August 6, 2001 in Salem Oregon (SLE) A Fly-in & car show. Come on Northwest flyers, come and enjoy Salem! Fly-In/Cruise-In Breakfast 7:30am-10am (portion of proceeds to benefit Civil Air Patrol) Outdoor BBQ, indoor full lunch menu, Airplane Show & Displays Classic Car Show & Displays, Airplane Rides by Graham Aviation Services Helicopter Rides, Raffle for Lightspeed Zulu Headset, Free Admission & Parking Point person: Vincent Dunn Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld Events We Encourage: 2011 MAPA Safety Foundation PPP $795.00, schedule your class today. (Be proficient in your airplane) September 9-11 Pilot Proficiency Program, Atlantic City, NJ Oct. 7-9 Pilot Proficiency Program, Ownesboro, KY Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net MAPA Convention: 2011 MAPA CONVENTION UPDATE FROM TREY: Well folks it’s finally scheduled. This year we have decided to depart from our usual “once every three years” schedule of visiting Kerrville and return to the hometown of Mooney a year early. We do this so that if there is something new to report (no nothing important yet!) we will be nearby. October 20 – 23, 2011 we will occupy the YO Ranch Resort and Conference Center for the 37th consecutive meeting of the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association. We are putting together another great list of speakers and are beginning to contact exhibitors so mark October on your calendars now so that you can take part in the oldest and largest gathering of the Mooney family in the world. We will follow the successful format used last year in Colorado Springs – Welcome Reception with Exhibitors on Thursday evening, breakfast with the Exhibitors Friday morning and then begin seminars that afternoon. Once again we will plan only one seminar at a time so that no one has to pick and choose. Friday night after dinner we will all meet for dessert at the traditional Ice Cream Social. Saturday we will have seminars throughout the morning into early afternoon and the banquet will complete activities Saturday night. Watch future issues of the LOG and our website for more information. But mark your calendars now – October 20 through 23 at the YO in Kerrville. We will see you there! Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net YouTube promo: All the best, and blue skies! Mitch and Jolie
  9. Well as some of you know from AOPA's Close Calls, Lessons Learned that I have experience landing in the trees. As mentioned in an earlier post, I had the uprising terrain, without an engine producing the power necessary for flight. I was going to post pictures, but looking through them just now, I am not able to do it. Still pretty upsetting. I did have the voice of my instructor in my head saying "if you are going to hit something, hit it as slowly as possible, and hit the least expensive thing." We began to impact trees after I cut the engine and put the plane into a "landing flare" at 55 mph. Lots of lessons in my situation, but the two things I did absolutely right: 1) fly the airplane all the way to the ground; 2) don't try to turn around and go back to the airport if you don't have the altitude [i had 150 feet].
  10. Lemonaid for tomorrow will be at the ARTCRAFT booth. Mitch and I are headed home. They are in 3062. Erika and Teresa are going to try to make the lemonade the way that Lela from MAPA does! It was so nice to meet everyone! Go Mooney!
  11. Fun day today. It is Women's Day at AirVenture. We are being interviewed by G.A. News [Meg Godlewski]. Mooney Happy Hour 12-2. At 3:00 we are interviewing a Ford executive. Later in the evening is The Aviator's media event, then Lt. Dan Band. Made some great contacts with Women in Aviation. Oh and the Air and Space magazine editor....Whew, what a blast.
  12. We are having so much fun at Oshkosh/Airventure. Lots of folks are coming to Mooney Happy Hour every day. [building C hospitality room 12-2] We have met new friends and seen old friends. I am using Lela's lemonaid recipe from MAPA and so far, no complaints! Come and see us if you are here. Monday through Saturday, 12-2 Mitch and I are getting excited about the PGA Squared presentation at the EAA Museum's Vette Theater, Thursday 10:00 a.m. Will try to post updates as we can. Rain expected tomorrow, but so far weather has been great.
  13. The Caravan BBQ is ususally in the mass parking area where the Caravan parks. You might check out the website: http://mooneycaravan.com/MooneyCaravan/Default.aspx You don't have to eat to go! I think when Mitch and I went in 2009, we split a plate. Mooney Happy hour is a drop in from 12-2 in building C hospitality room. ArtCraft Paint is in C3062. There should be a Mooney flag flying there. Non-alcoholic! Cool drink and see some friends. Thursday: Our presentation on promoting G.A. 10-11:15 at EAA Vette's Theater. Airconditioned in the museum. Wear your Mooney shirt and come and see the presentation. See if you can count how many Mooneys are in it! HA Friday: Lt. Dan Band. I am going to try to save a row for Mooney pilots. I will do my best. My phone: 805-709-6619
  14. Photos in my gallery........couldn't get them to attach
  15. We are getting packed and excited about our trip "home" to Oshkosh. Here is our new T-shirt prototype. Hope to meet folks from the list. My image is not attaching. Will try again later Jolie 805-709-6619
  16. This from an email I received: Jolie, Saw your post in MooneySpace and traced the signature back to your page looking for contact info. I didn’t want to sign up to make one post so maybe you can pass this info to your group. I run the Bellanca Viking Forum, www.VikingPilots.com. My Livermore based friend was entering the pattern at Winslow yesterday in his Bellanca Super Viking. A Mooney departed then called with engine problems returning to the airport opposite direction. My friend circled giving the Mooney the right of way. He never saw or heard anything. Later he asked the Mooney for a position, no response to a couple of calls. He circled for a while longer then landed. Rolling out he saw the Mooney off the departure end of the runway on its back. He said it looked like the typical return to the airport stall spin accident. I had called my friend because he was in the accident reports too. Three hours hater he forced landed near Zuma NM on a dirt road. He said after seeing the Mooney accident all he could think of was watching his airspeed. Frank Holbert http://160knots.com
  17. We lost a wonderful persona and owner of N300RA based at Reid-Hillview, CA. Chris lost his battle with cancer. He was such a wonderful person and loved his Mooney. Tailwinds Chris
  18. Let's all get together at AirVenture 2011. First off ArtCraft Painting and the Mooney Ambassadors are sponsoring Mooney Happy Hour 12-2 at the Building C hospitality room. Come have a cool drink and meet old/new friends. Our presentation: PGA Squared is on Thursday July 28th at 10:00 a.m. at EAA Museum's [airconditioned!] Vette Theater. Lt Dan Band is Friday night at the Theater in the Woods. I am going to try to save a row of seat for those with tails on in correct way. 805-709-6619 is my cell
  19. This is so sad to me. This weekend Mitch and I flew from Santa Maria, CA to Fullerton in 45 minutes, versus a 4 hour drive. Had a nice couple of days with friends. Then flew to Jackson/Westover in Northern California this morning. Again short flight 1 hour and 45 minutes instead of 7 hours on the road. Dropped off our boy at camp, then back in the air to Santa Maria 1 hour 10 minutes versus five in the car. We commented on how much we fly and how FUN it is. I just hate to lose anyone in our small Mooney family. I heard probably four other Mooneys in the air today as we were on following. I commented to Mitch that I always try to figure out if it is someone we know. I am sure that once the NTSB/FAA make a report we will know more. Perhaps it was density altitude and a stall/spin/pancake. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of those left behind.
  20. Here is a fun article from AOPA about our G.A. Walking video released this week. http://www.aopa.org/aircraft/articles/2011/110714ga_is_like_southwest_airlines.html Hope to see lots of you at AirVenture!
  21. That is so very sad. My thoughts are with the families in this tragic loss. There are always lessons we can learn, but for now just praying for those whose hearts have been broken
  22. July 9th, 2011 Menomonie Air Expo, WI, KLUM Come one, come all to the Menomonie Air Expo and Fly-In. Point person Bruce Trimble has five Mooneys, and is hoping to have another five or more! All the fun stuff: Pancake breakfast, static displays, including the Mooney Ambassadors, parachute jumpers, flight simulators. Come and join the fun. $.35 fuel discount. July 9, 2011 EAA 43rd Annual Cracker Fly-In, Lee Gilmer Memorial [KGVL], Gainesville, GA. A celebration of general aviation at one of the most active rural airports in Georgia. Last year more than 2500 people showed up to see more than 150 types of aircraft on static display. Come and display with the Ambassadors adn promote GA at this wonderful GA airport! Point Person: Jeff Schlueter Wings Over Whitecourt Annual Airshow (Canada). Wings over Whitecourt is Thursday Aug. 4th. Appearances confirmed by the Canadian Military Snowbirds, P51 Mustangs, Classic cars etc. Point Person: Russ Anderson. Hot August Flights, Saturday August 6, 2001 in Salem Oregon (SLE) A Fly-in & car show. Come on Northwest flyers, come and enjoy Salem! Fly-In/Cruise-In Breakfast 7:30am-10am Outdoor BBQ, indoor full lunch menu Airplane Show & Displays Classic Car Show & Displays Airplane Rides by Graham Aviation Services Helicopter Rides Raffle for Lightspeed Zulu Headset Free Admission & Parking Point person: Vincent Dunn Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Hotel and rental car discounts. Point Person: Jolie Lucas
  23. Point person Bruce Trimble advises there is a $.35 p/gallon fuel discount on the day of the event.
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